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Crystal Palace manager


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To be fair, I don't get why posters are keep going on about Pardew.


He left us months ago.




A: He's hated for torturing us for years on end


B: He keeps re-emphasizing how much of an odious cunt he is every time he opens his shit hole of a mouth.

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To be fair, I don't get why posters are keep going on about Pardew.


He left us months ago.




A: He's hated for torturing us for years on end


B: He keeps re-emphasizing how much of an odious c*** he is every time he opens his s*** hole of a mouth.


C: Because we can finally take pleasure in Pardspeak and his terrible football from distance.


D: Because he was and still is full of shit, and we're all looking forward to his demise.


If you don't want to talk about him, you don't have to click this thread.

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Jilted ex? More like ex, that was smacked about by a cowardly abuser every day, who is currently being heralded throughout society like an upstanding man of honour, waiting for the day he is finally exposed.

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Palace might have a good season.  However as we all know and fans of West Ham, Charlton and Southampton know eventually things will go to rat s*** for him, if it's this season or next.


Fraudsters gonna fraud

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Guest firetotheworks

The funny thing is, when TCD is finally right, like he seems to think that he actually always is, no one will care, because no one likes him. Go you!

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Jilted ex? More like ex, that was smacked about by a cowardly abuser every day, who is currently being heralded throughout society like an upstanding man of honour, waiting for the day he is finally exposed.

Pardew is Bill Cosby and we are those 14 year old girls he sexually abused. We never even wanted the fucker in the first place, and here we are suffering while everyone else loves him. We will be proven right in the end though and he'll crash and burn.

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Pardew is Bill Cosby and we are those 14 year old girls he sexually abused. We never even wanted the fucker in the first place, and here we are suffering while everyone else loves him. We will be proven right in the end though and he'll crash and burn.


Let's just hope we don't have to wait until he'd dead ala Saville.


Following the recent demise of Alan Pardew, OBE. allegations have surfaced that he molested 1,000's of geordies during his term as manager at Newcastle United. Police are refusing to confirm the exact quantity of complaints.


It is believed there were several hundred Southampton fans amongst the complainants and the numbers look set to rise as former Pardew clubs are being approached by investigators. It is uncertain at this time just how high up the ranks of football the knowledge of this has been systematically hidden. An anonymous FA spokesperson commented, 'Thank goodness we never gave him the England job, think how the psyche of the nations youth could have been damaged if these allegations prove to be correct'.


Pardew's record as a football manager and coach were, at the height of his career, beyond compare. Succesfully winning almost as many games as he lost and once coming within a few minutes of an FA Cup final before his 80th minute substitutions led to a 4-1 defeat. Pardew always denied his substitutions caused the rapid turn-around pointing to the fact that he always swapped LB's on the 80th minute and that his star player, who kept losing possesion by trying to score, simply had to come off.


It has also been suggested his activities were facillitated by John Carver. Carver, currently in a Brighton Care Home, has refused to comment in a statement released by his wife and lawyer who would only remark that "John had always played a straight bat' and was known throughout the country as one of England's finest coaches.


Long time personal friend and ex-media mouthpiece Lee Ryder, clutching his zimmer frame with colostomy bag attached, told us to F**k off whilst bizzarely licking the window of his own front door.

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Eh?  I don't get anything about that at all.  OK, it's the old Virgin Atlantic logo I guess?  Why?  Why would you want to 'fly' with Pardew?  I can understand spoofing a logo of a company that's maybe spelled like someone's name, but what the fuck is this?  And why "A.L"?  It's not a company with initials after it, just put either AL or A.P.  THey seem to be working within really odd constraints they've set themselves for no reason at all.

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Eh?  I don't get anything about that at all.  OK, it's the old Virgin Atlantic logo I guess?  Why?  Why would you want to 'fly' with Pardew?  I can understand spoofing a logo of a company that's maybe spelled like someone's name, but what the f*** is this?  And why "A.L"?  It's not a company with initials after it, just put either AL or A.P.  THey seem to be working within really odd constraints they've set themselves for no reason at all.


I think when he scored that stupid goal they had fly virgin on their kit.


Still a terrible idea and a terrible shirt in honour of a terrible human being, so I guess it works from that standpoint.

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