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Wecant score goals, I know we scored 3 against Palace but this is very rare for us.  At the start of the season I was convinced NUFC would just chugg along this season, in no danger of going down and not enough to actually do anything.  Now I actually think we have serious problems.




Of course we can score goals. We have more than enough ability in the team and the squad to score goals frequently. What we don't have is a manager who is either interested in that side of the game or capable of setting up the team to do so. 



Our goals scored may increas if we ditch Pardew but at present under Pardew we dont score very many.  We usual win a game 1-0 or 2-1..On the flip side if we concede first we normally go on to get a sound thrashing as Pardew is unable to change his team...and te team has no confidence to come back from a negeative score line.




And for that reason he's the absolute worst manager we could have in this current situation. Caution, nicking wins and focusing on defensive solidity with a below average defence is suicidal. We don't have a Cabaye, Ba, Remy, Carroll etc. that will drag him out of this situation.

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Wecant score goals, I know we scored 3 against Palace but this is very rare for us.  At the start of the season I was convinced NUFC would just chugg along this season, in no danger of going down and not enough to actually do anything.  Now I actually think we have serious problems.




Of course we can score goals. We have more than enough ability in the team and the squad to score goals frequently. What we don't have is a manager who is either interested in that side of the game or capable of setting up the team to do so. 



Our goals scored may increas if we ditch Pardew but at present under Pardew we dont score very many.  We usual win a game 1-0 or 2-1..On the flip side if we concede first we normally go on to get a sound thrashing as Pardew is unable to change his team...and te team has no confidence to come back from a negeative score line.




And for that reason he's the absolute worst manager we could have in this current situation. Caution, nicking wins and focusing on defensive solidity with a below average defence is suicidal. We don't have a Cabaye, Ba, Remy, Carroll etc. that will drag him out of this situation.


We know that, Pardew knows that, the media dont seem to want to accept it.  Some of the media anyway.



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Wecant score goals, I know we scored 3 against Palace but this is very rare for us.  At the start of the season I was convinced NUFC would just chugg along this season, in no danger of going down and not enough to actually do anything.  Now I actually think we have serious problems.




Of course we can score goals. We have more than enough ability in the team and the squad to score goals frequently. What we don't have is a manager who is either interested in that side of the game or capable of setting up the team to do so. 



Our goals scored may increas if we ditch Pardew but at present under Pardew we dont score very many.  We usual win a game 1-0 or 2-1..On the flip side if we concede first we normally go on to get a sound thrashing as Pardew is unable to change his team...and te team has no confidence to come back from a negeative score line.




And for that reason he's the absolute worst manager we could have in this current situation. Caution, nicking wins and focusing on defensive solidity with a below average defence is suicidal. We don't have a Cabaye, Ba, Remy, Carroll etc. that will drag him out of this situation.


We know that, Pardew knows that, the media dont seem to want to accept it.  Some of the media anyway.




Does Pardew know that though?! He knows he doesn't have the player to drag him out of the shit but he's more likely to go ultra defensive than throw caution to the wind. He's also the most arrogant man alive so he's hardly going to admit his principles are flawed regardless of the personnel he has available to him.

I have no doubt that he'll convince himself that the vast majority of fans are still behind him and the protests are from the minority, and who are the media more likely to listen to, him or us? Sports writers and ex-players are all sycophants. They're like a fucking cult the way they protect each other and refuse to speak out against one of their own.

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Wecant score goals, I know we scored 3 against Palace but this is very rare for us.  At the start of the season I was convinced NUFC would just chugg along this season, in no danger of going down and not enough to actually do anything.  Now I actually think we have serious problems.




Of course we can score goals. We have more than enough ability in the team and the squad to score goals frequently. What we don't have is a manager who is either interested in that side of the game or capable of setting up the team to do so. 


Don't buy that at all. Genuine lack of quality throughout the side and on the bench. Pardew will relegate us but a good manager could only get us to the top off the crap but not all that crap mini league that Palace won last year.

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All his eggs were in the Cabella/De Jong basket. They've not settled for one reason or another and we'll be in it knee-deep by Xmas i'm certain.

For some reason he's decided to put all the defensive eggs in the ever reliable Willo/Colo/Fistpumps basket which is sure to implode and cost us points regardless through injury alone. If Colo and FP make it to Jan without concurrent injuries i'll be shocked

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Was just coming in here to post that, though it is good to see a bit of link up between our fanzines for a change.


Wonder if it's someone from the Mag doing it?


Was gonna ask if anyone thinks it's The Mag's own doing, but it's not an entity in itself is it? Isn't just a place for different indy writers to publish their stuff? As in The Mag itself doesn't have a defined agenda?

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Was just coming in here to post that, though it is good to see a bit of link up between our fanzines for a change.


Wonder if it's someone from the Mag doing it?


Was gonna ask if anyone thinks it's The Mag's own doing, but it's not an entity in itself is it? Isn't just a place for different indy writers to publish their stuff? As in The Mag itself doesn't have a defined agenda?


It could easily be The Mag, Mark Jensen absolutely hates Pardew.

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Was just coming in here to post that, though it is good to see a bit of link up between our fanzines for a change.


Wonder if it's someone from the Mag doing it?


Was gonna ask if anyone thinks it's The Mag's own doing, but it's not an entity in itself is it? Isn't just a place for different indy writers to publish their stuff? As in The Mag itself doesn't have a defined agenda?


It could easily be The Mag, Mark Jensen absolutely hates Pardew.


It's very professional so could be someone from The Mag. Someone like Mark Jensen would be able to collate all that information I'd think.

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Was just coming in here to post that, though it is good to see a bit of link up between our fanzines for a change.


Wonder if it's someone from the Mag doing it?


Was gonna ask if anyone thinks it's The Mag's own doing, but it's not an entity in itself is it? Isn't just a place for different indy writers to publish their stuff? As in The Mag itself doesn't have a defined agenda?

It could easily be The Mag, Mark Jensen absolutely hates Pardew.


I thought you were involved?

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Louis Van Gaal ...


“Football nowadays is not just a commercial business, but also to entertain the people.


"When there are no fans any more, nobody shall come to the stadiums. Even the broadcasters won’t come any more, so it’s very important we please the fans.”



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Louis Van Gaal ...


“Football nowadays is not just a commercial business, but also to entertain the people.


"When there are no fans any more, nobody shall come to the stadiums. Even the broadcasters won’t come any more, so it’s very important we please the fans.”







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How often do the facts get updated?


I see a hell of a lot on the Derby Record but little on the others. Way too much focus on the Derby record considering that is one of the minor things, compared to the rest.


Why are you asking over here? Don't you think you'll have better luck asking them directly? :lol:

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How often do the facts get updated?


I see a hell of a lot on the Derby Record but little on the others. Way too much focus on the Derby record considering that is one of the minor things, compared to the rest.


I mean, the derby is certainly an important date for Newcastle fans, and a very useful stick to beat him with.

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It's a great website. Too great almost. I still have the feeling that someone big is behind it otherwise they would have said who they are? By big I mean possibly a journalist or two? Chronicle? It's certainly a highly professional outfit with access to a massive bank of statistics (rules out the Chronicle :lol:)


Certainly a new way of doing things, and I hope they continue in this vein and not let us down.

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With respect, it's not that great and it's not that professional, as a hobbyist web developer I could have knocked that together - I think it's likely more someone from this very forum.


Not saying it's bad at all.. just that I know what I see :)

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