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Piece of piss, tbh.


This was the scariest thing about it. :lol:


You were playing Sweden and it's not Hockey. Put your fucking pants back on you absolute jammy brankos.


We could have been a much worse team like the USA tbh

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Piece of piss, tbh.


This was the scariest thing about it. :lol:


You were playing Sweden and it's not Hockey. Put your fucking pants back on you absolute jammy brankos.


We could have been a much worse team like the USA tbh


:lol: Telling me we're shite isn't breaking any news. We're a joke.

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Italia 90 has been immortalised for 28 years and here we are again. A new moment for a new generation.


The route has been pathetically easy but so what.


No path is easy man. Give yourselves some credit.


Germany finished last in their group.


At the end of the day you have to go out there and perform.

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The camera cutting from the Swedish fans to England fans is like cutting from Rivendell to Mordor.


:lol: Have they been able to cut to a single attractive English female this entire match? Even the guy dressed in drag with a blonde wig just then is apparently more appealing.


Have better luck finding a unicorn


Bless the American trying to stay relevant in a World Cup thread. :aww:


:lol: Four years of this.


:lol: I like that they’re discovering that they don’t have to be relentlessly bitter all the time, but when the britches get so big that they start acting like us, it’s time to step in.

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Two more chances that Wor Mike's marketing splash will blow up in his face.


First time I've actively wanted Eng to falter deep in the tourney.

Thought you were English? ???

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