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Chancel Mbemba


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Not sure why some people like to nitpick :lol:  It's a football forum that's why, you have to determine the attributes and weaknesses of players. Watching football would be pointless if you didn't nitpick the attributes of the players


Mbemba was good at the back end of the season but he did make some vital errors and looked shaky during the course of the season, which people have rightly picked up on. Obviously you have to think about the circumstances he was thrown into but stuff like him giving the ball away right in the middle of the pitch for one of Man Utd's goals was his fault, for example.

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With more organisation and improved quality across the board I'm sure we won't see the same sort of mad shit like his through ball to Jelavic to give West Ham a goal against us. Rafa will keep him spot on.

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With more organisation and improved quality across the board I'm sure we won't see the same sort of mad s*** like his through ball to Jelavic to give West Ham a goal against us. Rafa will keep him spot on.


Agreed. Easy to forget he's (allegedly) 21, a baby in centre-back terms. Lascelles too, good future potential partnership if they both play a decent chunk of games together.

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Depends on his brain. I like him a lot and like Bramble he's obviously got some great attributes, just depends on his capacity to listen and learn to improve his positioning, concentration and sloppiness at times.


Providing he's not an idiot he should become good enough for when we are hopefully a top 10 kind of team though.

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Hope we hold onto him, he'll find this league easy as anything.

Don't think there's been anyone linked has there?


Valencia and Arsenal.

Didn't know that. Doubt Arsenal will be buying another centre half anyway

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Hes (supposedly) younger than Stones so no doubt we'd value him £20 mill+, don't know if anybody would be prepared to pay that this late on in the window


Not even an undertone :lol:


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Guest Howaythetoon

Very good today, won many headers and cleared the ball a lot. He loves a run up field as well. Notably Lascelles looks much better alongside him....

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