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Guest firetotheworks

It's going to get to the point very soon where his blatant bullshittery will be viewed in the same way that Joe Kinnear's is like.

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It's going to get to the point very soon where his blatant bullshittery will be viewed in the same way that Joe Kinnear's is like.


If only. Once he's relieved of his duties at West Brom, he'll be invited to provide his 'expert' opinions on tv and paid handsomely for it. I could probably make my peace with him if he'd just fuck off into the sunset and sell double glazing for a living for the remaining years of his hideous career.

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Sure they'll be a few players here who'll want to see him suffer. I don't think its lost on the collective bunch of players just how much this fraud is hated here. If they are in any doubt, that feeling will be vocally aired should he still be there when we play them.

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Wouldn't it be epic if we could be the ones who confirm his relegation ?


Life isn't that kind. They'll probably sack him before our game and get a new manager bounce.


How long is his contract? I'm just wondering what sort of compensation they are going to have to pay the cunt, because that must be burning the owners something bad.

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Bet Lascelles can’t stand him.  Like chalk and cheese character-wise those 2. 


*edit* Not even sure if Lascelles had much to do with him as he went straight back on loan to Forest i think, therefore i’m probably talking shit.


You certainly have previous

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Bet Lascelles can’t stand him.  Like chalk and cheese character-wise those 2. 


*edit* Not even sure if Lascelles had much to do with him as he went straight back on loan to Forest i think, therefore i’m probably talking s***.


You certainly have previous

And there was me thinking i was 1 of the forum’s most enlightening and articulate posters  :hmm:

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Definitely trying to talk his way into a sacking & payoff.


Hope WBA call his bluff and keep him in charge like, they’re down anyway - let him suffer or resign and walk away with fuck all.


By the sounds of it, they can sack him for fuck all after they have been relegated, which is why they are waiting.


Best of both world's, Pardew has a relegation on his CV and gets nowt in terms of compo.


They should fine him for misconduct too.

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I loved how part of his (sprawling) defence of the result yesterday he basically referenced how hard he’d been working all week. Think he said he’d done absolutely everything he could. Basically just highlighting his complete ineptitude. Losing 4-1 at home is him doing ‘absolutely everythjng’. :lol:


By talking about how hard he worked all week, of course he was really having a dig at his players for giving up in the last twenty minutes, something he also managed to mention in his sprawling defence of himself. I'll bet those players will be busting a gut for him in the next match, assuming he's not sacked by then.

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I love how a large percentage of West Brom fans are prepared to suffer 8 more games under this cunt just so he doesn't get a handsome payoff...he's got an uncanny ability to make fans of his teams not give a fuck about results like  :lol:

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if i was a west brom fan, i'd want answers from the boardroom as to who suggested pardew as manager - and on what basis.


shocking appointment.


happy as it increased our chances of staying up by 33%.

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