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Rafael Benitez

Jesse Pinkman

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The last 30 secs about the transfers.


This have to be an contract breach if he had in the contract that he had controll over transfers?


That is worrying.


More then worrying for me, thats the end of this saga for me to the summer.


If it was true that Rafa was supposed to have full controll of the transfers, he was totaly fucked over.

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The last 30 secs about the transfers.


This have to be an contract breach if he had in the contract that he had controll over transfers?


Depends what 'control' means. I doubt he's contacted to do the negotiating.


I doubt there's any sort of 'breach of contract'. He did his bit, other people didn't do their's. Presumably because of orders from Ashley.


Can't deny that that is really worrying. I think Rafa leaving would be an overreaction at this stage. But worrying indeed. We were fucking terrible last night n'all.

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I just don't get it with Ashley. WTF does he think is going to happen if he pushes Rafa too far and he leaves? Who does he think will come to us and work under him and Penfold to get us back to the PL and keep us up? You'd think that he would have learnt lessons from the KK fiasco. So frustrating supporting us man.

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I dont think we will go anywhere or achive anything before Mike sells the club, easy as that.


Until then, its just misery and torture.


I can see Steve comming back in after the summer and Rafe decide he is to fed up and cant be arsed anymore.

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The straw that broke the camel's back when it came to Keegan was having decision-makers above him, signing players he didn't want. We're nowhere near that level of twattery yet, fortunately. The situation isn't nuclear atm, it just bodes really badly for the future.

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This is even worse then before. I actually had hope that the fat fucking cunt had changed and this was a new chapter. But instead he fucking rewinds the tape and go back to his old stupid fucking ways. Why wouldn't you give Rafa what he asked for. Its clear for everyone that we need a few extra players. But when (cause its a when since he got stabbed in the back) Rafa goes. I am totally done.

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I didn't think there was any need to worry YET, maybe I was deluded/burying my head in the sand because there clearly now is.  If you read Mark Douglas's tweets he pretty much confirms Ashley is dictating what players we will sign and a 'certain someone is in his ear', obviously Graham Carr.  Such a f****** shambles and a s*** storm is about to engulf the club once again, I'll be done with it all as thousands will.  They can get f***** tbh.

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I think he's staying to get the job done, but I'd be surprised if hes here in the summer. He's clearly getting fucked over. Just out of coincidence did this shit start when Pardew became available again? :rolleyes:

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I think he's staying to get the job done, but I'd be surprised if hes here in the summer. He's clearly getting f***ed over. Just out of coincidence did this s*** start when Pardew became available again? :rolleyes:


Yes, pretty much.

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The last 30 secs about the transfers.


<b>This have to be an contract breach if he had in the contract that he had control over transfers?</b>


I agree that it's worrying from a "Rafa being pissed off" perspective, but it's highly unlikely that it's a contract breach. Rafa was announced in the summer as having control over all football matters. That would never ever include decisions on what budgets are though. Obviously it depends on what happened, but if it's simply that Ashley / Charnley has told him that there was no money... then I can't see how that could be a contract breach. If they actually made decisions about not signing certain players above his head, that would be, of course.

Not sure how you can state it isn't when you have no idea what his contract states but carry on.

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I think he's staying to get the job done, but I'd be surprised if hes here in the summer. He's clearly getting f***ed over. Just out of coincidence did this s*** start when Pardew became available again? :rolleyes:



Its the beginning of the end.

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Rafa's comments about transfers, after the QPR match is very worrying. I cannot see him being able to stay with us, if this is how he now feels.




In the interview Benitez signalled his frustration at a failure to add to his squad during the January transfer window, indicating he was hoping to strengthen but wasn't given the backing by the club to do so.


"My decision was very clear, [but] it was not my decision," he said. "I said what I wanted and needed, and what the team needed, and that was it."

My personal reply would be "If you used your squad less dogmatically we would only be using this window for next season"..........even saying that I'd rather Rafa than a "Pardew, MaClaren, Carver"


O u would rather Rafa,that's good to know! Fucking hell man!

My personal reply would be we are 2nd in the league scored the most goals, sold 3 of our better players!look at villa and Norwich!

Honestly I can't see how u can expect to just canter to the title by 20points we were an absolute shambles last season

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So, out of 10 how would you rate the quality of players Rafa has bought already?


No more than a 5 for me.



FFS - we're a Championship team so what did you expect?


Villa have spent nearly £40 million more - how do you rate theirs?

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As said in other topic, I think what has been agreed last summer was Rafa is given a budget to manage and spend.  Thats the control of transfer guaranteed to Rafa and obviously this was in place last summer, or else we wouldnt see the likes of Diame, Hanley and Murphy.


What makes the difference this time could be down to

1.  Ashely gone back to his words and give Rafa a middle finger

2.  That money has been spent already and what Rafa want this window is the extra bit which is not guaranteed and subject to Ashleys approval.


Certainly both would piss Rafa off but I cant blame the fat cunt much if it is case 2 to be honest.  Rafa did have to bear the responsibility of wasting money on those fringe players like gamez, lazaar, hanley and murphy.  Yes the likes of Gayle Hayden Clark are great buys but Ritchie Diame are just average at best. 


Rafa should have had enough resources to get us promotion, and if we have to spend, we should spend on those that are still useful after promotion.  The likes of Hanley are 100% deadwood next year and we still need to find ways to move them out.

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As said in other topic, I think what has been agreed last summer was Rafa is given a budget to manage and spend.  Thats the control of transfer guaranteed to Rafa and obviously this was in place last summer, or else we wouldnt see the likes of Diame, Hanley and Murphy.


What makes the difference this time could be down to

1.  Ashely gone back to his words and give Rafa a middle finger

2.  That money has been spent already and what Rafa want this window is the extra bit which is not guaranteed and subject to Ashleys approval.


Certainly both would piss Rafa off but I cant blame the fat cunt much if it is case 2 to be honest.  Rafa did have to bear the responsibility of wasting money on those fringe players like gamez, lazaar, hanley and murphy.  Yes the likes of Gayle Hayden Clark are great buys but Ritchie Diame are just average at best. 


Rafa should have had enough resources to get us promotion, and if we have to spend, we should spend on those that are still useful after promotion.  The likes of Hanley are 100% deadwood next year and we still need to find ways to move them out.


fair points

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