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Right now, in this moment, it’s an enthralling time to sign for Sunderland. Don’t look at it as another contract. Look at it as destiny.


There's so much gold in there.



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I can't wait for the delusion bubble to burst.


It never will like  :lol:  The last two years has surely taught us that.

12 months from now they will be the massivest ever club to play in the fourth division and "our fans" will be patting each other on the back as their 50 pound season ticket sales pass the 10,000 mark.

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That's an amazing call to arms, incredible delusions of grandeur. Whoever wrote that has totally missed the fact that the vast majority of 3rd division level players are earn between £60K and £130K per year. That's a decent salary by most standards but chances are they are only going to see that level of income for somewhere between 8 and 12 years of their working life. After that, who knows? Possibly a job in lower league coaching, sports/fitness, maybe physiotherapy, whatever, but on ordinary wages for the rest of their lives.


If I was a some journeyman striker in the third division the only things I would be concerned with would be a) am I playing for a professional, stable club and b) how much could I earn in the period of my contract.


"That is why you should sign for Sunderland. Only that. So, come and be that man and feel the tender embrace of our love for the next 50 years of your life. Learn something new. Do something different. Convince yourself you have no limits. Welcome to Sunderland."


Err, no.

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