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Phil Parkinson set to be announced as new manager  :lol:


Good choice tbh.


He usually starts ok then fucks up.So yea good choice.

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If they've got so many mods across different time zones why can't they merge a thread?

Amazing that anyone saying anything off agenda is called a Mag and instantly banned. However their members can be openly racist, argue in defence of peadophiles, and one even admitted to killing animals, yet they never get a ban.
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There was a good poster from Teeside called JohnnyM1 who got banned because he insisted Sunderland were their derby rivals. His threads weren't abusive but didn't tow the 'agreed' truths. Another lad from America got banned for being too intelligent and some didn't understand his points of disagreement correctly and he was reported and banned... fukin sensitive lot imo  :blush:

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The Don taking a lot of flak and crying off Twitter. Sad that they’re turning on their own when there’s so many genuine enemies of the people out there.


Likewise RTG, very angry. He is appointing a new manager who meets their criteria and still locals are fewming.

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Guest godzilla


It's enjoyable the way it's going, when only 2 weeks ago they thought they were going to take over the world. If these don't go up they are in big big trouble.

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They are already in big trouble , the pack are stacked up behind them and will drop again if they dont beat wycombe.

No money to buy players either, glorious.

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Is this not the Dons planned early season social media holiday? Seem to remember he also had a social media holiday at the end of last season.


To be fair to him he plans them well for when things look like they might be a bit stressful

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