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Steve Brute


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Danny Murphy and Shearer refuse to criticse Bruce, on MotD.


Shearer seemed to do a half-arsed "no fan wants the club to just merely exist..." then didn't follow up on it.


Danny Murphy looks like an angry egg so I don't listen to his opinion.


Honestly sick to fuck of hearing Lineker telling us about how Shearer jumps about with joy off screen when we win, but then he has no opinion on national television about anything other than the players failing individually. If Shearer can't comment publicly about his mates on MOTD then just stay away from commenting on NUFC games as a rule.

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I think Shearer has got a lot better as a pundit but I don't want to hear pundits opinions on their friends. I understand Shearer not wanting to stick the knife in but he should then probably not be asked to either defend or criticism Bruce. It is giving Bruce an easier time than other managers.

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Does his quote about only wanting to avoid relegation really surprise anyone. We all know that as long as Ashley is here this will be a deadbeat, unambitious club that merely wants 17th or higher every year. Staying in the league is the best we can hope for with such a money-grabbing unambitious owner. Had the takeover happened and new ambitious owners arrived, Bruce would not have lasted a wet day, and we all know that.

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The thing is, he’ could be doing the job to the best of his ability. It’s just that it’s nowhere near good enough to be a successful professional manager.


He’ll never admit that he’s at fault because that would mean he has to do something to improve himself and sure why would he do that. He’ll get 5 million quid for being fired here at some point this season, have a little holiday and then some other shitebag club will give him another chance.


He’s gone into full on attack the fans and paint himself into a corner with Mike Ashley mode. It’s not in any way subtle and I have a feeling Mike Ashley might just hang him out to dry here at some point soon.


My hatred for him is quickly escalating to Pardew levels but at least we were never this bad under Pardew, I’ll have to give him that.

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The thing is, he’ could be doing the job to the best of his ability. It’s just that it’s nowhere near good enough to be a successful professional manager.


He’ll never admit that he’s at fault because that would mean he has to do something to improve himself and sure why would he do that. He’ll get 5 million quid for being fired here at some point this season, have a little holiday and then some other shitebag club will give him another chance.


He’s gone into full on attack the fans and paint himself into a corner with Mike Ashley mode. It’s not in any way subtle and I have a feeling Mike Ashley might just hang him out to dry here at some point soon.


My hatred for him is quickly escalating to Pardew levels but at least we were never this bad under Pardew, I’ll have to give him that.


I dunno about that tbh. Remember our form in 2014? 5 wins out of the first 26 games.

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Surely it's just recentism that would see the appearance of comments about him being worse than Pardew.


At the same time, I feel much more unconcerned about Bruce's failings. If anything questioning why people have the energy to form such opinions about the man. When he was hired it was clear what the ambition for the club was, if it wasn't already before that.


He is indeed fulfilling his remit.

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Pardewball was helped immensely by Carr finding dodgy contracts to buy out for good talent on the continent. at its core it's a different kind of bad to bruceball but not, imo objectively worse. it was made to seem worse by the megacunt status of Alan.


Bruceball is planless, shapeless, formless, toothless and hopeless, helmed at all times by a sad stupid wanker who doesn't know any - and can't change for the - better. In terms of footballing direness this is miles past Pardewball hands down every day of the week and twice on sundays.

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Bruce still talks about "fans on the internet" and "fans on social media" like it's 1996 and having a web presence means you're some kind of non-representative sun-fearing geek running a BBS. Like social media and the Internet doesn't include, you know, every Newcastle fan on the planet with a smartphone.


Exactly, but sadly Brucie probably struggles to operate a cashpoint the useless prick.

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It’s all pretty simple with Bruce .


He’s useless, clueless and stuck in a time warp , should never have been given the job ...simple.


His remit we now know is to stay up, nothing new? We all know this, we know who the real Kunt is here yet this cabbage knew all this , he should have had the pride to say no , I’m a fan, no that’s not what I’m in football for , surviving I’m better than that?


But he didn’t , he talked shite , believed in his own shite and now the truth comes out he’s fucked .



It’s now all going as we predicted, he can’t change it, he will lose a heap of games coming up and still be here, no fans to hold him to account .



If you don’t hate the club right now I’ve no idea what you want in life for it, it’s very sad but I’m tired of it , we all are.

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Bruce is just worse than Pardew at the minute. Claiming to be a local lad but at the same time saying Newcastle are a bottom half team, or fans should realise that we are nobody, and blaming fans for this and that, makes him a bigger c*** than Pardew.

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His press conferences now seem to have taken the format of an early Boris Covid update, with no follow up questions allowed.


Never watched the match and have no intention of watching them again whilst Bruce is there, however what’s clear this season is that Man City aren’t the same team.


Bruce was clearly however going to try and spin anything less than a 5 nil defeat as a reaction and improvement. What he clearly is not going to mention is that West Brom got a point there and Fulham give them a run for there money.


A Manc b****** to the core and plastic Geordie. He’s been disloyal and odious throughout his managerial career and if we’re not careful very capable of taking us down.

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changed his mind then. the dishonest fuck.


from claiming to be aiming for the top 10 at the beginning of the season, he now admits what we all know.


he is a yes man with no ambition or an inch of self-respect.


been told by ashley to  come in and as long as we finish at least 17th, he'll be in a job. doesnt expect any more from Bruce, and now we know Bruce doesnt expect anything more from himself either.


coward, loser, shameless, charlatan, pupper, no-balls, no relf-repsect... and so on.


now i definitley hate him him more than pardew and kinnear - at least they pretended we had some ambition.


Zoinks, Scoob

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I think, I think I've had enough of discussing the club and bothering with it now. I'm done until a takeover happens, I'm just getting nothing from it anymore, I'm just no longer bothered or interested. I don't think it even had anything to do particularly with the last two matches, Bruce and his excuses are just the miniscule last thing that's tipped me over the edge, there's just no point to it. I'm done.


...of course, it could also be that post-Christmas despondency and Tier 4 settling in, but I've had enough of feeling like it already and being a supporter of a club that could and should be so much more isn't helping.

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