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Various: N-O has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley's tenure

Jinky Jim

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Guest The Little Waster

It has always suited British and American interests for the Saudi regime to be authoritarian , just keep the oil flowing and the arms sales rolling in

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We sat back with the rest of the UN and let mass genocide happen in the Bosnia and the Balkans, and Rwanda, sat back watched it happen.

China executes thousands of it's own citizens every year. Russia with their invasion of Ukraine. There's loads of countries you could add to a list of unsuitability.


The rights and wrongs are there for everyone to see, should it be matter when it comes to sport ?

Saudi Arabia is changing for the better, and fairly rapidly, should that be taken in to account ?


I don't know, is it OK ? No one is ever going to be happy.


Selfishly getting rid of the animal who owns us, from the Purgatory we're in is welcome. Personally i wish it was someone with cleaner CV, but it is what it is.




That’s not true though is it?


Yes, it is true. Having spent time there with work (our company has since disinvested, some macro reasoning but also based on valuations), I have spoken to tens if not hundreds of people in their twenties and thirties in Riyadh who are open, global and good people who have studied outside Saudi and want to see and be part of it become a more open and tolerant society, while also being fiercely proud of their country and their religion.


Saudi Arabia has a million miles to go to become close to being as progressive and advanced in certain areas as they could and should be if held to Western standards, but if you genuinely think they aren't moving forward in this regard when you look at generational trends, then you've not looked beyond headlines in the last few years. By way of a very obvious example, last time I was there several meetings with big banks and the regulator were led by females. Something this simple was inconceivable until fairly recently.


Are they trying to use sports to improve their global standing and become more integrated in the western world? Absolutely. Does this make me feel uncomfortable when associated with my team? In some ways it does, in others I'm fairly accepting that this is cause and effect of broader society these days. Am I going to stop following / not attend games as a result? No, it means too much and it's been way too long since I've been able to truly enjoy watching Newcastle. If this comes off then it's mine and my dad's time to get to games and have some hope while he's still able. If it makes me a hypocrite so be it.


It does get somewhat boring reading the standard left sided trope rolled out whenever it can be applied of Saudi (or US, or Israel) bad and evil without any balancing factors for the other sides involved in these proxy wars and nothing more than rudimentary understanding of the underlying centuries of religious and political discourse that have got the world to where it is. It becomes even more taxing watching it played out on a football forum. But such is life.


And the changes in political trends rather than social trends? If they've changed, great, but all I see in this post is the Saudi version of conflating the generational trends of the average Bernie Sanders supporter with Donald Trump the person.


Reasonable question, I'd argue both. Like or loathe him, MBS is the most outward looking ever, on virtually any metric you care to name. I'd imagine even the tyrannical and murderous metrics if we had the data - although that's conjecture on my part as I don't have empirical evidence in front of me. But it's MBS who is pushing forward with reform and leading it. As Chris R mentions, it's a tightrope being walked as if he goes too fast the traditionalists will attempt to cut him down and pull power back a generation. But to be clear, this isn't me saying he's some glorious, open democrat. He's a product of his society and he comes from an incredibly privileged and sheltered upbringing and was raised during a puritanical and strict period which actually makes his views in relative terms to the above, very liberal.


And I'd say conflation also applies when you compare a presidential system in a liberal western democracy such as the US, to an ascension within a Royal family where no democracy applies. People in the US have a choice whether they follow Sanders or Trump or anyone else. Nobody in Saudi has any real choice in that regard and yet still the regime and the people are changing. Fingers crossed they carry on doing so and tragedies like Khashoggi are not an outward indication of a return to worse times.


Appreciate the response :thup: and I'll take it on board. I'm not the slightest bit convinced by MBS tbh, mainly because Khashoggi and Yemen are still the huge elephants in the room, but we'll see I guess. It's probably undeniable that it's put a bigger spotlight on him and Saudi, at the very least among Newcastle supporters, so we can be grateful for that.


I think this is a really valid point. It's gonna be on the margins of the bigger picture for the Saudis, but they will now know if they buy us, every week there will be global broadcasts where opposition fans would take great joy singing about such atrocities as and when they occur (as only football fans can...), which would cause a fair amount of embarrassment for MBS et al. As I say, not something they'd likely lose sleep over but something they must have considered. Just another way this is not Ashley - due diligence etc is paramount, so they must have weighed this in.

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I mean it’s really to answer: “not everything is black and white (pun well intended)”. It is like literally almost everything in life; something can be simultaneously good and bad. It’s possible to both enjoy and criticise without having an identity crisis, aneurysm, troll boner, student essay contest or panic attack.


We knew Shearer kicked Neil Lennon in the head and most of us probably admitted at the time it was a horrible, nasty and disappointing thing to do. He was still our hero and still gave us lots of happy times. I both enjoyed his work but was able to criticise other aspects of his work.


My fucking word, Susan.

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It has always suited British and American interests for the Saudi regime to be authoritarian , just keep the oil flowing and the arms sales rolling in


It's this sort of throwaway trite nonsense that debases debate. You've just tarred three governments / populations over an indefinite time period with an unsubstantiated soundbite in under 30 words. You should apply for a job as a headline writer at the Mail


(I edited my last comment, that was out of line and I apologise, I was frustrated but that's no reason to be rude)

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Fuckin hell now we're talking Nazi s*** in here?


It's not hyperbole to say that the Saudis are one of the closest things on Earth at the moment to the Nazis is it? If you were going to pick the most brutal regime around, is there one worse? North Korea possibly but at least they're not bombing anyone.


The UK had pretty good relations with the Nazi regime up until the outbreak of war, Edward VIII was a friend of Hitler. I don't think "our government likes them" is the most robust defence, you could say the same about Assad and Gaddafi, these people are always our "friends" until they're not.

You missed the point. Take all that moral s*** stuff to the other thread, not this one. Jeez.


This is the main takeover thread. It's going to be discussed whether you like it or not. Jeez.

So what do you want to happen, Wullie? Another boycoutt?


Not at all. A matter for the individual conscience this one I think. I don't think the FA/PL should be allowing any states to own football clubs but that ship's already sailed.

So what will be your personal stance out of interest? Will you continue to support the club and would you go to games?


Good question. Honest answer is I don't know. They've not even taken over yet so will just wait and see how things look once their feet are under the table I guess. Could be a long time before a ball is kicked at SJP but I don't have the aversion to giving them money that I had with Ashley.

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Fuckin hell now we're talking Nazi s*** in here?


It's not hyperbole to say that the Saudis are one of the closest things on Earth at the moment to the Nazis is it? If you were going to pick the most brutal regime around, is there one worse? North Korea possibly but at least they're not bombing anyone.


The UK had pretty good relations with the Nazi regime up until the outbreak of war, Edward VIII was a friend of Hitler. I don't think "our government likes them" is the most robust defence, you could say the same about Assad and Gaddafi, these people are always our "friends" until they're not.

You missed the point. Take all that moral s*** stuff to the other thread, not this one. Jeez.


This is the main takeover thread. It's going to be discussed whether you like it or not. Jeez.

So what do you want to happen, Wullie? Another boycoutt?


Not at all. A matter for the individual conscience this one I think. I don't think the FA/PL should be allowing any states to own football clubs but that ship's already sailed.

So what will be your personal stance out of interest? Will you continue to support the club and would you go to games?


Good question. Honest answer is I don't know. They've not even taken over yet so will just wait and see how things look once their feet are under the table I guess. Could be a long time before a ball is kicked at SJP but I don't have the aversion to giving them money that I had with Ashley.


Out of interest, when was the last time you went? Late last season for me but I've not been regularly for several years now, particularly to home games. I must confess I'm desperate to go back, lots driven by sentiment. Telling my old man when Rafa left that I was genuinely done with it all and wouldn't watch or listen anymore was heartbreaking. When he text me about games or asked on the phone, every time he thought I was joking or going to change my mind. I suppose this is another reason why I'm probably also erring on the positives here; Newcastle was our bond and a huge part of my life. I spent several weekends this last year genuinely pleased to have time back, do fun stuff and not worry about the football. But that was because virtually every semblance of hope was lost. Just the idea of having that kernel of hope and those dreams of any form of enjoyment back kicks up all those feelings again.

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Fuckin hell now we're talking Nazi s*** in here?


It's not hyperbole to say that the Saudis are one of the closest things on Earth at the moment to the Nazis is it? If you were going to pick the most brutal regime around, is there one worse? North Korea possibly but at least they're not bombing anyone.


The UK had pretty good relations with the Nazi regime up until the outbreak of war, Edward VIII was a friend of Hitler. I don't think "our government likes them" is the most robust defence, you could say the same about Assad and Gaddafi, these people are always our "friends" until they're not.

You missed the point. Take all that moral s*** stuff to the other thread, not this one. Jeez.


This is the main takeover thread. It's going to be discussed whether you like it or not. Jeez.

So what do you want to happen, Wullie? Another boycoutt?


Not at all. A matter for the individual conscience this one I think. I don't think the FA/PL should be allowing any states to own football clubs but that ship's already sailed.

So what will be your personal stance out of interest? Will you continue to support the club and would you go to games?


Good question. Honest answer is I don't know. They've not even taken over yet so will just wait and see how things look once their feet are under the table I guess. Could be a long time before a ball is kicked at SJP but I don't have the aversion to giving them money that I had with Ashley.


What would you anticipate happening that would sway you to boycott or not give them money?


I'm struggling to justify taking a moral stance against the takeover when I do use things like Twitter and Uber which are both heavily invested in by PIF. For me, its essentially the exact same thing as it would be supporting the club.


This "Sportswashing" moniker seems like a buzzword which ignores the actual reality which is that any investment the Saudi's make in anything is a form of 'image management.






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The differentiation is that Twitter / Uber etc are passive investments that I would guess involve very little interference at boardroom level, certainly not day to day even if they are taking an activist approach. With Newcastle, they will own us and they will use that ownership for their own means (as any owner would). I said the other day I wouldn't be surprised to see Aramco pop up on the shirts. I know airlines are common but Aramco have floated in the last 12 months, by total market cap are the biggest company in the world and you see Gazprom etc on shirts so no reason why wouldn't they want their biggest and most famous company getting some airtime, even if none of us will likely purchase directly from them - it's global brand recognition before multiple further float and funding rounds in future I'd guess. And of course, their chairman would be ours.

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Speaking of Warren Barton, there's a half hour interview with him about the takeover that's jut been recorded. I've not listened to it yet, but here it is:



Big fan of Warren. Doesn't get the same recognition as some players of that era, but a long serving player who always put a shift in, and always has good words to say. Sometimes when you're watching a stream and we win you can tell he's buzzing.


Also crazy to think he cost £4m in 1995 (as a right back), whereas a bulk of our first team now cost around the same price like Hayden, Yedlin, and most of the CBs.



That’s quite a good listen. Genuinely loves the club. Offering to keep a look out for players in the u.s for free but having Dennis wise turn his nose up at him.

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Fuckin hell now we're talking Nazi s*** in here?


It's not hyperbole to say that the Saudis are one of the closest things on Earth at the moment to the Nazis is it? If you were going to pick the most brutal regime around, is there one worse? North Korea possibly but at least they're not bombing anyone.


The UK had pretty good relations with the Nazi regime up until the outbreak of war, Edward VIII was a friend of Hitler. I don't think "our government likes them" is the most robust defence, you could say the same about Assad and Gaddafi, these people are always our "friends" until they're not.

You missed the point. Take all that moral s*** stuff to the other thread, not this one. Jeez.


This is the main takeover thread. It's going to be discussed whether you like it or not. Jeez.

So what do you want to happen, Wullie? Another boycoutt?


Not at all. A matter for the individual conscience this one I think. I don't think the FA/PL should be allowing any states to own football clubs but that ship's already sailed.

So what will be your personal stance out of interest? Will you continue to support the club and would you go to games?


Good question. Honest answer is I don't know. They've not even taken over yet so will just wait and see how things look once their feet are under the table I guess. Could be a long time before a ball is kicked at SJP but I don't have the aversion to giving them money that I had with Ashley.


Out of interest, when was the last time you went? Late last season for me but I've not been regularly for several years now, particularly to home games. I must confess I'm desperate to go back, lots driven by sentiment. Telling my old man when Rafa left that I was genuinely done with it all and wouldn't watch or listen anymore was heartbreaking. When he text me about games or asked on the phone, every time he thought I was joking or going to change my mind. I suppose this is another reason why I'm probably also erring on the positives here; Newcastle was our bond and a huge part of my life. I spent several weekends this last year genuinely pleased to have time back, do fun stuff and not worry about the football. But that was because virtually every semblance of hope was lost. Just the idea of having that kernel of hope and those dreams of any form of enjoyment back kicks up all those feelings again.


2014 for me, fucked it off when they made it clear Pardew was staying. I've barely even watched us play this season so I freely admit that at this point, I'm looking at things as much from a neutral POV as I am a supporter.



What would you anticipate happening that would sway you to boycott or not give them money?


I'm struggling to justify taking a moral stance against the takeover when I do use things like Twitter and Uber which are both heavily invested in by PIF. For me, its essentially the exact same thing as it would be supporting the club.


This "Sportswashing" moniker seems like a buzzword which ignores the actual reality which is that any investment the Saudi's make in anything is a form of 'image management.


I consider the money issue to be an irrelevance really, I greatly objected to giving Ashley money because I considered it to be keeping him here (and it was, which is why he's now apparently selling up). Using Uber or buying petrol isn't the same as supporting a football club, quite obviously, and it's not them having my money i object to.


It's hard to say where the line is without knowing what the Saudis do politically in future. Like, what is going to happen with their war in Yemen? Our club's good name is always going to be tied to whatever they're up to.

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We sat back with the rest of the UN and let mass genocide happen in the Bosnia and the Balkans, and Rwanda, sat back watched it happen.

China executes thousands of it's own citizens every year. Russia with their invasion of Ukraine. There's loads of countries you could add to a list of unsuitability.


The rights and wrongs are there for everyone to see, should it be matter when it comes to sport ?

Saudi Arabia is changing for the better, and fairly rapidly, should that be taken in to account ?


I don't know, is it OK ? No one is ever going to be happy.


Selfishly getting rid of the animal who owns us, from the Purgatory we're in is welcome. Personally i wish it was someone with cleaner CV, but it is what it is.




That’s not true though is it?


PRL answered that far better than i could.

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Fuckin hell now we're talking Nazi s*** in here?


It's not hyperbole to say that the Saudis are one of the closest things on Earth at the moment to the Nazis is it? If you were going to pick the most brutal regime around, is there one worse? North Korea possibly but at least they're not bombing anyone.


The UK had pretty good relations with the Nazi regime up until the outbreak of war, Edward VIII was a friend of Hitler. I don't think "our government likes them" is the most robust defence, you could say the same about Assad and Gaddafi, these people are always our "friends" until they're not.

You missed the point. Take all that moral s*** stuff to the other thread, not this one. Jeez.


This is the main takeover thread. It's going to be discussed whether you like it or not. Jeez.

So what do you want to happen, Wullie? Another boycoutt?


Not at all. A matter for the individual conscience this one I think. I don't think the FA/PL should be allowing any states to own football clubs but that ship's already sailed.

So what will be your personal stance out of interest? Will you continue to support the club and would you go to games?


Good question. Honest answer is I don't know. They've not even taken over yet so will just wait and see how things look once their feet are under the table I guess. Could be a long time before a ball is kicked at SJP but I don't have the aversion to giving them money that I had with Ashley.


Out of interest, when was the last time you went? Late last season for me but I've not been regularly for several years now, particularly to home games. I must confess I'm desperate to go back, lots driven by sentiment. Telling my old man when Rafa left that I was genuinely done with it all and wouldn't watch or listen anymore was heartbreaking. When he text me about games or asked on the phone, every time he thought I was joking or going to change my mind. I suppose this is another reason why I'm probably also erring on the positives here; Newcastle was our bond and a huge part of my life. I spent several weekends this last year genuinely pleased to have time back, do fun stuff and not worry about the football. But that was because virtually every semblance of hope was lost. Just the idea of having that kernel of hope and those dreams of any form of enjoyment back kicks up all those feelings again.


2014 for me, fucked it off when they made it clear Pardew was staying. I've barely even watched us play this season so I freely admit that at this point, I'm looking at things as much from a neutral POV as I am a supporter.



What would you anticipate happening that would sway you to boycott or not give them money?


I'm struggling to justify taking a moral stance against the takeover when I do use things like Twitter and Uber which are both heavily invested in by PIF. For me, its essentially the exact same thing as it would be supporting the club.


This "Sportswashing" moniker seems like a buzzword which ignores the actual reality which is that any investment the Saudi's make in anything is a form of 'image management.


I consider the money issue to be an irrelevance really, I greatly objected to giving Ashley money because I considered it to be keeping him here (and it was, which is why he's now apparently selling up). Using Uber or buying petrol isn't the same as supporting a football club, quite obviously, and it's not them having my money i object to.


It's hard to say where the line is without knowing what the Saudis do politically in future. Like, what is going to happen with their war in Yemen? Our club's good name is always going to be tied to whatever they're up to.


I fear that too, but thinking logically I do think after a year or two of ownership, when we’re hopefully performing like a well run football club, it will start to be less relevant. I know it’s not the same, but City get away with far less scrutiny these days in terms of questions of ownership, far less than when they first bought the club.


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Fuckin hell now we're talking Nazi s*** in here?


It's not hyperbole to say that the Saudis are one of the closest things on Earth at the moment to the Nazis is it? If you were going to pick the most brutal regime around, is there one worse? North Korea possibly but at least they're not bombing anyone.


The UK had pretty good relations with the Nazi regime up until the outbreak of war, Edward VIII was a friend of Hitler. I don't think "our government likes them" is the most robust defence, you could say the same about Assad and Gaddafi, these people are always our "friends" until they're not.

You missed the point. Take all that moral s*** stuff to the other thread, not this one. Jeez.


This is the main takeover thread. It's going to be discussed whether you like it or not. Jeez.

So what do you want to happen, Wullie? Another boycoutt?


Not at all. A matter for the individual conscience this one I think. I don't think the FA/PL should be allowing any states to own football clubs but that ship's already sailed.

So what will be your personal stance out of interest? Will you continue to support the club and would you go to games?


Good question. Honest answer is I don't know. They've not even taken over yet so will just wait and see how things look once their feet are under the table I guess. Could be a long time before a ball is kicked at SJP but I don't have the aversion to giving them money that I had with Ashley.


Out of interest, when was the last time you went? Late last season for me but I've not been regularly for several years now, particularly to home games. I must confess I'm desperate to go back, lots driven by sentiment. Telling my old man when Rafa left that I was genuinely done with it all and wouldn't watch or listen anymore was heartbreaking. When he text me about games or asked on the phone, every time he thought I was joking or going to change my mind. I suppose this is another reason why I'm probably also erring on the positives here; Newcastle was our bond and a huge part of my life. I spent several weekends this last year genuinely pleased to have time back, do fun stuff and not worry about the football. But that was because virtually every semblance of hope was lost. Just the idea of having that kernel of hope and those dreams of any form of enjoyment back kicks up all those feelings again.


2014 for me, fucked it off when they made it clear Pardew was staying. I've barely even watched us play this season so I freely admit that at this point, I'm looking at things as much from a neutral POV as I am a supporter.



What would you anticipate happening that would sway you to boycott or not give them money?


I'm struggling to justify taking a moral stance against the takeover when I do use things like Twitter and Uber which are both heavily invested in by PIF. For me, its essentially the exact same thing as it would be supporting the club.


This "Sportswashing" moniker seems like a buzzword which ignores the actual reality which is that any investment the Saudi's make in anything is a form of 'image management.


I consider the money issue to be an irrelevance really, I greatly objected to giving Ashley money because I considered it to be keeping him here (and it was, which is why he's now apparently selling up). Using Uber or buying petrol isn't the same as supporting a football club, quite obviously, and it's not them having my money i object to.


It's hard to say where the line is without knowing what the Saudis do politically in future. Like, what is going to happen with their war in Yemen? Our club's good name is always going to be tied to whatever they're up to.


Our [the fans'] money is now an irrelevance, they simply don't need it. And, if a situation arises that leaves us wanting rid, we have absolutely nothing.

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Deposit paid and deal signed according to the daily fail. Just waiting for the go ahead from the league (three/four weeks).written by Mike Keegan so has to be solid.




The deposit being paid was established about a week ago, when companies house was updated, was it not? Looks like a nothing article.

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Fuckin hell now we're talking Nazi s*** in here?


It's not hyperbole to say that the Saudis are one of the closest things on Earth at the moment to the Nazis is it? If you were going to pick the most brutal regime around, is there one worse? North Korea possibly but at least they're not bombing anyone.


The UK had pretty good relations with the Nazi regime up until the outbreak of war, Edward VIII was a friend of Hitler. I don't think "our government likes them" is the most robust defence, you could say the same about Assad and Gaddafi, these people are always our "friends" until they're not.

You missed the point. Take all that moral s*** stuff to the other thread, not this one. Jeez.


This is the main takeover thread. It's going to be discussed whether you like it or not. Jeez.

So what do you want to happen, Wullie? Another boycoutt?


Not at all. A matter for the individual conscience this one I think. I don't think the FA/PL should be allowing any states to own football clubs but that ship's already sailed.

So what will be your personal stance out of interest? Will you continue to support the club and would you go to games?


Good question. Honest answer is I don't know. They've not even taken over yet so will just wait and see how things look once their feet are under the table I guess. Could be a long time before a ball is kicked at SJP but I don't have the aversion to giving them money that I had with Ashley.


Out of interest, when was the last time you went? Late last season for me but I've not been regularly for several years now, particularly to home games. I must confess I'm desperate to go back, lots driven by sentiment. Telling my old man when Rafa left that I was genuinely done with it all and wouldn't watch or listen anymore was heartbreaking. When he text me about games or asked on the phone, every time he thought I was joking or going to change my mind. I suppose this is another reason why I'm probably also erring on the positives here; Newcastle was our bond and a huge part of my life. I spent several weekends this last year genuinely pleased to have time back, do fun stuff and not worry about the football. But that was because virtually every semblance of hope was lost. Just the idea of having that kernel of hope and those dreams of any form of enjoyment back kicks up all those feelings again.


2014 for me, fucked it off when they made it clear Pardew was staying. I've barely even watched us play this season so I freely admit that at this point, I'm looking at things as much from a neutral POV as I am a supporter.



What would you anticipate happening that would sway you to boycott or not give them money?


I'm struggling to justify taking a moral stance against the takeover when I do use things like Twitter and Uber which are both heavily invested in by PIF. For me, its essentially the exact same thing as it would be supporting the club.


This "Sportswashing" moniker seems like a buzzword which ignores the actual reality which is that any investment the Saudi's make in anything is a form of 'image management.


I consider the money issue to be an irrelevance really, I greatly objected to giving Ashley money because I considered it to be keeping him here (and it was, which is why he's now apparently selling up). Using Uber or buying petrol isn't the same as supporting a football club, quite obviously, and it's not them having my money i object to.


It's hard to say where the line is without knowing what the Saudis do politically in future. Like, what is going to happen with their war in Yemen? Our club's good name is always going to be tied to whatever they're up to.


I fear that too, but thinking logically I do think after a year or two of ownership, when we’re hopefully performing like a well run football club, it will start to be less relevant. I know it’s not the same, but City get away with far less scrutiny these days in terms of questions of ownership, far less than when they first bought the club.


I'm sure that once the money filters through to the pundits, it'll all be peachy.


Can't wait for the day Danny Murphy berates Pep for shutting up shop against us.

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Deposit paid and deal signed according to the daily fail. Just waiting for the go ahead from the league (three/four weeks).written by Mike Keegan so has to be solid.




The deposit being paid was established about a week ago, when companies house was updated, was it not? Looks like a nothing article.

Perfect. Missed that. Simply put if Ashley pulls out (which would be suicidal with the chaos it would cause) its major lawsuit territory. Just down to the fit owner test going through and this should be done.


I was wondering why it has leaked so early if it's another 3 or 4 weeks but I guess maybe it puts public pressure on Ashley not to be mike ashley and fuck it up

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The Times saying the same...




It's actually happening






Saudis clinch £300m Newcastle buyout




Matt Lawton, Chief Sports Correspondent


Monday April 20 2020, 12.01am, The Times


The £300 million Saudi Arabian deal to buy Newcastle United from Mike Ashley is done and is now simply subject to Premier League approval.


Sources close to the deal have told The Times that a deposit has been paid and all the relevant paperwork has been signed. “There is no backing out for either side now,” one source said.


Premier League officials still have to review all the documents and that process could take three weeks.


Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) will acquire an 80 per cent stake, with Amanda Staveley’s PCP Capital Partners taking 10 per cent and the Reuben brothers the other 10 per cent.


The Reuben brothers, Simon and David, are said to be millionaire property developers.


Staveley is expected to join members of the Reuben family on the board. Yasir Al-Rumayyan, the governor of PIF, is set to become the club’s chairman.





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I'm actually kinda struggling to come to terms that Ashley is actually fucking off. And the club is being bought by super rich people. Last time our club was free of his rancid stewardship I was 6, going on 7. :lol: Good god, man.

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