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Various: N-O has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley's tenure

Jinky Jim

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Guest neesy111

People are fans of Disney products not the company itself :lol: My point is you can't compare a private company like Disney to a football club


Disney are a public company, hence why they can buy shares so easily.

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Guest reefatoon

If Disney was managed by Mike Ashley for 13 years, and produced complete s***, no one would watch the films, or buy the products. It’s not comparable.


Then those pesky Saudis would come in with their cartoonwashing and put everyone off

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People are fans of Disney products not the company itself :lol: My point is you can't compare a private company like Disney to a football club


Disney are a public company, hence why they can buy shares so easily.


Having a bit of a mare with my choice of words here :lol: A football club is a community club, look back at that Bobby Robson quote, "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It's not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It's the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city."


You can't compare a football club to normal companies

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After getting through these last few pages I think I can reasonably sum up my thoughts as thus;


For fuck sake.


Anyone want to start a clique?


No thanks, you see, we've already got one.

(I told them that we've already got one).


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Guest neesy111

People are fans of Disney products not the company itself [emoji38] My point is you can't compare a private company like Disney to a football club


Disney are a public company, hence why they can buy shares so easily.


Having a bit of a mare with my choice of words here [emoji38] A football club is a community club, look back at that Bobby Robson quote, "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It's not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It's the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city."


You can't compare a football club to normal companies


I agree, they are held differently in terms of regulation etc to normal businesses.



It's fucking comical that football has got to this stage where these type of deals can happen.  The american sports would flat out refuse any deal like this.

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Fans of football and children who like Disney and then are inevitably grow out of it are not comparable.  As for Stifler’s “every lass under the age of thirty is a massive Disney fab” can only assume he’s not met many women.


That’s a broad characterisation to suit your argument, think you’ll find plenty of adults have been Disney fans all their life.

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You guys are literally looping back around again. What’s the value here? I genuinely don’t get it. I actually don’t have a particular dog in this race but it can’t be doing any of your sanity any good and no ones views are gonna change.


I’ve stuck my head in on the politics board a few times and this now feels similar.


Genuine question to anyone still arguing on both sides - what’s your aim? What do you hope the outcome is? People are so set on their view here and nobody is ceding. Can’t we just park it for a few hours, in this thread at least? Not my board and I can’t tell anyone to do anything but this has got ridiculous and insanely tedious. Surely most participating must feel the same.


I admire the passion, but Jesus, give yourselves a break. It’ll help your own minds and personal wellbeing to step away.

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Facebook, Disney and Boeing don't have fans though :lol: They're private companies, I think a community football club should be held to a higher standard.


Know nothing about Equinor so can't comment on that

Disney doesn’t have fans?

Are you for fucking real?

Every lass under the age of 30 is a massive Disney fan.


Any lass over the age of 30 with an IQ lower than 85 is a massive Disney fan.


Every child in the Western World is a massive Disney fan.


So is every child in the eastern world for that matter. Well, maybe not North Korea, but head chopping arabs have generally been quite permissive in allowing Disney a platform for some reason.

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People are fans of Disney products not the company itself :lol: My point is you can't compare a private company like Disney to a football club


Disney are a public company, hence why they can buy shares so easily.


Having a bit of a mare with my choice of words here :lol: A football club is a community club, look back at that Bobby Robson quote, "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It's not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It's the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city."


You can't compare a football club to normal companies


"What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors..."


"Can I stop you there Bobby, it's a business like any other and should be treated as such."


Didn't expect this position to be warmly embraced by Newcastle supporters but here we are.


I wish people could hear themselves arguing this position. Barking mad.

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If Disney was managed by Mike Ashley for 13 years, and produced complete shit, no one would watch the films, or buy the products. It’s not comparable.

Disney had a shit spell, it was the purchase of Pixar which saved them.
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People are fans of Disney products not the company itself [emoji38] My point is you can't compare a private company like Disney to a football club


Disney are a public company, hence why they can buy shares so easily.


Having a bit of a mare with my choice of words here [emoji38] A football club is a community club, look back at that Bobby Robson quote, "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It's not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It's the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city."


You can't compare a football club to normal companies


I agree, they are held differently in terms of regulation etc to normal businesses.



It's f***ing comical that football has got to this stage where these type of deals can happen.  The american sports would flat out refuse any deal like this.


Carnival cruise liners will have different regs to Disney and Starbucks.


Not sure what your point is all business sectors have different regs.

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Facebook, Disney and Boeing don't have fans though :lol: They're private companies, I think a community football club should be held to a higher standard.


Know nothing about Equinor so can't comment on that

f***ing hell.. as if other want to hold a football club at such high standards, community club or not.


FB, Disney and even Boeing to a certain extent play a part in most folks lives than a football club. Get a grip.

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Guest Howaythetoon



The PL checks, legally they cannot prevent this takeover per their own rules, guidelines, policies and previous rulings.


It isn’t one individual or one company buying NUFC, our club won’t be owned or incorporated into some kind of other holding company and ran by some mysterious unnamed people.


It will be owned by a fully recognised, fully trading, fully operational, fully self funded and a fully international and U.K. legal business entity who invest in businesses across many industries, globally and directly.


The club won’t be legally owned by some Saudi Prince, or Saudi Arabia itself and won’t be managed or run by anyone from the Saudi Royal Family, it will be ran, managed and operated by AS and the R brothers who are legally recognised as legitimate fit and proper business people in the U.K. and whose record more than fit the criteria the PL sets out for owners, directors, management etc. And with aplomb and added credibility.


Piracy issues linked to our would be owners or rather investors will have been looked into along with other things that legally, contractually, objectionably and dutifully the PL have to cross check and look at.


Legally, there is no piracy issues they can flag up and object and then deny any takeover because the entity investing in NUFC and those who will run, manage, direct and own a stakeholder in the club cannot and never will be linked back to anything relating to such issues and even if they tried to, again legally, they would not have a keg to stand on.


As a legal, recognised corporate entity, the investment company behind the purchase of NUFC ticks all boxes and them some. Amanda Stavely and the Rueben Brothers do to and if they wanted to include the SA royal family, they would tick all boxes as well because whatever concerns of human rights abuses, accusations of murder, dubious customs, practices, policies and religious connotations will have absolutely nothing do with anything and the PL can’t just bring up such issues, they wouldn’t dare because again, they have no right to do so, in the same way they have no right to cross check Sky Sports and deny them the rights to broadcast games on say the basis they broadcast violent, sexual, offensive programmes.


Now if AS and R brothers had a criminal record or ties to dubious and or illegal operations then they would have a right to flag such things up. But these people are squeaky clean, more clean than most owners, directors and other officials running and owning clubs here in the U.K.


The investment company behind the take over financially are also squeaky clean, who have invested billions in the U.K. across many industries and sectors, private, commercial and governmental.


A corporate entity that is legally recognised as a genuine investment business with the legal right to invest in any legally registered and recognised business here, which NUFC is and it’s subsidiaries, as are AS and the R brothers in terms of their own legality, as individuals and within the structure of their own businesses, singularly or combined.


Amnesty, rival clubs, even the government and the widow of the deceased journalist can write, object, complain and voice their issues all they like and the PL will not, cannot and won’t give ahh credence whatsoever to them unless they raise issues that effect their own rules, policies, law and regulations in terms of how they enforce them and regulate them.


Not even the government can contest or challenge the PL legally to object and seek to deny the takeover because again, as a business entity, as a sporting entoty, as individuals and as far as the funds are concerned, they tick all boxes.


Why a delay, why the hold up?


Well maybe there isn’t a hold-up, maybe there is no delay, maybe this is just the stages of the process playing out where each and every and last check is being ticked off as I write, as time passes, as the day, weeks and months tick by, all in readiness for the final conduction, the sale of NUFC.


Any amnesty letters, talks of concerns by rival clubs and open letters from a widow are nothing more than everyone getting their penny’s worth so they can all at least claim that they took the powers that be to task over this and said their piece, which rightfully the PL will kindly acknowledge and register recipes of, but wing be influenced or sidetracked by any of it, not unless they raise issues that relate to their own proper and fit persons test and as far as I can tell, there is nothing whatsoever in any of the rumoured real or otherwise claims, issues, question marks or objections that would legally prevent the PL from doing what their eventual findings will conclude and pass. Nothing.


Any such crap may prolong this eventually, but won’t stop it.


Those in the media reporting this and that, they are taking advantage of the PL, NUFC, the buyers and MA’s complete silence on this to fill with headlines and paragraphs in between its conclusion in order to sell copies, to generate clicks, to attract audiences and they do this because they know NUFC fans the world over will digest every single scrap of information peddled, true or false, real or lies, in the desperation to know something, anything, with the end result hoping to hear ITS DONE.


Well here that soon, what we need to understand and try and stick to is that there will not be ITS OFF because Ashley is desperate to sell, the buyers have put their money where their mouth is and matched every criteria or will do and the PL need an injection of money into our game and above all else, legally, sportingly and corporately, there is no lawful obstacle to prevent this going through and even if such were to road block this, legally, the powers that be would face not just a legal fight from the buyers, hug from the seller too and in AS they would take on an enemy who would legally fight them all the way and have t courts go through every takeover that’s ever been passed by the PL since it’s formation and a certain MA wouldn’t want that...


It’s going through, of that I have no doubt whatsoever and whether it takes a few more days or a few more weeks, surely we can all just wait and be patient after 13 years of MA. Bear in mind the PL also have other pressing matters and concerns even more demanding of their time, resources and priorities thanks to Covid-19. A virus we will look back on as a god send for our club. Unless you regard the Saudis owning  club as the worst possible thing to happen to it since, well ???????


Bring it on, let’s we what happens and how this may also play out politically, religiously and societally in the Saudi Kingdom and for its people. Or not! I’m interested to see just how this all pans out down the line in that regard. I know I won’t be blinded by some sportwashing fans, the media and others the most will introduce on the back of this in any attempt to soften my thoughts about SA, their religion and the region even, not any more than I’ll be blinded by a letter from some widow of a journalist SA are alleged to have ordered the murder of to toughen my thoughts against what right now I conclude are an undemocratic, unfair, unequal, intolerant, inhumane, barbaric zealous religious nation who may as well hold their citizens captive, enslaved and certainly endangered.


But hoo, wa ganna win da league man and sign Mbappe ye daft cunt! Heed scarfs off if you love the Toon!


Meanwhile in Shirebrook, some poor bastard on zero hours, minimum wage, no PPE, clocks in making sure the people of England can still order their Donnay socks on SD’s website and when this is all over, SD stores up and down the country have enough high end Henley t-shirts and Firetrap Jeans in stock and of course plenty of old Toon tops, sold as collector items in limited supply numbers, grab yours while you can, 90% closing down stock!


SD.com, England’s number one.


Bet those dirty arabs wish they were as civilised as those Brits and their people had sports shops on every high street eh...


If only their government didn’t spend all that money on a football club!



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People are fans of Disney products not the company itself :lol: My point is you can't compare a private company like Disney to a football club


Disney are a public company, hence why they can buy shares so easily.


Having a bit of a mare with my choice of words here :lol: A football club is a community club, look back at that Bobby Robson quote, "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It's not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It's the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city."


You can't compare a football club to normal companies


Nice sentiment, but that ship sailed a long time ago.

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Guest neesy111

People are fans of Disney products not the company itself [emoji38] My point is you can't compare a private company like Disney to a football club


Disney are a public company, hence why they can buy shares so easily.


Having a bit of a mare with my choice of words here [emoji38] A football club is a community club, look back at that Bobby Robson quote, "What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It's not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It's the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city."


You can't compare a football club to normal companies


I agree, they are held differently in terms of regulation etc to normal businesses.



It's f***ing comical that football has got to this stage where these type of deals can happen.  The american sports would flat out refuse any deal like this.


Carnival cruise liners will have different regs to Disney and Starbucks.


Not sure what your point is all business sectors have different regs.


I mean in terms of ownership. 

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HTT - I took your £200 bet from an age ago but you didn’t reply. Food bank gets money either way. I give you til mid June for it to go thru and you win. Agreed?

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