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Diego Armando Maradona - 1960-2020


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The year that keeps on giving..


Not shocked as he burned the candle both ends and ate all around him. His heart can’t have been in good fettle for at least 10/15 years so probably more surprising that he made it this long.


Toss of a coin between him and Messi as the best of all time, I’d give it to Maradona based purely on his influence and doing it on the international stage, their skill levels are on a par but he was just that bit nuts that sets him apart from almost every other player.



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Unfortunately I'm too young to have seen him play but my god, the archive footage. Thoroughly recommend the documentary as others have mentioned. Maradona in Mexico on Netflix is also class, just pure entertainment.



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RIP Diego, despite his obvious failings as a sportsman, and in life in general, there has rarely been a footballer that possessed the talent he did. Not many can say they singlehandedly won his country a World Cup. And as Sewelly says, his time at Naples is incredible and unprecedented

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Guest Howaythetoon

Can this year get any worse man. What a player, what a character, what a fucking absolute genius and legend, may his soul rest in peace and there’s mountains of coke up there in footy heaven for him. Genuinely gutted about this :(

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The year that keeps on giving..


Not shocked as he burned the candle both ends and ate all around him. His heart can’t have been in good fettle for at least 10/15 years so probably more surprising that he made it this long.


Toss of a coin between him and Messi as the best of all time, I’d give it to Maradona based purely on his influence and doing it on the international stage, their skill levels are on a par but he was just that bit nuts that sets him apart from almost every other player.





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Shocked, gutted, tears welling.

To many, myself included, the greatest of all times, way football has gone and is going - thats peaked - and I guess that's what it is, at worst we'll only ever lose the greatest of all time once in whatever walk of life or sport - often it wont be in our lifetimes and this is that moment and it feels rank.

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Guest Howaythetoon

For me and it’s a personal choice specifically to me, Pele is the GOAT, but really, there’s nowt in it between him and Diego in terms of football genius levels. I’m 41 year old and cried telling my youngest Maradona is dead.

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