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Do you want us to get relegated?


Do you want us to be relegated?  

301 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want us to be relegated?

    • Yes, because I don't believe the takeover is still alive
    • Yes, because while I believe the takeover is still alive I don't believe it'll happen
    • Yes, even though I believe the takeover is still alive and will happen
    • This poll is too complicated/I'm on the fence (post why)
    • No, even though I don't believe the takeover is still alive
    • No, even though I believe the takeover is still alive but don't believe it'll happen
    • No, because I believe the takeover is still alive and will happen
    • Honesty couldn’t give a fuck pal

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Putting my sheer hatred of Ashley and Bruce and my strong dislike of the sheep that make up most our fanbase aside then no I don’t want to see us go down as I think that would be us done for a long time. 

It’s a awful situation we are in as I can’t face watching games or willing this version of us to do well but the best we can hope and aim for is to stay up, Bruce gets peddled or walks away in the summer and we get some semi likeable continental type head coach in who gets us playing half decent football. A few wins v  the big boys now and then whilst ticking over in 10th-13th for the next 5 years or so whilst hoping for a takeover, as I think we will be waiting at least 5 years for one. 

The joy the likes of the mackems and plenty of other fans and most the media would get from seeing us slide into the abyss also puts me off wanting to see us relegated. Being a league or 2 above them small time cunts is all we have for now.




Edited by CalmintheChaos

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It's a soft "yes" from me to relegation.

The possibility of the takeover stops me actively hoping for relegation, but really I've never expected this takeover to be allowed to proceed since day 1 and my thoughts on that haven't changed one bit.

Ashley's stewardship of the club has and continues to be disgraceful and I can't in any good conscience wish for that to be successful for him, and I don't recognise or feel anything for this version of Newcastle United in any way.

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14 minutes ago, Andy said:

I want to see Ashley and Bruce relegated, but not the club. I'm torn.

Imagine Bruce celebrating at Craven Cottage after a 0-0 draw has kept us up by 1 point.

Imagine his smug, disgusting face during the post match press conference, where he tells all of the fans how wrong they were.

Imagine Luke Edwards’ celebratory posts.

Imagine Ashley thinking he was right all along and extending Bruce’s contract.


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We stay up nothing changes, we go down nothing changes so let's go for the maximum pain for Ashley & Bruce. The only way we get sold is when Ashley wants rid rather than wants to recoup on his investment.



Edited by Si

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22 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

Imagine Bruce celebrating at Craven Cottage after a 0-0 draw has kept us up by 1 point.

Imagine his smug, disgusting face during the post match press conference, where he tells all of the fans how wrong they were.

Imagine Luke Edwards’ celebratory posts.

Imagine Ashley thinking he was right all along and extending Bruce’s contract.


If any of that happened it would just be funny, quite frankly. It probably wouldn't bother me because it would be so hilariously unjustified. Bruce's/Pardew's smugness was always at its most triggering when it was almost earned, or if their agenda is being reinforced by pundits and the fans. If Bruce came out giving it the big licks for sneaking survival after making a total pig's ear of the season, he'd just look like an idiot. Everyone knows it's been a terrible year. 

Assuming we don't hit some unlikely form - to the extent where Bruce alleviates a lot of the pressure and slows the stream of criticism (it would only take a win or two to be fair), come May the season will have been a disaster for him whether we survive or not. The results have been appalling, he's lost thy dressing room, he's been horribly undermined and he's smushed any respect he has from 'his people' beyond recognition. 

So if we survive, before skulking off, I think he'd just come out with some 'go again' claptrap. Tough year, world against us, take the break, roll our sleeves up for pre-season and "I still believe I'm the man for the job."

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Not saying the takeover is on, but it will never be on if we go down. Not just the Saudi takeover, but any takeover. It simply won’t happen if we go down unless Ashley himself faced financial troubles.

I also don’t us to face a resurgent Sunderland, who will no doubt do the double over us, especially if we have the pigeon lady in charge. 

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34 yes, 80 no as it stands. Not what I was expecting to see, but there've been some great posts that have made me reconsider my own stance. Will reset after the Spurs game if I remember, as it’ll be interesting to see if anything changes.

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Would prefer not, but it doesn't really make much difference at this point.


This club is Ennui....

Decision to be made? Ignore it till it goes away...

Despite all the stick Charnley(deservedly) gets, lets assume he's treated the same as a Sports Direct Regional manager. ie (do what you want as long as it doesn't cost the company money in any way shape or form). 

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I want us down. I want Mike Ashley to suffer as much as possible. I know many fans will say a real fan can't want us to go down, but staying up just cements more of the same until we eventually do go down anyway. 

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No - being in the Championship is shit.  Vaguely interesting the first time round, less so the second time, would be absolutely terrible third time round and we probably wouldn't come straight back up.

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14 minutes ago, Hughesy said:

No - being in the Championship is shit.  Vaguely interesting the first time round, less so the second time, would be absolutely terrible third time round and we probably wouldn't come straight back up.

Isn't being one of the worst teams in the PL shit?

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8 hours ago, ToonArmy1892 said:

I want us to stay up if the takeover is still a possibility, that's it.

We absolutely deserve to go down though, getting rid of Rafa Benitez for steve bruce ffs, it's a disgrace.

Especially when you consider how easily they bank rolled this stupid c*** in charge! What Rafa would have done with £100M.

No Shelvey, No Hendrick, No Carroll just for starters. 

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41 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

Isn't being one of the worst teams in the PL shit?

Yep - both are shit.  But I always found the joy of winning regularly in the Championship quite hollow and overrated to be honest.  This was even the case under a manager like Rafa.

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Just now, Hughesy said:

Yep - both are shit.  But I always found the joy of winning regularly in the Championship quite hollow and overrated to be honest.  This was even the case under a manager like Rafa.

Yeah, I mean I agree, that just leads me to the conclusion that it doesn't matter what league we're in.

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I genuinely see why people would, and that would be to get rid of Bruce, but with no guarantee Bruce will not be handed a chance in the championship I'm unsure. Each time we have been relegated we have seen our top players leave, but also some other players actually grow down there. To see Saint-Max, Wilson, Schar, Almiron etc, be sold would be tough. 


I'd accept relegation on the terms Bruce is sacked, a takeover is approved in the first 3 months.


Doubt either will happen.

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Newcastle United as a club doesn't deserve to be with the twenty finest in the country, or it's supposed to be the finest. Rewarding this season's pure regression (the argument in the summer was that there was no stagnation, let alone moving backwards!) does everyone but the fans true justice. It's another year of the same, and with Bruce's contract only a year from expiring, we'd have talks of extensions next year if we stay up! A takeover is the genuine crossroads for the team: Ashley and Bruce in whatever league represents failure. Ashley and another man, depending on that manager, is failure, but with potential short-term gains if we end up prizing Howe or something, never long-term with Ashley here. A takeover with another man is success and planning for the long-term, and I dare to think about a takeover with Bruce as that's never happening now

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