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Leicester City 4 - 0 Newcastle United (12/12/2021)


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1 minute ago, Shays Given Tim Flowers said:

By the way we were managing the game fine until Shelvey decided to fanny around with it in our third. Seriously he’s got to go.


Suicide ball from Lascelles, who has no idea how to pick the right pass, or how to execute a pass correctly.

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Just now, Shays Given Tim Flowers said:

By the way we were managing the game fine until Shelvey decided to fanny around with it in our third. Seriously he’s got to go.

I was going to say similar, but feared I might get lambasted for saying it, but other then the penalty, I thought we where alright, and probably the overall better team, admittedly while not really doing much going forward up, and then the second went in, and we collectively shit our pants.

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Just now, KaKa said:


Suicide ball from Lascelles, who has no idea how to pick the right pass, or how to execute a pass correctly.

With the exception of Wilson, we've got a squad if pig shit thick players who seem like they don't know how to execute instructions

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2 minutes ago, Shays Given Tim Flowers said:

By the way we were managing the game fine until Shelvey decided to fanny around with it in our third. Seriously he’s got to go.

Fanny around ? Re watch it man, he gets it played to him with 3 men on him. Never a pen mind, what is VAR actually for ?

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2 minutes ago, KaKa said:


Thing is if we are going to work on changing the way we play we are going to have to expect some days like this against better teams. Yes Leicester have been struggling, but once I saw Tielemans, Maddison and Barnes were in there I thought his could be a possibility.


I think the manager will learn a lot from games like this, and he'll just have to figure out how to set the team up to be better using the ball with the players we currently have. We could have come in today and just sat in Bruce style, but then we likely would have lost by what 2 instead of 4? But then what do you really learn from that?


Painful day, but lets see what changes are made in the team going forward now. If it means no more Willock in central midfield I will gladly take that,, because that is the huge issue  right now.


Amazing post, @KaKa and couldn't agree more. Those 3 players are class and could easily undo our leaky defence at a stroll (as we saw). I should blame myself for building up hope we'd build on our only win. :lol: 


If we do go down, I think Willock would be a player who could benefit from a season down there.  I'm not ready to completely write him off, but on current form, nothing warrants him being in the starting 11. 

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choice of pass is our major weakness.   We are trying to thread precise balls when coming out of defence, giving it away and 5-10 seconds later a goal goes in.  Manquillo ball to Murphy for the 3rd goal - case in point.  Its a pass that if it does come up, gives us no advantage at all.   Screws the pass up and 3 passes later - Leicester score.   Our passing has been weak for years but boy we can't even do  5-10 yard passes now!

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6 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

Yeah, I really like Howe, and think long term he is the answer. I just personally think that he's making a mistake by persisting with this midfield two, and I personally think we will go down. If we cant turn up in a crucial game, where a team has a CM in CB, and is knackered from midweek, has been shipping goals all over the shop, that is extremely worrying to me. I'm a fan ffs, of course im emotional during a game.


Fwiw I fully agree with everything you write here. 


Edit: with the caveat that I think it's very possible we can stay up if we manage to strengthen midfield and defence in January.



Edited by Conjo

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2 minutes ago, madras said:

Fanny around ? Re watch it man, he gets it played to him with 3 men on him. Never a pen mind, what is VAR actually for ?


Let's be honest here. Dubravka, Lascelles and Shelvey, all 3 played their part. We shouldn't have been fucking about with it in that area to start with. All 3 are guilty of not getting rid of it. You can't always play out from the back. Especially when you're as shit on the ball as we are.

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Well that was wank, fucking abysmal performance and everyone of them and the manager needs a head shake if this is their output against a team in dire form themselves and totally beatable. 

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2 minutes ago, Shays Given Tim Flowers said:

We will look tighter defensively without Shelvey in the team. His offensive play isn’t up to much either. 

I'm no fan of Shelvey, but Lascelles looked like he was passed a Nuclear Bomb from Dubs, and quickly threw it to Shelvey with 3 men round him and facing his own goal. The blame falls on the captain and whoever coached him in his career. He's not a footballer, he's slow and cumbersome in every aspect of his game and championship at best.


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29 minutes ago, KaKa said:


He'll learn some harsh lessons from today. Has to be very clear now he needs to figure out a midfield combo to get us through to January.


Shown a lot of faith in Willock, but he just can't be trusted with a role in a central pair as things are at the minute.




Howe hasn't showed so far that he's learnt any lessons, why are you now convinced he will?

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4 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

Yeah, I really like Howe, and think long term he is the answer. I just personally think that he's making a mistake by persisting with this midfield two, and I personally think we will go down. If we cant turn up in a crucial game, where a team has a CM in CB, and is knackered from midweek, has been shipping goals all over the shop, that is extremely worrying to me. I'm a fan ffs, of course im emotional during a game.


In Howe's defence, it's not like the other players at his disposal are any better. I agree with going down, we look that way. I'd be all for outspending our relegation rivals in January, but I'm not convinced it's even worth it. 

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My over riding feeling today is that whilst the scoreline is massively deflating, it was someone flattering to Leicester and actually, a defeat isn't that much of a shock, is it?


Collectively, understandably, tails were up and there seemed to be a feeling of opportunism after the Europe League and unfit players in the opposition camp, etc. But realistically, I suspect most neutrals would have expected a Leicester win today.


I've read through multiple WhatsApp groups and all this "We're down" stuff I cannot really grasp to be honest. Perhaps that's my naivety but for all people say "look at history no other team has stayed up in this position" etc. They're just the stats you choose to follow. We're still 1 win (1 win!) away from safety and have to play 17th at home still.


We have a transfer window where we can spend a fortune and we have renewed hope and everyone pulling in the same direction. It'd be absolutely criminal for any element of our club to resign themselves to defeat right now.


Today, we played well up until the second goal. The first was never, ever a penalty. Yet, after that we had to open up to get a goal back. In doing so, we were picked apart by a talented Leicester side and one fantastic pass in particular.


A lesson to be learned for Howe at 2-0, and after that blunder was cleared, it was perhaps time to say, "okay enough is enough" for today, but in chasing the game the defecit was doubled. We simply aren't good enough at present to go at teams beyond around 8th place.


It's interesting tbh, days like today are good examples of why fans saying "I'd rather we went for it and lost 4-0 than sit back and lose 2" or whom criticised the Benitez approach after his departure, are (in my opinion) wrong. There's more than one way to skin a cat and there's times and places to do it.


This is no real dig at Howe, only an observation that maybe he needs to learn from today.


I'm absolutely convinced we'll still do this to be honest. That pen doesn't happen, that drubbing doesn't happen. We've got this. 



Edited by Heron

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2 minutes ago, The Bonk said:


Amazing post, @KaKa and couldn't agree more. Those 3 players are class and could easily undo our leaky defence at a stroll (as we saw). I should blame myself for building up hope we'd build on our only win. :lol: 


If we do go down, I think Willock would be a player who could benefit from a season down there.  I'm not ready to completely write him off, but on current form, nothing warrants him being in the starting 11. 


With all the fuss about them missing a bunch of players, I couldn't believe their team sheet when it came out. Those three are their best creative players and they were all available, and Daka's pace and movement is a headache in behind too, not too dissimilar from Vardy. Very bad day but a chance to learn some vital lessons.


The win against Burnley was incredibly big. The table still looks so much better. Lots of teams in the mix now that really aren't too far away from us. This whole thing is far from over. A couple of key signings in midfield and defence could improve us so much, and I don't even think they have to be world beaters either.


Just really unfortunate that we are missing such a key piece in the most important of positions.

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Guest reefatoon
17 minutes ago, ManDoon said:


Says the happy clapper, we lost 4-0. Ironic you accuse me of acting like a 12 year old when you lack basic reading comprehension. Had a drink again? Anyway ignore list. Leave it at that 

I can’t stand it when people tell you how you should react through the heat of 90 minutes of football. Football is supposed to get the emotions flowing, it’s what makes it what it is. We have had 14 years of pure apathy, we as fans can and should be able to vent through 90 minutes without some clueless whopper telling people they are knee jerking. He clearly hasn’t got a clue about actually following a football match. Imagine just sitting though it all with a gormless smile on your face. Absolute whopper.

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1 minute ago, mighty__mag said:

Feel sad for myself, and all you guys too. It's going to be a shit month, guess we were all on a high from the first win.


The players looked lost today sadly.


Liverpool, City,and Man U, awful times ahead ?


Our GD is going to take a negative double figures nose dive after those games too. December is going to be miserable to be an NUFC supporter. We can only hope we're still only a couple of wins from safety and not taken an absolute hammering in the moral department by the time we get to winnable games and new recruits.

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13 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

Yeah, I really like Howe, and think long term he is the answer. I just personally think that he's making a mistake by persisting with this midfield two, and I personally think we will go down. If we cant turn up in a crucial game, where a team has a CM in CB, and is knackered from midweek, has been shipping goals all over the shop, that is extremely worrying to me. I'm a fan ffs, of course im emotional during a game.


Completely understandable. However I will say that Ndidi has had to drop into central defence for them before on more than one occassion and he is very good at it. He is a class player. Unfortunately for us Soumare then stepping into midfield is another that is very good on the ball and uses it very well too. Ironically it might have made things more difficult for us defensively in the end.


For me personally once I saw Ndidi, Tielemans, Maddison and Barnes where in the team my heart sank. Thought they would be playing the likes of Choudhury and Albrighton today. 

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