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Mason Greenwood


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4 minutes ago, Thiago said:

The father, amazingly, is being measured in incredibly difficult circumstances. It would seem he's just found out his daughter may have been raped and abused by someone they considered family and welcomed into their home.


Would you prefer he said 'I'm going to kick the cunt's head in when I see him?'


Legal cases like this are fraught with pitfalls and require delicacy. I'm not a lawyer, so am unable to give expert specifics, but there may be a reason this potential evidence getting out is bad. I think You and a few others should take a breathe, believe in the justice system, and hope that the young girl involved gets all of the help and support she needs during what is a difficult time. I've been disgusted to read suggestions of victim blaming here today, be it with Harriet or her father. They've committed no crime here. Mason Greenwood has been accused of a very serious one. 


Domestic violence is a horrible situation to be in, and its victims are often a bundle of emotions because they are fighting against fear and love and often manipulated into staying around. If we wish to ascribe scrutiny - we should ask Man Utd what they knew of this, not a young girl and her family.


Never really thought about extending victim blaming to the father. Consider me told. 

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3 minutes ago, TRon said:


I questioned her judgement, and that hasn't changed. He raped her back in October and this is coming out now? She was with him for 3 years man, I just can't get my head around it. That's a separate issue to the assault/s which Greenwood has to answer for. I'm not blaming her for that, but she should have dumped him as soon as he showed any sign of coercion. 

Such a bad poster :lol:

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1 minute ago, Joey Linton said:

Oh do fuck off. 

As crass as Tron’s comments are, let’s not resort to that, I’m sure he doesn’t condone any of this shit, he is just fucking wrong IMO on his take on it. 

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15 minutes ago, loki679 said:


That's a stupid explanation.  Plenty of poor people beat their wives, plenty of rapes happen without the perpetrator being loaded.  Rollernonce didn't have a pot to piss in and it didn't stop him feeling up the young uns.


On the whole, people are just shit, the world is a cesspit of depravity and it only gets noticed when someone can make a few quid from the story.


Of course, I didn't say wealth was the only reason for people doing shitty things. But my point still stands, about wealth influencing the way people think and behave towards others. 

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Cannot be arsed to get into a pointless conversation about what she should or shouldn't have done given I've never been in her situation. But one possitive of her not 'just getting up and leaving' is that she's managed to get evidence of the abuse she's recieved and made it easy for the police to prevent Greenwood from doing something like this again to some other poor fucker.

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2 minutes ago, TRon said:


I questioned her judgement, and that hasn't changed. He raped her back in October and this is coming out now? She was with him for 3 years man, I just can't get my head around it. That's a separate issue to the assault/s which Greenwood has to answer for. I'm not blaming her for that, but she should have dumped him as soon as he showed any sign of coercion. 

As others have said, and you seem to not be able to comprehend, being a victim in this is likely to be much more than ‘just’ about sexual or physical assault. Fear and power can be instilled using emotional, financial, technological, social etc forms of abuse. They all mean it becomes difficult if not impossible to sometimes even acknowledge the abuse is happening, let alone take action against it. It’s easy to say ‘why didn’t they just walk away’ but it’s NEVER easy to do just that- simply because of the behaviour of the abuser. By saying she should’ve walked, you’re insinuating that she somehow agrees with the abuse inflicted on her by staying. That’s appalling. 

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1 minute ago, HTT II said:

As crass as Tron’s comments are, let’s not resort to that, I’m sure he doesn’t condone any of this shit, he is just fucking wrong IMO on his take on it. 

OK, back to blaming the lass for getting knocked about. :thup:

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Just now, ManDoon said:

It’s hard enough with a normal person now multiply that by the fact he’s famous, wealthy and had legions of fans ready to tear her apart. 

Aye, it drives me mad that people of fame seem to always have their fans desperate to defend and stick up for them even when their ‘man/women’ are guilty of some heinous shit and even more so those that think because he’s a footballer, she’s a wag, she must be a slag and “Ibet she wasn’t complaining when he was buying her a Gucci bag”, shower of cunts the lot of them. Urgh, fucking society man, grim!

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Sunderland fans would 100% take Adam Johnson back.


Where as I hate Peter Beardsley now.  Dont care how good of a player he was or how canny is in real life.  Was found guilty of being racist so fuck him.

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Just now, Slim said:

Sunderland fans would 100% take Adam Johnson back.


Where as I hate Peter Beardsley now.  Dont care how good of a player he was or how canny is in real life.  Was found guilty of being racist so fuck him.

I always had a bit of sympathy for Beardsley, I thought he was guilty of ignorance more than full blown racism, still 1000% wrong what he said but I can't help thinking the club offered no help or support for him with Safeguarding and equality and diversity training.

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8 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:

OK, back to blaming the lass for getting knocked about. :thup:

Or not, let’s just end that crap and any insults to others eh?

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9 minutes ago, gbandit said:

Let’s not go down this route, if you’ve not been in an abusive relationship, especially one to this magnitude (physical and potentially sexual abuse) then you’re not in a position to comment on what a victim should do. Maybe watch “Maid” on Netflix


That's true, I haven't. You are right, I'm not really in a position to comment. 

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2 minutes ago, Ben said:

I always had a bit of sympathy for Beardsley, I thought he was guilty of ignorance more than full blown racism, still 1000% wrong what he said but I can't help thinking the club offered no help or support for him with Safeguarding and equality and diversity training.

He was ordered to complete a face-to-face education course.

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1 minute ago, Kaizero said:

Isn't TRon the one who did the racist post as well? Or am I mixing posters with absolutely disgustingly fucked up opinions?

I know he mocked some disabled Toon fan for being coked off his head…



Edited by HTT II

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2 minutes ago, Kaizero said:

Isn't TRon the one who did the racist post as well? Or am I mixing posters with absolutely disgustingly fucked up opinions?


You can't even imagine how ironic that would be. 

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1 minute ago, TRon said:


That's true, I haven't. You are right, I'm not really in a position to comment. 

Truth is none of us are in a position to comment on any of it. At least in relation to the legal process. None of us have any direction from the judge leading the trial, none of us are privy to what evidence is considered admissible. Doesn't seem to matter because even if the jury find him not guilty people have made up their minds and nothing is going to change any of that.


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Daft as it sounds, abuse victims still love their abuser. They still see good in that person, still hope to change them, 99% of the time the abuser is good and does genuinely love their victim.


Yes that's mental, but you have to have suffered it to know about why such things are never black and white. It's never simple.  Some don't see a way out and will stay as they think it's all they have, no matter the abuse they receive.


Walking away as simple as it sounds, is the least simple thing do a lot of time. 



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