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Big River

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That use of "so called" is just rotten. It's better on the letter but on the rtg post it's "so called Dawn..." 




Also; Marapause is brilliant. Right up there with Fewmin rights.

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1 minute ago, Kid Icarus said:

We need a pinned post with all of these terms like, some of them are class. 


Fewmin rights


vaux outrage

marrachute payments


Wish I could remember more



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13 hours ago, Danh1 said:

Thread owa there about new flags. One of them wants a Yemen surfer. :lol:



Flying a flag of a country whose government as well as the majority of its population the Saudi's are supporting will show those Saudi's.


Imagine how many letters and emails they've sent over the years about stuff like this. True to form, their wins probably bother Dawn as much as the rest of us, but they think its an equivalent seeth from us as it is from them when we win.



Edited by Wolfcastle

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I'd love to see a graph of how many times Yemen was mentioned on RTG before and after the takeover.  Imagine the response a few years ago if someone on there suggested a flag surfer drawing attention to the plight of kids in the Middle East.

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18 minutes ago, BlueStar said:

I'd love to see a graph of how many times Yemen was mentioned on RTG before and after the takeover.  Imagine the response a few years ago if someone on there suggested a flag surfer drawing attention to the plight of kids in the Middle East.


The reassuring news is that they will almost definitely never pull this together for a couple of reasons:


1) They are rubbish at organising anything

2) Their club will not want anything that shows a political opinion on a flag display and will almost certainly stop it from happening

3) It will cost money and I am not sure that their fake outrage at the Saudi takeover of NUFC runs deep enough to have them reach into their pockets to donate towards it.



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Guest reefatoon

We are sick of the human rights abuses, so let’s fly a flag of Yemen to teach them. Just ignoring Yemens own human rights issues in the process. :uglystupid2:

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If it is truly heartfelt, then those who want to show their support for victims of Saudi aggression should be writing to their MPs for more Yemeni asylum seekers to be allowed into the country, and for Sunderland to be at the front of the queue as a destination.  I’m sure they’ll find swathes of support in that beacon of progressive values. 


For what it’s worth, some of what is happening in Yemen is genuinely horrifying - that these ghouls would try to weaponise it out of a sense of petty jealousy of another football club is so risible and contemptible that it is genuinely embarrassing to be from the same fucking region as them. 

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8 hours ago, deejeck said:

Both Jeff Brown on BBC and Simon O'Rourke on ITV are big Sunderland fans aren't they? How much influence over the local sports media do they actually want? Never understood their obsession with Dawn Thewlis at all and I've seen nothing to convince me of any bias towards NUFC. It's just weird. 


Before the game they were harping on that it's not a real derby, now they want a run of the mill 2-0 home win over 10 men to have more traction than a draw that saw us leapfrog Man Utd into the top 3 of the Premier League.

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Amazing how bullish they all are since they won a very average game against a very average opponent at the weekend. Suddenly puffing their chests out, slapping themselves on the back about how fucking class they are continually. It's almost as if they need to hear it regularly so they don't wake up and suddenly realise just how ordinary they are to the rest of the football world. Quite a thing considering they've only spawned a single Cup since Hitler got a bit lairy. 

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Just the standard delusion, racism, ignorance and show of class


"I think on current form we’d definitely beat Southampton and we’d definitely give them lot on the dark side a game. Turd-hair aside there’s not much to them other than height"

I fancy Southampton to win at the Burka.

Once the oil stops selling, the murderers will be off quicker than a beheading.

They have to roll over and have their tummies tickled like every team does when they play Newcastle.

Someone doing his ACL in during the 2nd leg would be fantastic. (on Bruno)

Commentary team wetting themselves with excitement (literally a former Sunderland player)

Come 2033, Playing at the Sheikdome"






Edited by Wolfcastle

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12 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

Just the standard delusion, racism, ignorance and show of class


"I think on current form we’d definitely beat Southampton and we’d definitely give them lot on the dark side a game. Turd-hair aside there’s not much to them other than height"

I fancy Southampton to win at the Burka.

Once the oil stops selling, the murderers will be off quicker than a beheading.

They have to roll over and have their tummies tickled like every team does when they play Newcastle.

Someone doing his ACL in during the 2nd leg would be fantastic. (on Bruno)

Commentary team wetting themselves with excitement (literally a former Sunderland player)

Come 2033, Playing at the Sheikdome"








When will oil stop selling? 

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