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Worst racist group name ever.





evidence they are racist?


The Times went undercover at an FLA march in Birmingham last weekend and saw evidence of threatening behaviour towards Asian bystanders and heard speeches attacking Muslims in Britain.


Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League (EDL), was among those on the march and he said that the FLA was “football supporters coming together to oppose the Islamisation of Britain”. The FLA’s Twitter account retweeted a post this week stating: “If you’re worried about the Muslim invasion, then the FLA is where it’s at now.”


The FLA’s private Facebook account includes racist posts attacking Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, and Diane Abbott, the Labour MP.


The Football Lads Alliance, the group behind marches against what they call “Islamist extremists”, uses a secret Facebook page full of violent, racist and misogynistic posts, targeting Sadiq Khan and Diane Abbott, as well as playing down the crimes of the Finsbury Park mosque attacker, Darren Osborne.


The page, which is invite-only and monitored by a team of administrators, states the FLA are “not fascist thugs” but includes posts by members calling for Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor, to be “hanged” and for Abbott, Britain’s first black female MP, to be “run over”. There are also posts claiming mosque attacker Osborne is a “scapegoat” and suggesting he was right to plot to kill Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.


FLA members posted this month that Khan was “the enemy within” and a “Trojan horse” who should be hanged “as a warning to all”. Others called Khan a “traitor”.


After Osborne was found guilty in February of killing Makram Ali when he deliberately drove his van into a crowd of Muslims, four FLA members commented that Osborne was in fact a scapegoat. Some went even further, insisting he was justified in his plot to kill Corbyn, with FLA supporters remarking that attacking the Labour leader was “right” and “not a bad thing” because he is an “enemy of the UK”.


As one of the highest-profile black women in parliament and a critic of the FLA, Abbott is a regular target on the page. FLA members last month repeatedly demanded that Labour’s British-born shadow home secretary “should be deported” and shared explicit racist memes.


Crumpy Gunt[/member]

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The page, which is invite-only and monitored by a team of administrators, states the FLA are “not fascist thugs” but includes posts by members calling for Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor, to be “hanged” and for Abbott, Britain’s first black female MP, to be “run over”. There are also posts claiming mosque attacker Osborne is a “scapegoat” and suggesting he was right to plot to kill Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.


It’s always the minority that spoil a nice day out marching on a Mosque.

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Guest firetotheworks

:lol: He's been great like, but Christ.


It's probably Hazard at this exact moment, but in terms of consistency it has to be Modric imo.

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Guest firetotheworks

Chris Sutton is off his rocker. How he’s on TV or radio is one of life’s great mysteries.


He's provocative, he gets the people goin'.

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