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Still not worthy of a thread


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Wankers. Can tell the poor thing is completely unaware of what's going on other than being dragged around by the neck.


Can't stand it when people use animals to fulfil their ideas. Purely mind-dominated people with no recognition or awareness of anything other than their desires and pleasures. Nothing smart or fun about what they're doing here.

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Bloke made friends with him in a sanctuary, started having his sandwiches with him on a lunchtime, felt sorry for him and one day decided to bring him home. He's said "get your coat", brought him home. Before you know it it starts trying it on with the missus, pinching her arse and that.

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Bloke made friends with him in a sanctuary, started having his sandwiches with him on a lunchtime, felt sorry for him and one day decided to bring him home. He's said "get your coat", brought him home. Before you know it it starts trying it on with the missus, pinching her arse and that.


:lol: chimpanzee that.

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Bloke made friends with him in a sanctuary, started having his sandwiches with him on a lunchtime, felt sorry for him and one day decided to bring him home. He's said "get your coat", brought him home. Before you know it it starts trying it on with the missus, pinching her arse and that.


:lol: Head like a fucking orange

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