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4 minutes ago, Froggy said:


10pm tonight probably a good place to start. 


Look on the bright side, when he's won the CL he might fuck off and City can go back to being the best team in the league but by a shorter distance.

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1 hour ago, Rafalove said:

Depends if you want longevity or a team that is just going to blow everyone to pieces.


Fergie never created teams that blew everyone to pieces as long as you looked the other way from 1992-2013.


I'd genuinely love to Pep take over someone like Spurs and see what he could do. 

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Look sometimes a manager is clearly better than another manager, but amoung the coaches who have won multiple champions leagues and domestic leagues it's just a nonsense, they're both great. Ferguson had the longevity, and it can be held against Pep that he basically has had freedom to build whatever he wanted whereas Ferguson had to maybe wring everything out of a team then rebuild it ground up, whereas Pep can just add 2 new players per window and shift it around. They're both great. Pep for me has been tactically influential in a way Fergie wasn't (or at least less obviously so) but Ferguson basically saw every challenge and then worked out how to neutralise it or copy it. Wenger came in and upped the game on the conditioning of players, ferguson saw oh fuck yeah we need to do that, and etc etc etc. 

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48 minutes ago, Froggy said:


Fergie never created teams that blew everyone to pieces as long as you looked the other way from 1992-2013.


I'd genuinely love to Pep take over someone like Spurs and see what he could do. 



Manchester United were never as dominant under SAF as Pep at Man City or Barca (I didn’t see his Bayern team).



Pep’s Barca is the greatest team of all time. They beat Manchester United 3-1. A team that Fergie himself described as the best he ever had. They did so while revolutionising the game along the way.


His Manchester City team have now equalled Fergie’s treble. But done so with more points. More goals scored and fewer conceded. Pep has smashed Fergie’s best points total for a season numerous times.

You don’t even hear some of the old tropes about “grinding out results when you’re not playing well” because it so seldom happens.


Pep’s level of domination is another level to Sir Alex’s domination.



Edited by Rafalove

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6 minutes ago, Rafalove said:



Manchester United were never as dominant under SAF as Pep at Man City or Barca (I didn’t see his Bayern team).



Pep’s Barca is the greatest team of all time. They beat Manchester United 3-1. A team that Fergie himself described as the best he ever had. They did so while revolutionising the game along the way.


His Manchester City team have now equalled Fergie’s treble. But done so with more points. More goals scored and fewer conceded. Pep has smashed Fergie’s best points total for a season numerous times.

You don’t even hear some of the old tropes about “grinding out results when you’re not playing well” because it so seldom happens.


Pep’s level of domination is another level to Sir Alex’s domination.




All true..... but until Pep takes a team that isn't already one of the best in the world and does it then there's always the question mark that he wouldn't be able to do it without the fantastic starting blocks that he had 

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Fergie was the perfect manager for his time and got out of the game at the right time. Pep is the perfect manager for the past 15 years where the game has become more tactical. It's almost as though there isn't and doesn't have to be a singular answer to this. 

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1 hour ago, madras said:

All true..... but until Pep takes a team that isn't already one of the best in the world and does it then there's always the question mark that he wouldn't be able to do it without the fantastic starting blocks that he had 


Just to play devil's advocate here.. But you could certainly argue City weren't one of the best in the world when he joined them?



Edited by MrRaspberryJam

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2 hours ago, madras said:

All true..... but until Pep takes a team that isn't already one of the best in the world and does it then there's always the question mark that he wouldn't be able to do it without the fantastic starting blocks that he had 

I think the Aberdeen side breaking the Old Firm duopoly multiple times and a European trophy beats any achievement Guardiola has with Barca, Bayern and cash rich City. I don’t think anyone has done it since.

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2 minutes ago, Nucasol said:

I think the Aberdeen side breaking the Old Firm duopoly multiple times and a European trophy beats any achievement Guardiola has with Barca, Bayern and cash rich City. I don’t think anyone has done it since.


It's understandable as it's so long ago, but when people are now comparing Pep and Fergie they're COMPARING Pep with Fergie at Man United. His Aberdeen achievements are arguably just as impressive. 

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2 hours ago, Froggy said:


They won the treble two seasons prior. They were definitely one of the best sides in the world.

No they didn't, they did the double


They were a good side but Pep created the best side that's played the game (at least certainly in the time I've been following football)

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