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Newcastle United 0-2 Manchester United (26/02/2023)


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1 minute ago, Geordie Ahmed said:

Played well apart from the final 3rd


Was not impressed with Man-U at all, they were basically just punting the ball forward and we were naive at the back


Summer needs to be about addressing that cutting edge 

I thought they were so well fucking organised mind. Had 11 player's behind the ball whenever out of possession..

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Gutted, but as expected. Nowhere near enough quality in that side. Almiron and Burn should've been subbed as they were both terrible. Thank fuck Almiron smiles when he runs around doing fuck all. No idea why Howe hooked ASM as he was the only one creating owt.


That january will haunt me for years to come. We had such a glorious chance there. FFP my fucking arse.


NUFC ruining lives since 1892:yao:



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I hate to say it, but while Wilson, Longstaff and Burn have got us to where we are now, to reach the next level we need better players in those positions. I think if we had picked up a world-class player or two in those positions in the transfer window, we'd have had a better chance in this game and avoided the skid we've been on. At least now we can concentrate on the league - we still have a good shot at top 5.

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2 minutes ago, Ronaldo said:

It’s factual. :lol: We’ve been utterly abysmal at scoring for 2 months. If you’re ok with that good for you but unfortunately it’s what decides games.

I think people are well aware of this and our lack of quality in certain positions.


People are understandably going to be raw/upset, can you not just leave the I told you so nonsense for a day at least, as you're coming across as a bit of a cunt in all honesty.

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Just now, bigfella said:

Who ever decided that playing shit music at full volume is the best way for teams to lift a trophy? 

Almost glad we didn't win (safety wink)

One of the (few) benefits of not being there is that, unlike previous occasions, I don’t have to hang around and watch the other lot lift the cup.  TV went off immediately 

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I thought we played OK. Two crap goals given away, our goals and that creativity have dried up and they defended well. Just not our day.


But look at where are to last year, it's just the start of something special. We're ahead of where we all expected to be and as disappointing as it is, I'm taking the positives.

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Devastated. All came down to a few small moments of quality or a little luck that went their way. We matched them throughout tbh.


Don't feel Karius was at fault for either goal, and actually thought he played pretty well, seemed quite assured and confident if a little rusty - which is really to be expected. First goal was a brilliant header, second was an unlucky deflection. Definitely be happy with him as Pope's backup going forward. Think Pope may have saved one or the other, but that's more that Pope is amazing, not that Karius did anything wrong.


Proud of them all, they gave it all they had. Didn't feel like anything dropped our way all game but they didn't give up. Love this team, gutted we haven't lifted a trophy. This would've meant so much more to us than it did to their lot, which hurts even more.

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Not too disappointed as I expected us to lose tbph.


Our goal threat has evaporated and our defensive reliability has wobbled. 


Wilson looks shot to bits. I was also surprised that he took ASM off before Almirón? Found that bizarre. If Wilson has to play, play Isak with him.


Regardless, just the start for us. Just hope this doesn't affect our push for top 4/Europe. 



Edited by HaydnNUFC

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2 minutes ago, Sempiternal said:

Wilson looks absolutely washed, what the fuck happened 


I love Callum but I'm kind of fed up with him now as well :lol:


The on and off injuries and the unreliability that comes with that is just so tiresome now.



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