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Football pet hates

Guest JonnyRogers

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More annoying to me is the physical jostling of the referee as in the Norwich-Southampton game on Saturday. At that level they should produce a yellow for each push - bang, bang, bang, bang - and reds if necessary. Then the refs in Sunday football and the like might not get beaten up as regularly as they do by violent arseholes. Just a thought. :dontknow:


Respect, innit?


Aye, Clattenberg should have dished out a number of cards at the weekend. Ridiculous that they allow themselves to be spoken to like that and physically intimidated.

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When teams fail to keep a wall 10 yards from a free kick and the ref has to keep moving them back. Sometime a ref has to tell them 2/3 times. Get them in the book straight away and this will soon stop!

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Guest Slippery Sam

Hearing your club have a lush draw in yurop that you fancy going to....only to remember you have a fuckin' holiday booked for that week.

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The fact if you kick the ball away it's an instant, indisputable yellow card, but if you hold onto the ball or pick it up and carry it away that's fine apparently, even though the result (wasting time when you're ahead, allowing your players to get back into position) is exactly the same.

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Pretty sure that when I was a kid I wanted English clubs to do well. Apart from Arsenal, of course. Nowadays I'm like most, in that I want the clubs I'm in competition with to fail so they don't get cash/kudos etc. Quite happy for someone like Fulham to do OK, because I don't see them as competition.


Yeah, when I was younger me and my dad would watch European games and he'd always be supporting the english team. He's still a little bit like that but I just want everyone to lose.

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My dad's still pro-English to an annoying degree, cheers them scoring and that it does my head in.


I prefer English clubs to do well tbh but I don't really care about the games; I don't understand why people would prefer to see Spanish/Italian/German domination in Europe.

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Oh ffs. Just crawled out of bed and hoyed the TV on for a gentle start to the day only to be greeted by Martin fucking Samuel being a stupid fat Cockney cunt. Seems to have shaved some of his greasy beard and cut some of his greasy hair but that wasn't the real problem.


Christ, the other wankers aren't much less awful either tbh. Singing Big Fat Sam's praises atm.


AC/DC DVD it is then.

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I remember a shout in a lower league game when the ref missed a few handballs of "good job you're not a cricket umpire ref, you'd never give anyone out" which was so overcomplicated a taunt I cracked up laughing a bit much  :lol:

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Talking about football to people who don't like it, follow it, or know much about it.


Defaults to either "dey get paid lotz" or "dey all divez rugby iz beta".




I've enjoyed annoying customers watching the Six Nations at work this year. Player down for an injury? 'get the fuck up man, pussies.' etc etc. Amazing how many people would actually make an argument out of such obviously shit baiting.

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