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José Enrique


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I got slated for saying I a, not convinced with him as a LB and would prefer him at RB, but all we need is to sign an actual fkn LB in January and move Santon over. its simples


Not to sure that LB should be Jose though

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Literally never thought he was suspect defensively.


Would have him back in a heartbeat; fucking quality left-back who's gone bad at a thoroughly shit club.


It's bizarre man. Carroll couldn't have looked less like a professional athlete at Liverpool.


Now at Upton Park, he's beginning to demonstrate the footwork which made me think he could really be something (in addition to his obvious aerial and physical strengths).

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Guest firetotheworks

Suspect defensively? Hmm, I don't think so. One on one he was nigh on unbeatable. I suppose he was sometimes suspect from crosses, but not a lot. His stray passing was his problem. Other than that, I loved him and can't ever pretend otherwise.


I prefer Santon at LB than at RB though, so...

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Suspect defensively? Hmm, I don't think so. One on one he was nigh on unbeatable. I suppose he was sometimes suspect from crosses, but not a lot. His stray passing was his problem. Other than that, I loved him and can't ever pretend otherwise.


I prefer Santon at LB than at RB though, so...


Very difficult to get round the outside of him, but with a bit of agility you could beat him inside - and the more central he was pulled, the less effective a defender he became.



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Why all this talk about moving Santon to RB? He quite clearly offers more going forward as a LB then he does on the other side, he looks uncomfortable playing there to be honest. Just sign a RB!!!


What does he offer going forward as a LB?

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Clocks have gone back.  Unfortunately our clock went all the way back to the last time this was discussed so now we have to do it for the 25th time again.

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No question Jose was a decent left back during his time at our club, but i cant help thinking he was made to look a lot better with Jonas covering his ass and helping him out with a lot donkey work tracking back.


It is made more apparently how he look rather average with the less than industrial type wide men he got infront of him at lfc.

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Wouldn't mind him coming back actually. For the right price, he'd be a good signing.


What an ill-advised move this was and to what end? A call up to the Spain squad? If anything him joining Liverpool has diminished his chances :yao:

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When his team is doing well hes one of the best players in it, when doing badly he can be one of the worst.  Liverpool have been poor for nearly all of 2012  and from what I can gather Enrique has been too (on the occasions he actually plays).


Think he needs a decent manager more than most players, something he has rarely had.

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