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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Remember what happened the last time we were in talks with Watford for a forward? £60m striker incoming…..
  2. he looks like a member of the Cartoons, them of Witchdoctor fame. and yes you are now going to have oo ee, oo haha, ting tang waller waller Bing bang in your head as you try to sleep. You are most welcome
  3. From the Bruno quotes I reckon he is very close to being available Sunday, was a little tell tale twinkle in the eyes
  4. Had completely forgot that Howe was actually the initial catalyst to the takeover by getting Schteve sacked. He played the (very) long game there!
  5. cheeky Jan bid for Pickford? Darlow to Everton, they get relegated
  6. So that means Wood cost us £10m plus a years wages. Looks a much better deal now
  7. That will just be a quirk from the last 6 months of the year. We've seen a number of relatively small but important deals come through recently - the likes of Noon etc which will only really feed into this years revenue where the wage bill for last year will be distorted by the January activity, which no doubt included a number of signing on payments. It will naturally come down as a % this year (unless we go loco in January again) and then the new revenues will kick in. Basically would not be concerned over a single period snap shot here
  8. Speed, Solano, Robert, dyer, Bellamy and Shearer did help to mask some defensive weaknesses. although Bernard, Hughes, Given weren’t exactly poor in the back 5 edit, and of course Shola
  9. Said it before, but he'd make a cracking manager going with the two big men up top
  10. Its not quite the same though is it? Councils selling land to a company but through a deferred payment scheme with a surrender clause is pretty common place, and earns the council a few quid in interest. My Uni has just completed on such a deal where we took on 10 plots of land back in 2015 and have just completed an onward sale of the last plots to a developer, money goes to the council rather than us but we get a piece of the development. we had to surrender 2 plots back as well last year. Spending 10s of millions of pounds on partly building a stadium on the assumption of investment coming in and with a penalty clause of returning the land to its previous use is a whole different ball game of risk. The only way I see that being viable to the club is if it was cash financed by the owner and any investment money goes straight back to them and not the club
  11. move no idea how they do them, I’d be knee planted and awkward forward roll straight off. Willock had his nailed against Chelsea, probably the best one (apart from Burn obv)
  12. Needs to work on his knee slide celebration mind
  13. His game isn't based on pace so you would expect that he can keep to his level for at least another 2 years
  14. Andos reaction to BDR going down was brilliant, only to be topped off by the realisation that a penalty was going to be given. he really is a local gem (yes I know he is Irish but you know what I mean here)
  15. And Oba still claims to be celebrating his 24th birthday this year
  16. you have to be talking about Klopp as well. unpikely to be sacked but I’d say at least a 50% chance he’s not there fist game of next season
  17. 2 draws surely? Put an extra 2 points between us and those below and gain 2 on the two above us
  18. Per mile drink walking is more dangerous than drink driving. at the end of the day he’s done something stupid and thankfully he’s getting a lesson with no harm being done.
  19. Or Isak wide first half, Maxi wide second half and Isak moving into the centre with Wilson coming off. Options options options!
  20. He'll lose his license, pay a fine. Howe is likely to drop him on Sunday and you know with Howe that if the midfield trio perform then he'll have a fight to get his place back. Couple that with some work with the Foundation and that will be the matter dealt with
  21. A surprisingly important weekend this one with the possibility of us gaining 2 points on both Manchester and North London clubs if we can pick up the 3 points and the derbies end in draws. If things go badly then we drop behind Manu and Spurs with Fulham right on our heels. Can't see big Joe start so its a midfield three of Longstaff, Little Joe and Bruno with Miggy and ASM wide (Think Isak will be a sub but you never know). Lot of pressure on Little Joe and BDB down the left to stop crosses in for Mitro. Think we'll have too much, close first half (1-0) and then we'll pull away last 20-25 with 2 more goals.
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