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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Can't fault the effort from the lads bar from clark who should never appear in a toon shirt again and be sold as 12:01 on the 1st Jan.
  2. After 10 mins if I was offered a point I would have snapped your hand off but that just feels like a body blow.
  3. all Clark's fault!! Hopefully will be chucked in the tyne with weights tied to his feet.
  4. Watched that penalty old skool style from behind the couch. Couldn't look!
  5. If he doesn't give it after reviewing it I'm storming the pitch like!!
  6. This. I had to switch off during the 2nd half on Saturday. After going for so long being emotionally disconnected from my club it was 'easy' to watch bruce's shit shows. Finding it tough caring this much again. Feel like a need some kinda "pre-season" to build up my resilience.
  7. Schar disoriented after being in the opposition half for more than 10 seconds.
  8. Last minute to save a us a point I could understand but in the 9th fucking minute. What was going through his head?
  9. Straight red is automatic 3 match ban? .... clouds and silver linings and all that....
  10. https://theathletic.com/2979994/2021/11/27/ryan-taylor-from-premier-league-to-goal-eighth-tier-colne/
  11. Can we not have him driven on to the pitch on one of them pope-mobile things?
  12. Just watch that Rory lad from the kick off youtube video about it. Fucking ridiculous! Hope our new owners do all they can to keep ticket prices affordable.
  13. Was just about to say that! If he says you're running laps you're fucking running laps!!
  14. No.3 holds a special place in my heart. Just because it was the one on the strips when I started supporting the club and wearing football strips. Plus for someone who couldn't draw to save themselves this one was relatively easy to duplicate on school books covers, pencil cases etc. No.1 looks quite 'complicated'. Good for the city council or such like but not a football club. No.2 I just don't like. Love the retro top that it appears on but the badge itself, nah. But have to agree with the majority. No.4 all the way.
  15. must admit at first read I read that completely incorrectly.
  16. I could watch that on a loop (and probably will!). Had to stop it midway through and just remind myself that ashley is no longer running our club. She is!
  17. Subscribed to the official youtube channel which is something I've never done.
  18. Waiting to be alone to watch this.
  19. Fuck....that's not enough. I'm like an addict...... I WANT MORE CONTENT!!!!!
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