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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Suarez is evergreen like, has been nothing short of fantastic at all his clubs. Has won titles at Nacional and Gremio?
  2. I remember a 3-3 draw with Burnley where at the end we put Armstrong on and got Williamson to hit 70 yard balls towards him against Mee and Tarkowski. Somehow this genius tactic bore no fruit.
  3. Who was that Austrian lad with the massive neck? Mairhofer?
  4. why does Gordon have a massive neck
  5. Worth mentioning that if we signed Guirassy in Jan he’d be off immediately to the AFCON for a month
  6. Next years Fenwick window will be mint then
  7. He said on his .co.uk interview he just considers it just another game.
  8. Does anyone know where I can find the current up to date ball in play time for this season? Strangely hard to find given people couldn’t stop fucking talking about it when we’ were bottom.
  9. Do we reckon he celebrates if he scores on Thursday? Something understated or knee slide in front of the Gladys end with his finger to his lips?
  10. GeordieDazzler

    Nick Pope

    Get that Georgian lad from Valencia in Jan then? Can help Kravadonna settle in in the summer too.
  11. Yeah Bruno F is annoying but clearly an excellent player, although I’m mainly amazed by his injury record, the guy is made of titanium - has only missed like four games in his entire career
  12. Was that the “we didn’t realise you were good” cringy interview?
  13. https://archive.is/wUY1k bit mad, Eze reckons he’ll be back from injury in the next game or so but the Palace medical team say he’s injured his ligaments and will be out for a prolonged period of time.
  14. I don’t mind Goldbridge he’s been consistently complimentary about us this season.
  15. Goals against Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea and Man United. Man for the big occasion is AG.
  16. Starts tomorrow probably not
  17. Surley the fact that the main catalyst of six in a row turned out to be a massive nonce must take the shine of it somewhat?
  18. Yeah that’s my reading of it - sounds like it may be a director or chairman
  19. I joked to someone that it was due to half of Nissan being in that Ponzi scheme and then got sent a screenshot of someone on RTG blaming it
  20. Yeah the amount of Arsenal fans still swamping any comments section on the internet just makes that win the other week all the sweeter. Surprised we didn’t get any signing up here to be honest. I like the fact people hate us, we aren’t here to be popular.
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