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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Is it not Sunday yet? Get it over with man, whatever happens. Feel like i'm heading towards a level crossing. The barriers are down and the train's coming but my brakes don't work. Not often i'm pleased to be at work but it's probably the only thing that distracts me from all this s**t.
  2. It's going to be a long week, waiting for what seems like the inevitable Hull win while we don't scenario. We've got what should be the easier home game of the 2 but we'll not take the chance to control our destiny. It's just the way things happen to this club. Whatever the outcome, i'll probably be relieved when it's all over. I've got that feeling in the pit of my stomach, normally reserved for derby day but it seems constant just now.
  3. Spurs still going for a europa spot, although form has dipped of late. Man U will hopefully be still battling it out with Arsenal to see who finishes 3rd or 4th. Don't the 4th place finishers have to go through a play off to qualify outright for the champions league? If anyone has nothing to play for it's our opponents, QPR and West Ham. That's not to say i've any confidence in beating them though.
  4. Me too. 9/2 by the time i got round to it, but the treble the odds thing makes it more appealing. Probs the 1st bet i've placed where i'd love to lose.
  5. Absolutely desperate that lot. No way should he be allowed to play. I'm sure anyone in any other job would be suspended in such circumstances.
  6. 3rd bottom is a bit of a worry as Leicester and one or two others have played a game less than us. Bottom two would have to win 3 out of 5 without us scraping another point. Would be unlikely for enough teams to catch us. Can't see where another point is coming from but a couple of draws would probs do it.
  7. 5 in a row. Is that the number of seasons they've been dodging the drop?
  8. It may be chocka but each and every one of us who stays away today can rest easy knowing we've done our bit to say we're unhappy. There was a time when i wouldn't book a holiday if it involved missing a home game but missing todays game isn't bothering me too much. Sign of the times i suppose.
  9. the most significant 5 in their lives at the moment should be that of being 5th bottom of the league. If we were in their position I'd be a bit cautious in gloating until we were safe at least.
  10. As a season ticket holder, Carver getting the job may be the last straw for me. If he's appointed full time then Ashley is asking to throw away his TV money by being relegated and with any luck lose half of his ST holders into the bargain.
  11. Season ticket holder of 25 years that can't, YET, give up going completely. I've started paying for next season in March and don't want to write a couple of months payments off. This coming year, between now and next renewal period i suppose i'm at a bit of a crossroads, not sure how much more of being treat with contempt i can take. Definitely won't go on Sunday though. It's ONE game and we at least have to send out some sort of message that things aren't good enough.
  12. Aye, any bus iirc. They seem to make such a short journey last forever though. Last season when we were coming back, the buses joined the A1 and got near the Redheugh Bridge. After another obligatory surrender by the team to this lot, we just wanted to get into town and drown our sorrows. We thought we'd head over the Redheugh but unbelieveably we carried on past the Metrocentre, over the junction with the West road/A69 then up Stamfordham road and finally into town. Complete waste of our time and that of the supposedly busy police force as we were needlessly under escort the whole way. Not going this year. Not enthusiastic enough to spend the time or the ticket money. No confidence in our embarrassment of a 'squad'. If they break with tradition and pull off a win i'll enjoy it in the pub instead.
  13. Hilarious at the SOS yesterday, sadly tempered by the thought of our lot turning up in 3 weeks time and making them look like Barcelona.
  14. This club man. Constantly shooting itself in the foot.
  15. Could not control my laughter when i put the tele on at about 4pm and seen they were 2-0 down. I was sure they'd get through today, draw one of the many ordinary/poor sides left, at home then start going on about Wembo again. So much so that i was reluctantly hoping for the 'bigger' sides to stay in just in case. Usually root for the underdogs. Couldn't care less now. Bradford/PNE for the cup.
  16. I wouldn't say I WISH the same torture on other clubs or their fans, but i don't care who suffers at Ashleys hands so long as it's not my club.
  17. Realise it's a repeat but the crazy gang documentary about the old Wimbledon s on btsport now. These really were a horrible lot. John fashanu is loving playing up to the cameras.
  18. Scoreboard82

    John Carver

    The only way you can associate the words Carver and sharp is that our cup exit has been sharp. God help us if he gets the job.
  19. Can't even get himself over the line.
  20. Funny how people with no connection to the club/city think they know better than those for who NUFC play a massive part in their lives.
  21. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/inevitable-4-in-a-row-t.1009529/ Was available same day. How f*cking predictable! Bless those small-time c*nts! Aye. Memories with my club are of beating Barcelona and Juventus among others, While theirs are of following a nothing club that achieves nothing, but they win their derbies quite often and that's all that matters to them.
  22. There's a hibs fan comes down from Edinburgh and delivers to where I work. He reckons a lot of hibs fans dislike macca too. I gather he watches hibs when not watching the mackems.
  23. Youth cup game away at the unchartered territory of the new den, Millwall. 3pm on the same day as our 5.30 ko at arsenal. Little bit frustrating as I'd like to tick the new den off my grounds list, but wouldn't make it to the Emirates in time unless I settle for the 1st half of the youth cup game.
  24. Curbishley summed it up quite well on SSN this morning. When asked if we the fans should apologize to Pardew, he said "No, the fans should see where they end up at the end of the season 1st." Also said that Pardew's doing a good job for MA by being happy with selling big and buying small. I'm over the moon we're winning again, but if only we had a bit of investment.
  25. Set fire to the ferry but luckily he was the only thing that went down.
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