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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Anyway, as for the game I've definitely got a nervous excitement today. Howay the lads.
  2. That quick? They must have been gone by 11.15. After the initial ST period it became a lottery as we've discussed elsewhere. If you don't hold a ST it's one thing asking someone with sufficient points to help you for an away game when they have a decent period of time to claim it, but another thing to ask someone to take time out of their lives to be online at 10am on a certain day to sit in an online queue where demand hugely outstrips supply. The majority will have secured their own seat initially.
  3. Not long back from Benidorm and seen an American/Canadian sounding comedian called Pablo Bloom. Some of you may have seen him. He tried to involve many areas of the UK in his show and we arrived mid show one night when he was asking some mackem where they were from and in the reply it somehow came up that it was on the river Wear (We-a). Pablo must have annoyed them greatly by telling them he'd heard of the Wear but always thought is was Tyne and Wear but the pronunciation was wear (as in to wear clothes). He followed that by singing fog on the Tyne followed by Blaydon Races while they no doubt sat there fuming.
  4. Where did you see this LFEE? Can only see away leg tickets mentioned on the official site. Away on holiday this week so worried I miss it.
  5. He didn't see much of the ball in his brief appearance with St Mirren pressing strongly for a leveler up the other end but showed good vision to set up that sitter his team mate thankfully missed. Unlucky not to have an assist.
  6. It's not live Gh but I've read that the whole game is repeated on BBC Alba at 10pm (UK time). Think it's quite easily accessible through the BBC around the UK.
  7. Nah, rearranged after being postponed when the queen died. Had a soft spot for St Mirren for years after a visit in the 80s. I'm really hoping he doesn't play tomorrow night. After that I wish him well of course.
  8. I'm up there in the St Mirren end tomorrow night. Paid £27. Anyone know how long it's likely to take for him to get his international clearance?
  9. This is possibly where some arseholes I know give me the "told you so" for not holding onto my ST and subsequently losing my points. I have it back but minus the points.
  10. When Bournemouth went down, was that the season Villa (god I hate them) would have went down if it wasn't for a incredibly rare Hawkeye goal line decision failure v Sheffield United too?
  11. The Rochdale squad in Spoons on the quayside Saturday night. Must have just arrived for their Xmas night out cos they were still in their padded club coats.
  12. Scoreboard82

    Footy trivia

    Good that. Addictive.
  13. Can remember a huge toon contingent in there in 85 too. No one laid a finger on them.
  14. I have a work mate who's originally from Kings Lynn. They did alright 1st half of todays game then fell apart after HT. Kings Lynn that is, not my work mate.
  15. The sight of that surfer yesterday was simply spine tingling. Well done work flags..again. Keep up the great work.
  16. So near yet so far. Lot of miles to go and money to be spent. Sutton, Gillingham, Exeter, Forest Green and Coventry left. Bit frustrating cos been to Coventrys old Highfield Road but not their current home. Forest Green looks a twat to get to despite being relatively near to Bristol. Plans to move too so depending on the timescale might put it to the back of the list so as I don't have to do it twice. It's a bit of a moving target with Everton and Luton at least planning moves in the next few years. Have some great days out at random places though.
  17. Sutton v Salford this Saturday. Train service permitting anyway. Ground No 88 of 92 for me. Looking forward to it. Timed it well to take advantage of this offer too. https://www.suttonunited.net/news/2022/september2/calling-premier-league-and-efl-season-ticket-holders/
  18. aye showing my age there.
  19. Love watching him when things take a bad turn. Loved the bit where he says "At Sunderland the shit always hits the fan but i thought we'd bought a big new fan, with no shit on"
  20. 40years ago today that KK debut for NUFC v QPR according to nufc.com. What a day man. The stuff of dreams at the time. Couldn't believe this absolute superstar had signed for us, 2nd division, been shite for years Newcastle.
  21. Yes but 22 years ago in the FA cup 6th round. There were about 4 of us in one of the stands along one of the touch lines. Quite pissed and not particularly undercover or quiet. Was ok that day but obviously on another day might be completely different. I think you'll be ok if you keep a low profile.
  22. Again their lack of self awareness comes to the fore. Trying to laugh about a defeat in Europe while forgetting they've only played 2 or 3 European games in their history.
  23. If you'd feel happier parking at the metrocentre this X50 'soccer bus' has been running for years. Assuming the same goes this season. https://www.gonortheast.co.uk/nufcbuses
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