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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. A great servant to the club, did the best he could for us against huge adversity, but we all know what happens to fan favourites around here. Didn't deserve the treatment he received and can hold his head extremely high in how he dealt with that. Much in the same way as HBA will be remembered a) for what he did for us in his best moments and b) for standing up to the establishment.
  2. Mattoon

    Sammy Ameobi

    What's your definition of decent man, christ. Rather keep Sammy as a backup than spunk 3-4mil on a similarly talented championship winger. Aye careful what you wish for innit?
  3. I wouldn't be happy having a number 2 forced on me that had been in my position (albeit as interim) and probably still bruised because I got it instead of him. You'd feel like you had to watch your back 24/7. Terrible idea iyam. As much as we need a great first team "head coach" we need a backroom staff to support him.
  4. Future manager maybe? (Obviously not under fatty, that bridge is well and truly ashes.)
  5. Villa can feel a little aggrieved they didn't get at least 1 penalty, but to be fair they were beaten all over the pitch, fair result in the end. Ref is still definitely a product of FIFA though, bent bastard.
  6. I've got a lot of time for Vurn, chronically misused throughout his time here. He deserves another chance, but under the right management. If it is to be McClaren or Charver then we might as well sell whilst we can get a fee for him.
  7. How big are Barcelona's centre midfielders? This is easily the most TRon post ever. I didn't mention size you silly gimp. You didn't. but it's a factor nonetheless. Pardew didn't think he was physical enough for the premier and even in the last few pages he's been described as too lightweight. So might as well get it out there and discuss the pros and cons. Why do you think John Carver preferred Ryan Taylor in midfield ahead of Vurn? DNA? Say what you like about JC but he covers every angle in shit.
  8. How big are Barcelona's centre midfielders? This is easily the most TRon post ever. I didn't mention size you silly gimp. You didn't. but it's a factor nonetheless. Pardew didn't think he was physical enough for the premier and even in the last few pages he's been described as too lightweight. So might as well get it out there and discuss the pros and cons. Why do you think John Carver preferred Ryan Taylor in midfield ahead of Vurn? DNA?
  9. I could accept that if it wasn't a pattern forming. It's either Carr looking at the wrong type of player or the medical staff for killing them. At the moment I think we'd be better off with Shipman.
  10. So we've managed nearly an entire careers worth of injury in one season, impressive.
  11. After the initial shock people seemed to calm down, hopefully it's just that.
  12. Mattoon

    John Carver

    Trouble is I think he's our fallback option when we get blown off by everyone else so they don't want to burn bridges with him I hope today's reports aren't true that Kean has been approached though ffs.
  13. With any luck we can play them at just the right time to send them down.
  14. Nowt, and is still expected to be elected President again. I suppose there's always hope that the ones arrested with roll over on the geriatric bastard and we can be rid of him once and for all.
  15. Without going back through 6 pages what's happening to the king of corruption Slack Bladder?
  16. Mattoon

    John Carver

    Clearly using names to get people onside, he had a perfect opportunity to shower Jonas with the praise he deserved after all he's been through and to thank him for being a loyal servant to the last minute and to cap off a difficult period of his life with a fairytale ending. But no he goes for the cheap shot to garner support "one of our own." Self serving prick. In my eyes it was churlish, premeditated and selfish.
  17. Carver played an absolute blinder there keeping him back for this.
  18. One of three players who dragged us to the win today, you can tell Anita, Janmatt and Jonas really knew how important this was and made it count. Absolutely poetic that Jonas did that today, actually made me feel emotion, there's a few that have been saying it would be amazing if he scored the winning goal today. Delighted for him, what he lacks in ability he more than makes up for in heart, dedication and honesty. Love you Jonas man!
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