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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Mattoon


    There's just too much to tackle that post, maybe a simple "you sir, are cunt" would suffice.
  2. Mattoon


    This from AO.com comments section, this is what we're up against, I've been trying to educate them but some are just a lost cause!
  3. Mattoon


    You're assuming that he hates you as much as you hate him. A fair assumption I would say. An ego-centric assumption, I'd say. Oh well, here goes. To be honest, the boycott all feels a bit naive. Similar to the Sack Pardew campaign - a howl of anger rather than anything constructive. We'll soon be appointing a permanent manager, and I'm wondering what any half-decent candidate is going to make of the club. Despite the campaigners' opinion of his ability, Pardew's standing in the game was reasonably good and will only have been enhanced by events at Palace. Candidates will have seen the guy driven out by supporters and may well think twice about putting themselves in the same position. Similarly any waverers are going to be concerned about harnessing themselves to an owner who is subject to a similar campaign. So altogether, I expect that - as with the results of the Pardew campaign - we'll end up in a worse position. Ashley had always had a piggybank attitude to spending money, and he's now got the club in a position where there's some surplus cash to spend. Personally, I'd like to see what he's prepared to do this summer. People will say that we're reached the same position before, but the situation now is a bit different, and will be an acid test of whether he's prepared to spend on the team or try to recoup his previous investment. #WAIT I don't know whether you noticed but we had a "nice kitty" at the end of the 13/14 season, I see we spent well off the back of that. But yeah you hold on to that thought Crony I'm sure Ashley will change.
  4. Mattoon


    Updated on AO today.
  5. Pointless exercise entirely, but I do agree that Garry Monk's done well with Swansea. Wasn't sure he'd pan out, but he's had a decent go of it. I also think Carver in 18th is far too generous.
  6. All be it another smoke screen to get his way, head over to AO to get the inside info on why he said that and what really happened. Truth is it did affect him otherwise he wouldn't have felt the need to lie to us about selling up. If he meant it we would be where City is right now, fat fuck.
  7. The longest prematch thread we've had in about a year and 8 and a half pages of it aren't even about football. Speaks volumes about the state of the club.
  8. Mattoon

    George Caulkin

    He basically dictated the whole article during his rants on Total Sport, which helps. A lot of it was pretty much verbatim.
  9. Mattoon


    If we're close to capacity after all this then there is no hope, a real driving force is at work here and we have several different fans representatives all pulling in the same direction, when does that happen? If we can't evoke emotion right now, what hope do we have? I've just replied to a post on AO.com to someone saying we should be supporting the team and the real test for the regime is in the summer when they hire a permanent coach, we should wait until at least Christmas before we consider a boycott?!? #Wait 8 years of the same wool being pulled over your eyes and you're still advocating real tests and patience? F...M.........L!
  10. Mattoon

    George Caulkin

    Excellent piece once again by Caulkin but it needs greater publicity than just on that site. Unfortunately the ones that need to read it probably avoid AO like the plague.
  11. Mattoon

    Kevin Keegan

    This! Keegan made me fall in love with this club (bastard! ) and he dared us all to believe.
  12. Or Carver telling us how proud he is for all the real fans turning up and supporting the team. No Carver will just blame the stark support for the loss, it affected the team *lick*
  13. The only result I'm interested in here is the number of empty seats, everything else, for NUFC is irrelevant.
  14. Mattoon


    I don't want to force anyone into anything but it would be nice if they would just take a minute to think of the long term. It's also infuriating when someone berates Ashley in one breath and then fills his pocket the next. Each to their own but I just cannot fathom the thought process behind it.
  15. Mattoon


    The only fathomed reason to go to the Spurs match is if you truly support Mike Ashley and agree with how he's running the club. That of course opens you to questions of your mental state but we'll leave that there. If you're going out of some misguided loyalty to the team your stuck in one way traffic because no loyalty has been shown to us from anyone at the club. Lastly if you're going because you're a supafan that never misses a game then you deserve all you get, it's pretentious to say the least.
  16. Mike Ashley wet dream, Premiership gravy train for another year and no bonuses to pay out; PROFIT! Give that Carver another 10 year contract!!
  17. Pretty much safe, but imagine surviving on 35 points? Fucking embarrassing!
  18. Never should have come off, we lost any little momentum we had after that. Clearly a cut above the rest of the dross. If he's got half a brain he won't be signing any contract extensions, too good for this 2 bit clown outfit.
  19. If I wasn't working I'd quite happily make the 200 mile round trip to support this. Sadly I am working, but I wish everyone that goes the best and I hope it's a big enough turn out to make a statement!
  20. "There's no pass thurr" yes there is? "There's no pass thurr" yes there is! "There's no pass thurr" why would you want to pass there? Mind numbing shit this.
  21. Why am I watching this? I fucking hate the scouse accent!
  22. Mattoon

    John Carver

    I think he's playing left back.
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