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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. That's what I thought, unreal that can get away with brazenly syphoning funds out of the club to the benefit of his other companies, meanwhile they haven't got a team to field less than 2 weeks before the start of the season! I'm not sure how they'll survive this, Oysten will be out soon once the last £11-12m the club is due drops.
  2. http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid601325122001?bckey=AQ~~,AAAAAEabvr4~,Wtd2HT-p_Vh4qBcIZDrvZlvNCU8nxccG&bctid=3699524421001 Sorry if not allowed or Giggs, news report about goings on at Blackpool, if anyone's interested?
  3. Those damned fans and owners who expect entertainment and goals. Damn them to hell. right way and wrong ways to do things what they are doing is entirely wrong. Either back him and let him get on with the job or sack him and find someone else who will better fit your stated goals. But firing him would be expensive so why not try and force him to resign by completely undermining and contradicting him? Actually agree with this, he's a dinosaur and has WHam obviously want to change their approach to how they play, if that's the case they should be looking for a manager who meets their style. Back him or sack him!
  4. Seem to remember being called out as a 2 year old for making similar flippant remarks towards fat ash, in hindsight perhaps a little hypocritical?
  5. I agree with most of that tbf. The one thing that will annoy though, is if we do shift MYM we'll end (could) up buying or loaning someone not as good, probably on the same money. Which makes it daft to loan or sell MYM in the first place. All our defenders have that problem though, it's just MYM isn't a Pard favourite and he can't get it out his head that he's somehow a RB? If/when we offload him I fully expect us to get another tall CB clogger which is a shame. Aye, we do need a clogger type though, prefer the term no nonsense myself But to play alongside MYM, not to replace him. This. We should be keeping MYM to replace Colo, he's on the decline, Colo and a commanding CB would work, with a view to MYM replacing him in the long term. Can see Pardew wanting 2 commanding CBs though, so long as they can jump and we can float a FK or corner to them. Fwiw I think MYM was brought in to replace Colo until he pulled a 180 and stayed and now he's surplus to requirements cuz Pards will never replace his captain.
  6. I agree with most of that tbf. The one thing that will annoy though, is if we do shift MYM we'll end (could) up buying or loaning someone not as good, probably on the same money. Which makes it daft to loan or sell MYM in the first place. All our defenders have that problem though, it's just MYM isn't a Pard favourite and he can't get it out his head that he's somehow a RB? If/when we offload him I fully expect us to get another tall CB clogger which is a shame.
  7. 3 good games plus Spurs & 40 minutes against Liverpool. I'm loathe to include Spurs because they had about 30 shots, we were hardly water tight, but a clean sheet is a clean sheet I suppose. In truth, I don't think we've seen enough of him at centre half in the league to say for sure if he's any good or not, but we've seen plenty of the other three to suggest they aren't. When a team went more physical, as Everton did, he really struggled, and from the games you've listed they are teams who generally get the ball down and play. I can't see us buying anybody better than him so for that reason he's definitely worth giving another go. IIRC and its very possible that I don't recall correctly, didn't Spurs just do that thing they always did under AVB of having the ball for ages but not creating anything and then taking a long shot against us? Erm, no they utterly battered us and Tim Krul did his best Superman impressions from all ranges. Iirc Krul holds the record for most shots saved in a match at 14 in that game?
  8. Mattoon

    Emmanuel Rivière

    You're all going soft in here with this crepe, it's too hard to read any more my brains fried, omelette you carry on while I scramble for the off button. One more thing, you lot should stop Benedict to each other.
  9. You've been on a bit of self congratulation day today Shades of Pardew "I'd like to praise the hard work done by me with getting my posts articulated well today, without me none of this would be possible" (just joshing with you Kaka )
  10. Last shirt I bought was Virgin Puma, worn it half a dozen times and it's falling to pieces, they're fucking shit like! Still get good wear out of all my Adidas ones, got the purple one on ATM. Can't bring myself to buy a Puma shirt they're minging and the W**ga logo seals the deal for me.
  11. Pardews ruined Gouffran's natural game and dropped HBA because he won't play residual right back, I fear for Cabella unless he has the stamina of a horse.
  12. A keeper needs to be nimble, quick on his feet and able to get low, fast. So maybe not AS strict however still needs to be in shape and by shape I don't mean round.
  13. This is the worst bit for me, the hypocrisy of Pardew with one of his hoop lickers, The Blob, carrying far too much timber being allowed a free pass. If HBA took it to tribunal there's surely a case for descrimination there.
  14. Fat fucker, absolute embarrassment that picture, as if you'd pose looking like that!?! I bet Jelliot looks positively svelt next to him.
  15. Mattoon


    They still have another parachute payment of 7m due soon and a tribunal payment for Ince, I think the Oystons will do a runner with what's left when that money comes in. The supporters had a protest on our seafront this weekend, funny shit, but can't help but feel sorry for them.
  16. ie. We're gunna do a tactic wif fret and use it all season, hope it works on everywun.
  17. Put that on a banner sharpish!! That quote has got big ass teeth on it waiting to bite him on his arse! He'll have forgotten about it tomorrow never mind once we start free falling down the table.
  18. And Hatem has done far less than Barton ever did. Kind of reminds me of Gullit's treatment of Rob Lee. We can only hope it's exactly the same scenario, I said this was happening a couple of days ago, it's gone too far now, this is rediculous.
  19. Stockholm syndrome tbh, throw us a few scraps and the less mentally astute think they're doing us a favour. We haven't had a permanent transfer in 18 months, anything would seem like a breakthrough, even doing the bare minimum. Fucking sheep.
  20. Is it te apocalypse? It's saying something when the Mackems are singing from the same song sheet as us, deserves a tbh. I'm shocked!
  21. And yet last season he played well and got dropped, came on in later games and gave the few sparks we had in attack, utter bollocks imo. He had 'moments' of brilliance when he came on but it was no where near his potential. Which was the frustrating thing - Imagine what a fit Ben Arfa could have done. I would agree but i don't think he's that unfit, which is really my stance on it. We'll just have to agree to disagree on that. I never thought he looked fit since he came back from his hamstring injury. I agree Pardew has managed him horrendously bad as he clearly is a player who needs to feel wanted. But he has always had full support from the fans and I think he owes us to be in the best shape he can be - yet from what I have seen he has practically hung up his boots. He is without a doubt one of the most gifted players I've seen play for Newcastle and I am annoyed that he is giving Pardew the excuse he needs not to play him. If he was fully fit and looked like he was chomping at the bit the pressure to play him would be enormous. Yet when you read about him coming back from holiday over weight it just takes the pressure off Pardew. And I for one am gutted about that. Therein lies the problem, "what you read" ie what the club and in particular what Pardew is saying about him. No he's not in peak physical form, but he's just come back, I bet he's nowhere near as bad as they're making out. Just another excuse to try and turn us against him and to ostracise him further from the first team.
  22. "I want to applaud the hard work of my mother and I for getting me over the line"
  23. Someone fishing for attention?
  24. I'm from Blackpool, someone from here has also died in this tragedy, RIP to all 3 such a horrible day for all involved. Thoughts go out to all the families too.
  25. Mattoon

    Emmanuel Rivière

    Same here, I know sweet FA about the lad but good luck to him, hope he does well for us.
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