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Everything posted by Pilko

  1. Love that aspect of great goals. One that sticks in my head is a bloke in a bright green coat on his feet celebrating pretty much as soon as Cabaye's free kick v Man U goes over the wall, miles before anyone else.
  2. I'm happy enough with the tie, we avoided the top half PL sides and Fulham away is definitely a very winnable game, if not an "easy" one.
  3. Pilko

    Fabian Schär

    I thought that, he always looked like he was seconds from attacking Bruce with an icepick at any given moment.
  4. Pilko


    There were cheers from the public gallery and Mr Diamond looked visibly relieved when the verdict was announced. 49,000 there for the trial apparently, with another 10,000 listening to the verdict on the radio in the Nissan plant.
  5. Pilko

    Sean Longstaff

    He's not had as good a season as last season so far but I wouldn't be selling him. We should probably look to upgrade him when we can but he's a really valuable option, fills homegrown quota, and when he's on form the whole team tends to look better for it. Nobody is going to pay anything worth selling him for, he'll stay long term imo.
  6. They'll finish top half under him.
  7. Would take anything that's not against a top half PL team tbh, home or away. We're massively due a low key draw.
  8. Pilko

    Kieran Trippier

    Was great to see him looking a lot more comfortable and confident yesterday and now the schedule becomes a lot more manageable I'm absolutely certain we'll see the high levels of performance he's reached in 95% of the games he's played for us.
  9. Pilko


    Reading RTG this morning and it's amazing how the narrative of how they see themselves has changed now we've beaten them. Beforehand it was: "Pffft, we'd give PSG and Milan a game, cracking team of young players we have" "We should definitely be getting playoffs, we belong in the Premier League with this side, be playing the mags twice more next season" "We're a bigger club than them" Now they've been spanked: "Taking a club photo on the pitch is embarrassing. Spent £500m and they've finally beaten little old Sunderland" "They beat a mid table Championship team, hilarious how they're celebrating it" "They are streets ahead of us and yet they way they're going on is ridiculous" Absolutely fantastic how the narrative shifts in order for them to clutch at the only straws they now have left. On that point about the club photo... that's embarrassing of us to do, but belly-sliding down the Gallowgate End in front of their away fans when they won at our place isn't. The double standards and changing of their story by these thick cunts as ever is incredible Hopefully yesterday represented the start of another beaten generation of Sunlin fans who will never see their team beat us, especially given they'll probably only have occasional one season PL tours and even more occasional cup ties to attempt it in.
  10. Beef in black bean sauce Salt & pepper chicken Spare ribs Chips Fried rice Curry sauce Billy basic, but influenced by 'er indoors who's starving & waiting for me to get my arse back from the pub. Halycon days.
  11. He denied anything was happening when Isak was plastered all over twitter getting his medical done, he will always play it down regardless of what we're doing and it's probably wise to do so tbh.
  12. Pilko


    Amazing how they happily took the "blood money", a meagre £17k for them to roll over and have their bellies tickled. I'm a bit confused because I thought mackems were a different, special breed who's heads would never be turned by dirty oil money? They definitely said that didn't they?
  13. Whatever he did this week in terms of prep was absolutely bob on, the selection and the tactics spot on, the late subs and getting a doubled over with laughter Paully D on the pitch a mark of brilliance too.
  14. Aye, with refs used to VAR now they definitely bottle out of more decisions on the odd occasion VAR isn't in operation.
  15. Just loading up the old single barrel pump action yoghurt rifle.
  16. You must be incredibly pissed or of a red and white persuasion to think it's not a foul on Isak like.
  17. What a fucking class day it's been. Couple more hours on the ale to go, home, massive Chinese, watch the highlights on a loop, probably knock one out. Happy New Year.
  18. Pilko


    at least he knows what they are. Playoff team last I heard but good that he's accepted how fucking crap his side is.
  19. Pilko

    Kieran Trippier

    Ah, that's a shame.
  20. Got the Ballard one on Isak wrong and only booking Gordon and not Hume or Ballard for that scrap war a disgrace. Otherwise he was fine. I reckon Steve Cram could have referred that today and we'd have won easily.
  21. Pilko


    Worst day a Beale has had since Phil was flushing Ian's head down the toilet.
  22. Baby Faced Bally, not a scrap of talent in the cunt's body.
  23. Credit for today, he put his library book down and dug out two really good saves.
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