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Everything posted by cannybagoftudor

  1. I would welcome relegation if it meant all of the rats involved with NUFC left - even more I am not sure that I could really cheer a domestic trophy (I know as if) - the lunatics are making it very difficult.
  2. Ashley would appear to be well aware of the critical backlash this decision will provoke. He is only interested in Sports Direct and lo and behold in preparation for this shit storm of a season - Wonga/JFK & who knows what next - his lovely Sports Direct advertising is being stripped from the ground - he knows he is making us toxic therefore doesn't want his brand associated and I can only think it is purposeful and spiteful.
  3. Toca uma punheta para um guardanapo. Cola essa merda á testa. De seguida, pendura uma bandeira da Organização Comercial das Ex Republicas Sovieticas na peida e umas luzes de natal nas tetas e vai a correr pela casa da miuda que tu gostas a dentro. Se ela reagir mal, convida-a prontamente a abrir uma conta BESnet Super Rendimento com Taxa Nominal Bruta até aos 3%. Ele provavelmente vai te deixar, mas ficas com a consciencia tranquila que ela aplicará os seus rendimentos da forma mais sensata possível. Se ela reagir mesmo MUITO mal, então corre para fora da casa dela enquanto disparas um extintor para as paredes, ao mesmo tempo que cantas aos gritos o hino da Guatemala. De seguida, chega a casa e dá uns linguados à tua cadela e mete essa merda no YouPorn. In english: w*** one off to a napkin. Stick that sh*t to your forehead Nex, hang a flag of Ex Sovietic Republic Comercial Organization on your ass and some christmas lights on your tits and go enter running into the house of the chick you like. If she reacts badly, immediatly invite her to open an account o Besnet Super Income with Nomal Gross up to 3%. She promptly leave you, but you'll get a clean conscious that she will apply her incomes in the wise way possible If she takes it REALLY bad, then run outside while you fire an fire extinguisher to the walls, and at the same time you shout the Guatemala anthem. Next, go home and french kiss your dog and put that sh*t into YouPorn wtf Jotenko lol - mentalist
  4. Great line up, whatever happens I don't think anyone could complain about that. Everything crossed - let's do this.
  5. tech·ni·cal (tkn-kl) adj. 1. Of, relating to, or derived from technique. 2. a. Having special skill or practical knowledge the proof will be in tomorrow's pudding - fingers crossed.
  6. probably a tad generlistic (sic) but I truly believe good players produce week on week - they are the ones we rememeber - anyhoo it is all moot - we have some great performers - some so-so perfomers and no game plan. It's just disappointing In response to wullie
  7. exactly - good players turn up every week.
  8. perhaps these players aren't quite as good as we think they are?
  9. Had it all - but couldn't be arsed - hope he learns something. Nah - he'll piss it all against a wall
  10. Legend in the making - seems to have something about him - quirky - we will watch his progress with interest -
  11. http://www.pigskinbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/jaguars-fan-gif.gif Milner?
  12. Was it triffic triffic skin - with a release clause?
  13. Reserves until he signs a clause free contract - at that level knee injuries can easily happen - (sleeping with thefishes smiley)
  14. we're still alive after 45 - sounds good Seriously - hope there is a bit more next half or they will bludgeon us
  15. That's the spirit - lull them into a false sense of security for 13 matches then - blammo - take that and that - lol
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