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Facundo Ferreyra

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Everything posted by Facundo Ferreyra

  1. I would very much like Eddie Howe to penetrate me deeply.
  2. Kieran Trippier makes me harder than any woman ever has or will.
  3. I know it won't happen but I'd love it if we stumped up Diego Carlos' release clause today. He'd be here in a flash.
  4. That line reading from Ryan Fraser at the start... Almost as bad as Michael Owen flying around Dubai in a chopper
  5. I really hope this means Clark and Lascelles are dropped and Burn plays alongside Schar. Lascelles won't be dropped though sadly
  6. The state of the hidden replies there. Two saying the blood looks fake and one bloke asking "Why did she go to the hotel if she wasn't gonna fuck him?" Christ some football fans are thick as whale spunk.
  7. The translation is hilarious - "Grimy Jones"
  8. I admire Ed's passion but his articles read like they were written by a three year old.
  9. Bloody hell, I haven't used NewsNow in years. Completely forgot it existed.
  10. I know sod all about odds. Are we the favourites here?
  11. I'd fucking love it if the Scouse mackems were relegated like.
  12. Back in my day we just had cwarr07.
  13. I'd rather have Jay Leno in goal. (Bet nobody's ever made that joke before...)
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