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Everything posted by christ

  1. Still, it’s good news about all the transfers.
  2. See you all at 10am next Thursday for the next one then.
  3. Could’ve had Longshit. Absolutely dreadful posting.
  4. We’re owned by mental cunts who want to build cities in a straight line across the desert. I don’t think it’s much of a secret we’ve money to burn.
  5. They signed him last summer and he’s what, six months younger than Wood? They’d be in the same year at school ffs They’re both basically 1 in 3 across their careers.
  6. And yet it hasn’t because this thread is choc full of people shitting themselves in public? This woe is me culture war nonsense can fuck all the way off like. This is a forum. People can say stuff, people can respond. ‘Twas ever thus. If you have an issue with it I don’t know what to say.
  7. The general understanding of the value available in the transfer market is fucking abysmal on here like. I assume it’s due to years scraping around trying to sign people for a few million. £20m is absolutely the going rate for someone like Wood.
  8. People are allowed to point out that our fans are being dafties, and people are allowed to agree with them. It’s not tone policing. It’s basically how communication on the internet has worked for the last 30 years.
  9. Spot on this. We’ve got people turning their noses up at someone who has consistently scored goals in the Premier League when the sum total of our striking options for Saturday is a 19 year old charva from Whitley Bay or no one.
  10. You’d think they’d been asked to pony up themselves.
  11. We want to play FM in real life. Too much to ask?
  12. I think we should focus on trying to win some games, not play 4D chess with Alan Pace.
  13. My Burnley supporting mate is absolutely fizzing. Basically thinks they’ve given up.
  14. More to the point in recent years we’ve spent the same amount on Willock, Miggy and twice as much on Joelinton.
  15. He isn’t some foreign lad we know fuck all about or a big name who has massively underwhelmed at a Champions League club. As a result he doesn’t align with the picture postcard view of how this takeover was meant to play out and must be shit.
  16. I don’t know what planet everyone is on, but £20m for a striker who consistently scores double figures in the Premier League is dangerously reasonable. Ings cost £25m last season.
  17. Fucking hell, the reaction on here you’d think we were beating off 20 plus goal a season strikers with a shitty stick
  18. No real issue with this given the situation we’re in. We need a striker before the weekend, and he can get goals at this level.
  19. Better than the absolutely fuck all we’ve got.
  20. Let’s face it, we’d bloody kill for a Shola now Shola 1.0 was infuriating - Pick ball up 30 yards out, amble into the box with ball never quite under control, hit wildly underpowered shot at least 7 yards wide. Repeat for several years until he finally goes on a great run of form and ends up with a near career ending hip problem. I enjoyed his post-injury resurrection as an immovable man-mountain like. There was a point during his later career where he was absolutely phenomenal at holding the ball up or knocking it on.
  21. Yep. Totally checked out this week after that result.
  22. christ


    It’s interesting. There are some very legitimate criticisms to be made of our owners, vast sections of our support, the football establishment in general etc but they’re so infected by hysteria they can’t possibly identify these criticisms, let alone articulate them in a way which doesn’t come across as the ramblings of absolute lunatics.
  23. I’d love him to come back and right a few wrongs. I do think the criticism he got was disproportionate because when he did perform well he was a game changer. There were far worse shirkers among the team that got relegated.
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