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KK resigns - see OP for new club statement issued September 6th

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Damn, now this just raises further fucking questions.


Is he still the manager?


What the fuck happened today?


If all is well, how could they conduct business with that insane mob outside.


Did someone steal Kevin's car and drive to Glasgow?


Who leaked the story to Sky?

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It isn't over yet.


I wouldn't be celebrating, Keegan could still be walking.


It looks as if they're trying to shift the blame onto KK, guilting him into staying so that if he goes, the board and Ashley don't feel the backlash (very much like the Owen announcement)

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Wow. Now that the dust has settled, let's look at this logically. Clearly there was an 'insider' which was quoted by the press who claimed that there were serious issues occuring behind the scenes and KK could walk out or be sacked. Something definitely happened, but what, who knows if we'll ever know. I think KK maybe did walk out but Ashley and co. probably had a heart attack and did all they could to convince him to stay. Knowing KK as well as we do, we know he holds his personal ethics really high and will quit at the first sign of deception or lies from his employers. Clearly there were some serious misunderstandings, especially regarding transfers, and when things finally came to a head at the end of the transfer window, decisions had to be made by both parties whether they could continue or not. All this was probably relayed by this anonymous 'insider' (wanker) to the media, who lapped it up like Lewinsky's soiled dress all over again. This was our Nipplegate.


But we can breath a sigh of relief in the knowledge that all involved had the dignity and foresight to realise that NUFC is bigger than them, and us, all.


Now can we get on with the football, please.


Come on, you Toon.

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Newcastle have announced that they have not sacked Kevin Keegan and they want him to remain as manager.


Keegan's future has been the subject of widespread speculation after reports emerged on Tuesday that Keegan had left the club.


The rumours about Keegan's future saw fans stage angry protests outside St James' Park with supporters calling for the head of owner Mike Ashley and the club's board.


However, the club have now revealed that they have not dispensed with Keegan's services and that the 57-year-old remains part of their plans.


It remains to be seen if Keegan will stay on as manager with reports suggesting the former England manager could still resign.


The club statement read: "Newcastle United can confirm that meetings between members of the Board and manager Kevin Keegan were held both yesterday and today.


"Kevin has raised a number of issues and those have been discussed with him.


"The club wants to keep progressing with its long-term strategy and would like to stress that Kevin is extremely important, both now and in the future.


"Newcastle United values the effort and commitment shown by Kevin since his return to St. James' Park and wants him to continue to play an instrumental role as manager of the club.


"For the avoidance of doubt the club has not sacked Kevin Keegan as manager."


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It isn't over yet.


I wouldn't be celebrating, Keegan could still be walking.


It looks as if they're trying to shift the blame onto KK, guilting him into staying so that if he goes, the board and Ashley don't feel the backlash (very much like the Owen announcement)




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What a farce. So the Board haven't sacked Keegan, but they're not saying that he's definitely staying either. Only that they'd like him to stay.


If he really has walked out, he can stay away as far as I'm concerned. Even if he comes back, the message has been clearly given to all and sundry that Keegan and the new regime aren't able to work together.

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That wording concerns me greatly.  The club are saying that he hasnt been sacked, they want him to stay. HOWEVER it deosnt say he  hasnt walked.


He will have walked i bet, they are just trying to limit the damage and the fall-out on Ashley.


If he has walked, as i expect, then i can only think its because the club went one step too far, either over the sale of Milner, attempted sale of Barton, the signing of unknowns to Keegan, or a major broken transfer promise.


Or all 4!!!


theres no way they could release a statement like that saying he hasnt been sacked.... then tomorrow, ooops forgot to mention, he walked out.

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Parsing that statement is making me sick...

...and wants him to continue to play an instrumental role as manager of the Club.

It doesn't say that Keegan is the manager. Perhaps they're covering their asses in case Keegan decides not to remain with the club?


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It isn't over yet.


I wouldn't be celebrating, Keegan could still be walking.


It looks as if they're trying to shift the blame onto KK, guilting him into staying so that if he goes, the board and Ashley don't feel the backlash (very much like the Owen announcement)





my thoughts aswell

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