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Alan Shearer contract latest: long gone


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IM f***ing WASTED NOW,





This is some f***ing amazi9ng news





Me too mate.  Shit day at work, argument at home, finally check the BBC.com to see what other bullshit has been happening in the world and ALAN SHEARER HAS ONLY GONE AND BEEN APPOINTED MANAGER!


Get the fuck in.

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Does anyone else agree with me that Shearer would be the right man for us if we go down anyway?


He's going to learn a hell of a lot about football either way.


:lol: Yeah. I'm a bit annoyed we've appointed such a newbie actually.


I missed out the word 'more' in that post :lol:

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Just spoken to a Newcastle player who's claimed that Ashley's only done this to get fans on his side.  Again.


He has won me over. Your in Ireland so are you talking to Duff?


If that's not stereotyping, I don't know what is. ;D


Nah, not Nile Ranger.  Don't want to say cause I don't want him facing any disciplinary measures or anything.


Why would you think any player would know anything more about Ashleys motives then any of us anyway?  Do you think Ashley tells the players, or the coaching staff ect why he does things?, of course he doesn't.

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Just think of the impact a legend and footballing idol like Shearer will have on these players, this is gonna be unreal. Oba will be on fire for Big Al aswell i bet!


Unless he's dropped for Heskey Shola to partner Owen ...



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Just think of the impact a legend and footballing idol like Shearer will have on these players, this is gonna be unreal. Oba will be on fire for Big Al aswell i bet!

differing times i know but it didn't work for bobby's moore or charlton.


latterly waddle,shilton,platt,adams all failed dismally as managers.




however for what it's worth i think shearer will be more more of a success than those.

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For what it is worth, this is exactly what our club needed. If we go down it isnt a failure on Shearer's part, it is a failure on Newcastle's and it was just too late. Just hope some of the fans dont forget what he did for this club should we go down.

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One things for sure, he'll go into the dressing room and kick plenty of arse. Just what is needed to sort out those players who have underperformed for too long.


His appointment offers hope. but we have to be cautious (and I'm sure the man himself would say that) He has a job and a half on. Good luck to him. :thup:


As someone said previously - this has to be Ashley's last get out of jail free card.


And can I also finish by saying....



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