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The England Thread


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Have to say, I can't get too upset about the squad. Sure, you can pick on form, but isn't that why Parker and Zamora are in there? If you picked totally on form, chances are you'd have a completely different squad each time. That would be a nightmare to work with.


The squad is more a reflection on how limited the options are. Who exactly would people have in CM instead of Parker, Barry or Lampard? Which goalkeepers should be picked? Steven Taylor has done well, but has been playing with a team on form, alongside a classy centerback, against weaker opposition. Cahill has been in exactly the opposite position.


I'd say Agbonlahor is unlucky because he can play both out wide and up front. There are a lot of blunt instruments up front in that squad. Other than that, can't see Capello has much to work with.


i'd pick Ben Foster , Robert Green , Fraser Forster or Norwich keeper John Ruddy than those two


Foster is apparently out of the reckoning, Robert Green hasn't exactly been the best for England, has he,  and I am deeply unconvinced by Forster.


Ruddy might well be worth a shout. I'd like to know how Carson has been doing at Bursaspor, anyone know? Point is, they're really all much of a muchness, so I can't get too agitated about it.

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Hate Capello.


Hasn't been at SJP or SoS.


Couldn't give a toss about them until Poland 2012 tbh


Aye, this is one of things I don't like about Capello. Can't be arsed to see any PL games in the North East? Fuck off.

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Parker, Barry, Lampard and Milner.


What an abortion of a central midfield choice.


I'm not sure who else he can realistically pick tbh. Our central midfield options look very limited without Wilshire, incredible how quickly we've become reliant on his availability. Cleverly's injured too, Hargreaves is perma-crock, Carrick's not played much and done very little when he has of late, Barton's decent enough but not up to scratch in the centre, Rodwell hasn't impressed me much over the past 12 months after his initial promise.

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Gerrard and Wilshere are our best players in CM and to have them both out is a blow. We should still have more than enough to secure a win though.


I'm very relieved to see Rooney back. If he'd been out as well, we'd be struggling.

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I dunno if I can even be arsed to watch this on Friday. I fully expect our standard boring 2 or 3 nil away grinder to operate and Barry to be shit as usual.


Yeah same, was discussing this at work and the general consensus is we just cba with England now. Especially since the debacle of the World Cup.

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Gerrard and Wilshere are our best players in CM and to have them both out is a blow. We should still have more than enough to secure a win though.


I'm very relieved to see Rooney back. If he'd been out as well, we'd be struggling.


You've been licking Gerrard's arse for years. Give it a rest.

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Gerrard and Wilshere are our best players in CM and to have them both out is a blow. We should still have more than enough to secure a win though.


I'm very relieved to see Rooney back. If he'd been out as well, we'd be struggling.


You've been licking Gerrard's arse for years. Give it a rest.


I'm sure half your posts on here are written in that tone. Do you not think you should be taking your own advice?

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I'm out with old work associates on Friday so won't really have a choice, would rather watch Czechs-Spain on ITV4 instead.




That came out wrong, just meant that it'll be on in every bar.






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Plain boring, especially with this Italian arsehole playing Gareth fucking Barry all the time. I actually rated him a few years ago when he was at Villa when they were flying, hate the bastard now. Also even though he's not in the squad, I think over the past 2/3 years Steven Gerrard has turned into absolute horse shit and should not be near the England starting 11. God knows who I would play, just not him. Maybe it's a personal grudge that I can't remember.

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We are absolutely a million miles from Germany and Spain at the moment, Holland look good despite their atrocity at trying to ruin the world cup final, and Italy and France are getting their act together since the world cup in a way we completely haven't. We desperately needed to gel in a new team together in preparation for the Euros. I don't buy this need to gradually shift, nice enough but when clearly players are dragging the attitude down, the team will never work well with each other.


Obviously the intent now is to build the team around Wilshere, and I think this is a decent enough plan. With Phil Jones, Sturridge, Oxlaide Chamberlin, Welbeck, Rooney still young, Cleverly etc, there is the talent about, but nowhere near enough and we are short in areas. Downing and Young do appear to be stepping up for England a bit of late though so that's good.


The main problem we have now is that we just can't compete with the possession game currently dominating, or the speedy attacking of Germany at world cup. I don't think we have the players to play a possession game (and indeed at international level it is noticably more defensive and boring, Spain at world cup were not really entertainers, they retained the ball so well they didn't conceed, but by being barcalona without Messi, lacked a cutting edge. I think the idea has been for a aggressive but counter attacking minded team, but our defense isn't good enough, we can't afford to invite pressure onto ourselves as we haven't the solidity at the back.


Another problem is keeping possession at a basic level further up the pitch, Lampard adds ample scoring ability but absolutely no ability to retain the ball. Wilshere is sorely missed, and without him we look like Arsenal without Wilshere, unconvincing and sorely missing someone like Fabergas anyway. England doesn't generate playmakers, Wilshere is the closest we have, and maybe Cleverly will be able to do this, but now the most valuable commodity in footy we are very short of.


We need some longtermist thinking now, not Capello who now is just running down his contract, we need someone to build this young team, and admit probably not going to be great for another 4 years together.

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Aye, as soon as Capello leaves, the rebuilding process should begin. That is, get rid of the deadweight in the England team atm (Barry, Milner etc.) and start picking the promising youngsters (Cleverley, Welbeck, Sturridge etc.) as well as having some decent experience around (I'd still have Lampard, Terry and Gerrard around tbh).


That's my hope anyway.....

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