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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Aye cause stabbing a lit cigarette into someone's eye is ok :D


An idiotic, drunken and pretty sinister action yes.  As far the McD's thing goes, punching the head off someone who, tried giving it large to Barton and getting done over like they deserved, to me is someone getting their comeuppance.


If you think that falls into the same category as betraying your own blood and in laws for almost a decade you need your head testing.

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I think the original point someone was making was that Barton is the last person to be going on about someone else being a "wrong un"


Anyway, I find it funny that for so long there was that whole "super injunction" and now you have people like Barton just outright accusing giggs of things like making her abort a baby :lol:

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I think the original point someone was making was that Barton is the last person to be going on about someone else being a "wrong un"


That's bullshit, man.  Everyone in life has made mistakes, doesn't mean they lose the right to an opinion on anything.

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I think the original point someone was making was that Barton is the last person to be going on about someone else being a "wrong un"


That's bullshit, man.  Everyone in life has made mistakes, doesn't mean they lose the right to an opinion on anything.


Sure but why mouth off on a public forum about a fellow professional. It's attention seeking at it's worst.

It's like "oh he's getting complimented on having a great career, I've had a shit career so better say something that's going to get peoples attention. "


To be fair I've not seen any of this love in for Giggs as I hate the bloke for the reasons mentioned by others but surely the people praising him, are doing it because he's an excellent footballer and not praising what he's done off the field?

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I think the original point someone was making was that Barton is the last person to be going on about someone else being a "wrong un"


That's bullshit, man.  Everyone in life has made mistakes, doesn't mean they lose the right to an opinion on anything.


Sure but why mouth off on a public forum about a fellow professional. It's attention seeking at it's worst.

It's like "oh he's getting complimented on having a great career, I've had a shit career so better say something that's going to get peoples attention. "


To be fair I've not seen any of this love in for Giggs as I hate the bloke for the reasons mentioned by others but surely the people praising him, are doing it because he's an excellent footballer and not praising what he's done off the field?

yup just people praising his professionalism and ability to keep playing at the very highest level for so long and playing well even now and he will be long remembered for it already a Man Utd legend who'll be remembered in the same line of thought as Charlton and Best long after people have completely forgotten about what he did off the field, compared to Barton a limited player who will be remembered solely for his persistent off the field violence, an overly high opinion of his own ability and intelligence and an overly large mouth. 

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It's not about Barton and Giggs, it's about Giggs and Terry and the role the press played in lionizing the one and villifying the other.


Barton makes a valid point. (You could argue that he's not the one to be questioning the morality of anyone. Fair enough. But that's not going to stop him.) Anyway, I think he's 100% right. Still wish he'd just shut up already.

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It's like people don't know how Twitter works...


First he's jumping on board with the praise for Giggs.


Then he's going for his two bob's worth of controversy which, if you read it, isn't really so bad.


And from then on he's replying to all the trolls that two bob's worth of controversy dug up. You can see him getting more and more wound up as people rail against him for daring to mention the unmentionable.


It's not as though it's one single media release - it's one half of a conversation. People talk about the relative heinousness of Giggs' and Barton's crimes, well, you can see Barton's lingering anger management issues right there on the page. Starts with "can't be having that" and gets progressively more angry until he calls Giggs out as a "cunt"...

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It's like people don't know how Twitter works...


First he's jumping on board with the praise for Giggs.


Then he's going for his two bob's worth of controversy which, if you read it, isn't really so bad.


And from then on he's replying to all the trolls that two bob's worth of controversy dug up. You can see him getting more and more wound up as people rail against him for daring to mention the unmentionable.


It's not as though it's one single media release - it's one half of a conversation. People talk about the relative heinousness of Giggs' and Barton's crimes, well, you can see Barton's lingering anger management issues right there on the page. Starts with "can't be having that" and gets progressively more angry until he calls Giggs out as a "cunt"...

well on the bright side at least he's found a better avenue to vent his anger than random kids or teammates.

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He once played for us. Was pivotal for us for a while, and showed more passion for us in a time when a lot of wankers had just left us, devoid of care for the club. I'll always follow his "musings" (really stretching that word, I know), if only to remember he once did a good job for us for some time.

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As a player he was decent, as a person and twitter user he's awful. Do think Giggs gets off lightly mind.


I think as a Twitterer he is good value in that he has half an ounce more intelligence than your average player (imagine following Rio ffs!) and he genuinely doesn't give a fuck about what people think of him. These two combine to make someone who is entertaining to follow. Sure, he talks a lot of shite, but it's funny.


I'm not going to speak for him as a man, though! Just someone interesting :lol:


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He once played for us. Was pivotal for us for a while, and showed more passion for us in a time when a lot of wankers had just left us, devoid of care for the club. I'll always follow his "musings" (really stretching that word, I know), if only to remember he once did a good job for us for some time.


He was an absolute waste of time and £60k/week for 3 out of the 4 years he was at NUFC. 


And "waste of time" is charitable, at his worst he was in prison for being a daft cunt.

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He once played for us. Was pivotal for us for a while, and showed more passion for us in a time when a lot of w*****s had just left us, devoid of care for the club. I'll always follow his "musings" (really stretching that word, I know), if only to remember he once did a good job for us for some time.


August 2010 - February 2011 out of July 2007 to August 2011. That was his contribution for us. Pathetic how popular he seemed to become here.

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He once played for us. Was pivotal for us for a while, and showed more passion for us in a time when a lot of w*****s had just left us, devoid of care for the club. I'll always follow his "musings" (really stretching that word, I know), if only to remember he once did a good job for us for some time.


August 2010 - February 2011 out of July 2007 to August 2011. That was his contribution for us. Pathetic how popular he seemed to become here.


"Pivotal" :lol:

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  • 5 months later...
Guest elbee909

Battling Piers Morgan on Question Time at 10.35pm BBC1!


If they both had knives grafted to their hands, I'd watch.

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