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Guest Howaythetoon

Wullie is bang on, O'Neill is a fraud, an average manager in a gigantic fucking olympic sized pool of average managers currently in the game. I wouldn't want him here.

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This decision is tough to take.

Hughton, thanks for what you've done.

Pardew won't be appointed...Ashley is a business man, and a successful one too - if he makes this decision, attendances are going to plummet, and he knows this... Although he's an stupid, he isn't that stupid. He may be shocking at PR, but all he is going to be thinking about is making £££ - and Pardew is not going to make this football team (business) profitable.

IMO he must have someone else lined up, that they have agreed a deal with.



Sadly none of Ashley's decisions have been made with anything like the logic you suggest, the man's a mong.

Tbf, he's a Billionaire, he may not know football but somethings triggered this.  He won't appoint someone like Pardw, Curbs, it'll be someone with some kind of prestige, whether that be a shit manager or not.

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He'd keep us up, at the very least. It's an improvement.


On Hughton? I don't think it is.


It's his incredibly expensive squad that are below us and took a right royal arse-kicking in August.


The same squad who were 6th with him in charge. Their fall says a lot about his ability.


Not saying he's god or even great, but i'd be far more confident of survival with O'Neil than Hughton or the last few turkeys we've had in charge.

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This decision is tough to take.

Hughton, thanks for what you've done.

Pardew won't be appointed...Ashley is a business man, and a successful one too - if he makes this decision, attendances are going to plummet, and he knows this... Although he's an stupid, he isn't that stupid. He may be shocking at PR, but all he is going to be thinking about is making £££ - and Pardew is not going to make this football team (business) profitable.

IMO he must have someone else lined up, that they have agreed a deal with.



Sadly none of Ashley's decisions have been made with anything like the logic you suggest, the man's a mong.

Tbf, he's a Billionaire, he may not know football but somethings triggered this.  He won't appoint someone like Pardw, Curbs, it'll be someone with some kind of prestige, whether that be a shit manager or not.


You've got far too much faith in Ashley. He's consistantly shown he is a moron.

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This decision is tough to take.

Hughton, thanks for what you've done.

Pardew won't be appointed...Ashley is a business man, and a successful one too - if he makes this decision, attendances are going to plummet, and he knows this... Although he's an stupid, he isn't that stupid. He may be shocking at PR, but all he is going to be thinking about is making £££ - and Pardew is not going to make this football team (business) profitable.

IMO he must have someone else lined up, that they have agreed a deal with.



Sadly none of Ashley's decisions have been made with anything like the logic you suggest, the man's a mong.

Tbf, he's a Billionaire, he may not know football but somethings triggered this.  He won't appoint someone like Pardw, Curbs, it'll be someone with some kind of prestige, whether that be a s*** manager or not.


Someone like Kinnear...?

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I can't justify Hughton's sacking on the basis of our poor results this season as they coincide with us missing key players.  It's wasn't managerial deficiency that lost us those games, it was a lack of first team depth.


Pretty certain our complete no-show yesterday was a result of the players being well aware of Hughton's imminent departure.



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I rate O'Neill, and I'd have loved to have seen him taking over instead of Souness, Roeder or Allardyce.


Unfortunately, I think it's now the wrong time. I doubt whether his drive and appetite is the same as before. Only a bigger job is likely to get him going, and I don't think that'll happen for him now.


I hope they've got someone lined up, but I suspect that this is the aftermath of a row behind the scenes.

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Had a real shitty shift at work, spent and hour in rush hour traffic and I get home to this shit. Not sure how much more I can take of this crap. Hughton, although not the most experienced or consistant at this level, will always be a true fucking legend. Nothing but sympathy and respect for him, my apologies to him for this slap in the face from a clueless regime determined to screw things up.

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Wullie is bang on, O'Neill is a fraud, an average manager in a gigantic fucking olympic sized pool of average managers currently in the game. I wouldn't want him here.


He's a bit like Keegan, in the fact his heart needs to be 100% in it.


He's a great motivator, which can't be denied.

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