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Sammy Ameobi released


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On a couple of occasions recently, the ball has gone out to him very tight on the touchline, under pressure, and somehow he's managed to lift it over his opponents' heads or something with his first touch and put himself in the clear.


I can't remember the exact details, but it wasn't something I was remotely expecting to see, given the limited time and space that he had. They were great pieces of improvisation which didn't remind me of any other players I've seen.


I hope people know the incidents I'm referring to. I can't describe them well because I'm not sure exactly how he managed it.

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He has raw talent in spades - trickery & pace.


But what needs to be coached out of him is that he shows a defender too much of the ball inside the box - closer to the bylines when he doesn't have the vertical room required to expose a defender with pace on the outside. 


In training he probably gets away with it and is given a degree of freedom & time to assess options inside the box, and get's to shoot/cut-back on to his right, cross etc. That's if he's working wide against an always back-peddling Simpson (who doesn't punish a winger or forward when presented with an overhit touch, miscontrol, or when an attacker tries to be too ambitious in the box/on the outside). I like his dribbling instincts & unpredictability, but against aggressive defenders he needs to tighten things up in the attacking areas mentioned.


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Wouldn't be anywhere near our squad if his surname wasn't Ameobi. Need to ship him out on loan for 18 months and see if he comes back any good.


Very harsh. He should be a impact sub player in Premiership, and someone who should get more time in Europe and Cup games.


Today wasn't a good day for him mind.

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Wouldn't be anywhere near our squad if his surname wasn't Ameobi. Need to ship him out on loan for 18 months and see if he comes back any good.


Very harsh. He should be a impact sub player in Premiership, and someone who should get more time in Europe and Cup games.


Today wasn't a good day for him mind.



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For all the plaudits that our transfer policy gets, it's a damning indictment that Sammy and Ferguson are being depended on so heavily at their age because the players who should be playing there have turned out not to be good enough.

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