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Norwich vs Newcastle - 10/12/11 - Pre Match Thread


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I wouldn't be half as concerned if I had any faith Tiote was back for this.  Fucking typical that everyone was dreading the 3 games against Man City, Man Utd and Chelsea and we came through them with confidence intact but defence in tatters.  Just hope we're looking at defenders right now and aren't going to fuck about with fees and the like, wasting more games in January.

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I think Pardew will line them up like this:


Simpson    Santon      Perch      Raylor


with Kadar and Gosling on the bench as defensive cover. Can't envisage Kadar being throw in at all under Pardew's current policy, despite being the only actual CB.

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What about Jeff Henderson? DIdn't OCK say he thought he should be getting on our bench? :dontknow:


At least he'll be match sharp having turned out for Gateshead for the last couple of months.


Been out injured, done his hamstring which stopped him playing for the reserves when we played the mackems,  he was on the bench for Gateshead at the weekend though so he must be over that now.

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We'll swap you a defender in return for a striker.



We only have 2 fit central defenders. :yao:




One of them is Johnny Heitinga. :yao:



Well, you can have McLovin




:lol: I know he gave us an OG the other day but still


Came within minutes of lifting the world cup.. ;)

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Kadar's just been so out of the picture though, at least the other lot have been in matchday squads all season and what not.  Has Kadar even been back fit for long?


Kadar is fit enough, played in 4  of the last 5 reserve games, captaining the side, only games he missed was  when he was on international duty.

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2-4 to us if Best+Ba start, regardless of back 4. 


We will have a decent front six out and id be amazed if we didnt score at least a couple of goals against this lot.  For me Best has to come back in for this one.   

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