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You have to take into account the circumstances and in the circumstances Mclaren is ok.


It's just that the circumstances are so dire.


And us fans are apart of the reason why things are so dire.


We are "OK" with a manager who has just been sacked from a championship club being appointed as manager.


No matter how stupid some of our fans undoubtedly are, they can't be blamed for the state of the club. They certainly don't help matters with their apathy. But it's wrong to suggest the fans are to blame, they are not, Mike Ashley is.


Considering the context, Mclaren isn't that bad. Sadly the context IS the problem.


Apart of the reason yes, all of it no.


Back to the topic, McClaren is a poor appointment which shows Ashley's bullshit words from a week ago to be exactly what everyone expected them to be.



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Article in the telegraph just popped up on newsnow. Looking like it's McClaren.


Could have done better, but I'm okay with it.


He is close to Carr, and is a genuine coach, and so I'm interested to see how it plays out.


I'm very relieved.


Was always gonna be him. Such dull, uninspiring appointment.

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Championship reject, sums us up.

Better then a League one reject, and at least he's won something on the continent, makes him infinity better then anyone we've had in Ashley's reign.

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These story's of lists including moyes, clement and Laudrup, it's just utter bullshit. It was always a list of 2, mclaren and carver. He's Carr's mate. It's obvious Charnley and co have a hardon for Mclaren, they've tried to get him twice already. He's better than Carver but isn't much better than Pardew. Just a fuckin joke. A real chance to finally get a exciting appointment and the best they can come up with is McLaren

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Championship reject, sums us up.

Better then a League one reject, and at least he's won something on the continent, makes him infinity better then anyone we've had in Ashley's reign.


He's mostly been a failure. Isn't a great deal better than pardew

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Article in the telegraph just popped up on newsnow. Looking like it's McClaren.


Could have done better, but I'm okay with it.


He is close to Carr, and is a genuine coach, and so I'm interested to see how it plays out.


I'm very relieved.

This post sums up how low expectations are these days.


Nobody should be "ok" with such an unambitious appointment.


It's complete bullshit if it is him. Sacked from Derby FFS. He'll be forever indebted to Ashley for saving him from fucking irrelevance.

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Fucking hell that was quick


Keith Downie ‏@SkySports_Keith  10 sför 11 sekunder sedan Visa översättning

BREAKING: We understand Patrick Vieira will hold talks with @NUFC early next week over their Head Coach vacancy. More on @SkySportsNewsHQ

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Fucking hell that was quick


Keith Downie ‏@SkySports_Keith  10 sför 11 sekunder sedan Visa översättning

BREAKING: We understand Patrick Vieira will hold talks with @NUFC early next week over their Head Coach vacancy. More on @SkySportsNewsHQ


Citeh's reserve coach.


Is this really the best we can do? :lol:

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Knows the Prem inside out, would be good for our French players no doubt, but I'm not convinced he would be ready to walk straight into our job with no previous experience managing at first team level tbh.

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Would rather have McClaren than Vieira...


Why?  ???


Zero experience is a major concern. Compared with someone who has domestic,European and International experience.


Would love Vieira to be a top manager for us but it just doesn't feel right. Another huge gamble when we have so many proven managers out there willing to take the job.

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I don't want Steve McClaren but he is experienced at every level and has actually managed to win a couple trophies.  He's obviously a better choice than Vieira.


I'm pretty sure that most managers taking over Premier League clubs with no previous experience has gone tits up.  Monk is an aberration not a rule.

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