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Manchester United

Mr. Snrub
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They hit the woodwork twice and had one roll between Rooney's legs when he was two yards out against Everton, but they created sweet FA today. We defended well, but that was really bad. They've got serious problems.

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Moyes made his star player go through the full 90 mins when he clearly wasn't fit. Sign of a desperate manager imo.


Normally when they aren't wining after 70 mins they will change 2 or 3 of their front 6. The quality on their bench means that you are up against a different but equally good attack with fresh legs for the last 20 mins or so (plus Fergie time). The sight of Winifred Zaha coming on today didn't make me particularly fearful.


Can't see this improving for Moyes any time soon.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Moyes simply isn't good enough at their level and never will be. This was one of the worst Man Utd performances I've ever seen and although we fully deserved our victory and played very well ourselves, we weren't exactly hard pushed for our win unlike against Spurs or at home to Chelsea. It was far too easy for us at times.


He was clearly Fergie's choice to take over and you can see why he wanted him because he's a safe choice, he won't rip up the core of what Man Utd are about and he won't turn the club into a circus. He is someone who will maintain the standards Fergie instilled into the club in terms of work-rate, never giving up, being competitive etc. But he won't win them the trophies a club of their stature, history and standing demands and that's the title and the CL.


Fergie hasn't left him with the best of squad's mind. Its an upgrade on Everton but Fergie has brought in average younger players and allowed the likes of Carrick, Giggs etc. to become mainstays. At no other top top club would average or tired players be allowed to be key players. Asking Moyes to retain the title, in his debut season, with such average players, is asking for a miracle.


They have now lost their aura and I suspect now that Fergie is no longer on the touchlines, referees won't be as generous as they used to be at Old Trafford. Moyes should be safe this year and clearly needs his own players, but he will need to keep Man Utd extremely competitive up at the very top of the league and in Europe to keep his job and I can't see that happening because he's an extremely limited manager who shouldn't be anywhere near a club of Man Utd's size.


In a way I'd quite like him to succeed, however, because our game needs our own manager's to do well.



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Folk have fantasised about this sort of decline for about two decades. Let's hope it lasts. The top 8 without them is a beautiful sight.


Try 4 decades for the likes of Mick etc.


:lol: :thup: Fair enough.

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Folk have fantasised about this sort of decline for about two decades. Let's hope it lasts. The top 8 without them is a beautiful sight.


Try 4 decades for the likes of Mick etc.


Nah. I remember them being relegated in 74 and being shite after that,  certainly when Dave Sexton managed them. Then they became a good Cup side under Ron Atkinson and then a mediocre side as Ferguson built his first trophy winning team in 1990.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Either way they need major investment and a huge overhaul. Wellbeck, Cleverly, Jones, Smalling, Nani, Hernandez et al are not good enough and even the likes of Vidic, Rooney and RVP are showing signs of having reached their maximum heights and that it could all be downhill from there on in for those players in a red shirt.


Fergie for all his brilliance, man management and team-building hasn't half bought some s**** over the years. I'd seriously only take Rooney, Vidic and RVP from their starting XI to play in ours. Carrick at a push although I'm liking Anita as that type of player.


Moyes has a hell of a job on. He perhaps needs to raid Everton for one or two just to make this team more his and he also needs major backing in the transfer market. At Everton his strengths were buying lesser players or steady players and helping them develop into much better players within a team frame-work.


At Man Utd can he get away with for example plucking a CB from the Championship ala Jagielka and developing such a player into a really good one? Does he have the eye to go out and buy another Vidic or the clout to go and buy a ready made top-class player? Would RVP sign for Moyes' Man Utd from Arsenal?


I think if they keep him, the best they can hope for is a cup and a top 4 finish. The league and CL will always be out of their reach and as for good football, the number of times they simply hoofed it or played aimless balls today was staggering.

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Manure have been not good enough on paper for year, some how Fergie had that touch to get them wins and trophies they had no right to get (with some help from the refs).


Any manager that wasn't fergie would struggle there, Van Persie alone gets them in the top 5.

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Folk have fantasised about this sort of decline for about two decades. Let's hope it lasts. The top 8 without them is a beautiful sight.

If they aint winning every game, especially home games, then their season ticket sales and match day sales will soon drop. A good proportion of their 'fans' are there for the day to see the win and take a few pics. Great to see this shit happening!

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