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It will help a lot more than any fruitless protest... crowd turn on the team players hide. It nothing new has happened in the last relegation , and the relegation  before that, and the relegation before that.


The crowd turned massively against Cardiff last season and we managed to win, we're s**** and it has nothing to do with the crowd.


we will see next week when one set of fans get behind a team, and how it lifts them. Think back last season to palace how their crowd backed the team. I am old enough to remember a few relegations. it is always the same the crowd turn against  the team, the team shows no fight , we end up going down.

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we will see next week when one set of fans get behind a team, and how it lifts them. Think back last season to palace how their crowd backed the team. I am old enough to remember a few relegations. it is always the same the crowd turn against  the team, the team shows no fight , we end up going down.


I do remember when palace fans backed the team last season, we beat them 0-3.

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I'd love to see some evidence that a crowd "getting behind the team" can make any difference whatsoever to on-field performance over a period of time.


Man City must have acquired some unbelievable fans at the same time the Arabs turned up.

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I'd love to see some evidence that a crowd "getting behind the team" can make any difference whatsoever to on-field performance over a period of time.


Man City must have acquired some unbelievable fans at the same time the Arabs turned up.

May not make a big difference over a long period of time, but look back at the history of this club, look at the relegations, just about everyone them  the crowd turned on the club.

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Most of the fans who turn up have lost their right to complain about Ashley tbh. When the chance has come to take a stand, they're happy to just keep being sheep. They're complicit in all this. And when they turn up, they just silently sit on their hands making their presence totally irrelevant. Too many older fans are of that proud "it could be worse, i've stuck by much worse" attitude, like it's a badge of honour, while lots just see matchday as a checkpoint on getting away from the wife to get pissed with their mates. Enablers everywhere, just drifting along hoping it'll go away. Well it won't go away while these morons dominate our crowd.


Yet he really doesn't care if we shout a few things at him or hold some cards in the air - he loves that we hate him. That's why directly striking Sports Direct is the best way to make an impact. Negative PR, costing them money etc. Whatever gets Ashley to the point where he'd rather lose out on free advertising and eye-watering TV money, than risk his brand. Slowly, we might be able to do it.



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What's point in anyone going anyway? I hear all these people say go to support the team and they just booooooooo


Saint James' Park, the land that logic forgot.

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I'd love to see some evidence that a crowd "getting behind the team" can make any difference whatsoever to on-field performance over a period of time.


Man City must have acquired some unbelievable fans at the same time the Arabs turned up.


I'd definitely argue that around 20 years ago the atmosphere in the ground gave the players in the pitch that little bit extra. People in the game wouldn't have mentioned it at the time otherwise.


The atmosphere was amazing at times. Watch back the likes of Barcelona 3-2 and the Man Utd games from 94-98.  It lost it's way massively after we extended though.

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I'd love to see some evidence that a crowd "getting behind the team" can make any difference whatsoever to on-field performance over a period of time.


Man City must have acquired some unbelievable fans at the same time the Arabs turned up.


Will have absolutely no difference over time tbh. On the other hand, one-offs such as the 4-4 vs Arsenal and the likes will probably have "lifted" the players spirit to fight even harder for a comeback.

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Most of the fans who turn up have lost their right to complain about Ashley tbh. When the chance has come to take a stand, they're happy to just keep being sheep. They're complicit in all this. And when they turn up, they just silently sit on their hands making their presence totally irrelevant. Too many older fans are of that proud "it could be worse, i've stuck by much worse" attitude, like it's a badge of honour, while lots just see matchday as a checkpoint on getting away from the wife to get pissed with their mates. Enablers everywhere, just drifting along hoping it'll go away. Well it won't go away while these morons dominate our crowd.


Yet he really doesn't care if we shout a few things at him or hold some cards in the air - he loves that we hate him. That's why directly striking Sports Direct is the best way to make an impact. Negative PR, costing them money etc. Whatever gets Ashley to the point where he'd rather lose out on free advertising and eye-watering TV money, than risk his brand. Slowly, we might be able to do it.




This nails it for me.


The vast majority of people in the the ground are incapable and unwilling to drive any change.


And change at NUFC will only come when the reputation, revenue and share price of Sports Direct is threatened or actually starts to see negative results as a result of the activity of NUFC fans supported by national media. This football club is a small part of Ashley's empire, but it's the most visible and vocal.


He bought NUFC because of the increased press we could create for the SD brand. Let's turn that to our advantage and make sure that coverage is about zero hour contracts, dodgy pre-pack administrations etc . It's his achilles heel.


Until recently Tesco was an unstoppable retail business. But the tide has turned as shoppers move away and a number of scandals emerged. Tesco lost £6.4bn last year. The same could happen to Sports Direct, it's not impossible.


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At this point I think I actually want to see us drop.


I feel like this now. When Hull scored to take the lead at Palace, my gut reaction was that puts us right in the shit. I then turned back to the game and thought well at least we'll be competitive down there. Stay up and we've got week after week of bang average teams knocking 3 or 4 past us every week before getting relegated anyway. Why not get it over and done with this year.

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I'm as anti Ashley as anyone, but I really don't see what wanting relegation is going to get us. He's already stuck with us going down once before so what's going to be different this time. Plus the only realistic chance of getting rid of him is if a wealthy investor comes in and offers him plenty of money, which is surely less likely for a club not in the Premiership?

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I'm as anti Ashley as anyone, but I really don't see what wanting relegation is going to get us. He's already stuck with us going down once before so what's going to be different this time. Plus the only realistic chance of getting rid of him is if a wealthy investor comes in and offers him plenty of money, which is surely less likely for a club not in the Premiership?


I agree.

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I'm as anti Ashley as anyone, but I really don't see what wanting relegation is going to get us. He's already stuck with us going down once before so what's going to be different this time. Plus the only realistic chance of getting rid of him is if a wealthy investor comes in and offers him plenty of money, which is surely less likely for a club not in the Premiership?


I think it's less to do with Ashley going and more to do with the financial punishment he deserves watching his investment burn. If we went into free fall I think most would still be here to support the team no matter what league we were in. Ashley would eventually have to sell if we were out of sight of the Premier.


But aye, it'd be much easier if someone came in and bought us as a Premiership outfit.

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Guest chopey

Ashley has no interest what so ever in the city of Newcastle and only a financial interest in Newcastle united. I could honestly punch Charnley in his smug f***ing face every time I see him and Carver has me more angry every time he speaks than I was with Pardew. If relegation gets rid of these horrible people then I'm all for it however I don't think it will.

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Relegation would be worse for the fans than it would be for Mike Ashley. Nufc is worth less than 10% of Mike Ashley's total worth. He'd probably be mildly annoyed if Nufc got relegated. It's all so needless. If he put a little effort in like paying for a good manager, qualified coaching staff and players he could have Nufc perform reasonably well within the break even budget. The £3m he sold Santon for is chicken feed to him. He recklessly endangers the club's Premiership status for relatively low sums of money. He likes to gamble but unfortunately for us his gambles are based on what is the least he can spend and still get away with.


If we get relegated our squad for the Championship (before any purchases) would be more or less the same as the current squad minus Krul, Janmaat, Cisse, Sissoko, Tiote, De Jong and one or two others. We'll end up keeping all the players we want rid of and losing the few good players we have.

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Relegation would be worse for the fans than it would be for Mike Ashley. Nufc is worth less than 10% of Mike Ashley's total worth. He'd probably be mildly annoyed if Nufc got relegated. It's all so needless. If he put a little effort in like paying for a good manager, qualified coaching staff and players he could have Nufc perform reasonably well within the break even budget. The £3m he sold Santon for is chicken feed to him. He recklessly endangers the club's Premiership status for relatively low sums of money. He likes to gamble but unfortunately for us his gambles are based on what is the least he can spend and still get away with.


If we get relegated our squad for the Championship (before any purchases) would be more or less the same as the current squad minus Krul, Janmaat, Cisse, Sissoko, Tiote, De Jong and one or two others. We'll end up keeping all the players we want rid of and losing the few good players we have.


So what do we do? Just sit here and watch while Ashley milks the club for all it's worth while watching turgid, non-competitive 'football' on the pitch?


No ta.

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Guest neesy111

You think I'd be bothered with relegation? Not any more in may provide competition as they try to actually challenge for something. At worst we fall like a stone and it gets shot of Ashley.




Remember ashley will lose his ability to advertise Sports Direct if we are not in the PL which will be his biggest issue.

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10% of his wealth? Maybe, but how much of his other 90% wealth is due to the free worldwide advertising he gets on prime time television? That won't happen in the Championship and that WILL hurt him by proxy.

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