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Steve Brute


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Jesus wept....does anyone have any context for this because he looks as if he was about to collapse after 2/3 of a press conference.


Charley is sucking him off under the desk.

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Hahaha, Chimp Mitts chipping in with his usual guff:


There’s obviously trouble at The Toon as well - but when hasn’t there been? Another tell-tale sign is when a manager starts biting back at the press. Lampard did recently. Bruce has as well. The big difference is that Bruce retains the support of the owner at Newcastle. Mike Ashley likes him - and he likes the way that Bruce gets on with the job without constantly causing waves - as Benitez did.





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Adrian Durham has consistently talked the most sense regarding us and Bruce this season

It's mental as he usually just slags us off.


"Are Newcastle fans deluded or just mentally retarded? Find out after this short message from screwfix"


Never had a problem listening to him really. Obviously he acts up to the classic WUM sometimes to get calls in (The Daily Arsenal segment used to be classic  :lol:) but he actually has a better knowledge of football than a lot of the half-whits across Sky, BBC, BT and on Talksport itself.


I get the impression he does his own research on the opinions he forms, and points he makes; and watches all sorts of football, rather than the games the pundits are in the studio to talk on (Redknapp, Richards), or some oaf like Clinton Morrison on Sky talking out of his arse about how Bruce was a good manager 20 years ago.



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You say this but surely you don't wish ill-health on the bloke? I mean, he's clearly out of his depth, incapable of doing the job and in essence brought it all on himself, but the guy looks mentally shattered and maybe finds himself in a position where he feels stuck. On one hand he might feel he can't leave because he wants to do all he can to turn things around in the one chance he's going to ever get to manage this club... then again, on the other hand, perhaps he doesn't even see how bad he is, entrenched in his own routine. I'd like to think he's not just hanging around for a pay-off, maybe he is, but when all said and done, although I want him gone, I can't wish ill-health on him, not when the actual problem is the fat prick that hired him and the ongoing shite with the Prem stopping us from progressing under a new owner.

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You say this but surely you don't wish ill-health on the bloke? I mean, he's clearly out of his depth, incapable of doing the job and in essence brought it all on himself, but the guy looks mentally shattered and maybe finds himself in a position where he feels stuck. On one hand he might feel he can't leave because he wants to do all he can to turn things around in the one chance he's going to ever get to manage this club... then again, on the other hand, perhaps he doesn't even see how bad he is, entrenched in his own routine. I'd like to think he's not just hanging around for a pay-off, maybe he is, but when all said and done, although I want him gone, I can't wish ill-health on him, not when the actual problem is the fat prick that hired him and the ongoing shite with the Prem stopping us from progressing under a new owner.


He's a millionaire 60 year old, he could pack it in tomorrow if he had any dignity.

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I love that he keeps saying things like “I have managed over 500 games and know how to deal with this situation”. The guy doesn’t have a clue does he. He has one of the worst win percentages of any manager (with a decent number to compare) over the last 20 years and nobody in the media ever calls him out on this. His teams always lose far more than they win

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Up until this little run his worst win ratio was just 28.4%.

If he got back to that we would get about 5 wins and hopefully some draws.

We are literally hoping that the guy can be good enough to be the worst version of himself in order to stay up.

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