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Steve Brute


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He will never ever admit or be seen  to be amongst the “football folk” to any of this being his fault and we as fans will be seen as the Kunts.


100% guaranteed  O0.      No matter what

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Wish someone would clean up that sign  :sad:


Sums the club up, Get rid of a world class proven manager and pay compensation for the worst manager in premier League history.Who isn't good enough so let's spend more to get two other coaches  to help him

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Shame the likes of Sky Sports News didn’t boycott the Press Conferences while the written press are barred. See how pathetic they look when they log on to a Zoom call and there’s no-one there. Or even better if they all logged into the call as normal and no one said a word.

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I don’t have any sympathy for Bruce, he willingly walked into this role as Ashley’s fall guy. He was warned exactly what would happen. If anything I think Bruce wholly underestimated the size of this job and the pressures associated with the role. From the outset he seemed surprised by the level of scrutiny he was under from fans and the media alike. He’s finished here now; he’s already on borrowed time.

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I don’t have any sympathy for Bruce, he willingly walked into this role as Ashley’s fall guy. He was warned exactly what would happen. If anything I think Bruce wholly underestimated the size of this job and the pressures associated with the role. From the outset he seemed surprised by the level of scrutiny he was under from fans and the media alike. He’s finished here now; he’s already on borrowed time.

yep well said
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McClaren accused Craig Hope, who covers the club for the Daily Mail, of having an agenda against the club. "Whatever that journalist writes, I'm afraid I don't read it," the under pressure Magpies' boss said.


"That journalist," was in attendance and wasn't prepared to let McClaren make the claims about, saying: "Steve, don’t you dare accuse me of having an agenda. You're second bottom in the league. I'm not the problem."




McClaren was gone within 10 days.

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McClaren accused Craig Hope, who covers the club for the Daily Mail, of having an agenda against the club. "Whatever that journalist writes, I'm afraid I don't read it," the under pressure Magpies' boss said.


"That journalist," was in attendance and wasn't prepared to let McClaren make the claims about, saying: "Steve, don’t you dare accuse me of having an agenda. You're second bottom in the league. I'm not the problem."




McClaren was gone within 10 days.

Only because Rafa stepped up no other reason

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