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Steve Brute


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Someone made a good point....


Steve isnt on social media. Alex is. Alex receives the "threat" (more abuse than a threat, but hey ho). Alex actively show his father. Steve complains of seeing death threats.


This all could have been prevented has his own son not showed the fucking message to his dad.


"Here dad, here is a list of nasty things that the fans are saying about you."  :lol: :lol:


Just fucking weirdos.

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Not even 'death threats' are they? More like 'death wishes'.


As has been stated, loads of people have wished Mike Ashley a serious injury and worse over the years. But thats different to someone saying.. "Watch your letterbox, mike!"


These things hoping he gets covid and dies, aren't 'death threats'... unless the perp says they have raging covid and are going to find Bruce and cough on him.

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:lol: Fucking hell. I wonder what it feels like to have no self respect.


This is all perfectly indicative of the toxic football club that Ashley has developed over his tenure. What was it Llambias said, something along the lines of "You don't know how nasty we can be"

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The Bruce's have done a great job of tarring all Newcastle fans with the same brush today, well done.


Exactly this - utter twats.


He’s miles more of a bellend than Pardew and I don’t care what anyone says!

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The Bruce's have done a great job of tarring all Newcastle fans with the same brush today, well done.

Exactly this - utter twats.

He’s miles more of a bellend than Pardew and I don’t care what anyone says!

Yep. He's top of the list of the worst for me.

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Guest reefatoon

Death threats are not right no matter what. Calling someone out for being an utter cunt and total shit at his job is fair game though and he deserves stick for that.

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The Bruce's have done a great job of tarring all Newcastle fans with the same brush today, well done.


Exactly this - utter twats.


He’s miles more of a bellend than Pardew and I don’t care what anyone says!


Worst thing is he pretends to be one of us.


Is he fuck, the fat Manc/Mackem sympathising prick.

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I think he's a c*** and I wouldn't p*ss on him if he was on fire, is that too far? It depends where you draw the line.


I think so. It's a strange thing to say.


If Bruce was on fire, and you were there, you would let him burn to death because you dont like him as the football manager of your team? It's weird.


I understand people calling him a cunt on a message board or on twitter. Football is emotive, these types of things are said.


But there clearly is a line.



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Them wankers disabling comments on their tweet says it all - total agenda and loads are weighing in against us!


He knows fine well that he won’t be manager when fans return so he’s basically just taking the piss out of us - wanker!

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Of course these arent coordinated.


I haven't seen the thread/conversation where this statement from Mr Curtis developed from but a few thoughts spilling out:


a) what's stating that he's a Newcastle fan got to do with the matter?  is this like the "I'm one of you guys" speeches so trust what I'm saying?

b)what's the apparent fact that he's a nice bloke got to with it?  What? If he wasn't a 'nice guy' or 'top bloke' then it's all okay to wish him ill harm?  Heck, I'm a nice guy but you wouldn't want me in charge or your multi-million pound assembled football team

c) he has categorically NOT done an "incredible job" at his previous clubs.  That's just a barefaced lie.  Not even open to debate.

d) again he is 100% not doing a good job 'now' or anytime that he has been at NUFC.  He was given a team all set to stake a claim for a Europa league spot and here we are 1.5 seasons later and look where we're at.

e) "Circumstances"..... what circumstances? 

f) "give him a break"?  Why?  Just why?!!!  Is he calling on fans of other clubs to give their under-fire managers 'a break'?




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I think he's a c*** and I wouldn't p*ss on him if he was on fire, is that too far? It depends where you draw the line.


I think so. It's a strange thing to say.


If Bruce was on fire, and you were there, you would let him burn to death because you dont like him as the football manager of your team? It's weird.


I understand people calling him a cunt on a message board or on twitter. Football is emotive, these types of things are said.


But there clearly is a line.




I don't think comments like "I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire" are meant to be taken literally. I mean come on.

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Not seen a single death threat yet. His son's IQ is prob sub 50 so no wonder he can't actually tell what a death treat is. This whole thing is ridiculous. Can you imagine the sort of grief Mou/Wenger/Pep get online.


Don't recally  Moyesy ever kicking up a fuss about this:


:lol: redcafe is the worst
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Not seen a single death threat yet. His son's IQ is prob sub 50 so no wonder he can't actually tell what a death treat is. This whole thing is ridiculous. Can you imagine the sort of grief Mou/Wenger/Pep get online.


Don't recally  Moyesy ever kicking up a fuss about this:


:lol: redcafe is the worst


Nee chance of the Manc police going to Lahore and Seoul to make arrests though.

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"your dad got covid yet?"

is that the best he could come up with? that's barely a fucking insult never mind a death threat.

fucking wankers, him and his dad trying to stain all toon fans. fuck off the pair of yers.

grow a pair ffs.

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When I think back to the way the last manager tried to strike up such a positive relationship with the supporters, which was reciprocated 100%, to this prick who seems determined to do the opposite. He's got a massive dislike of us which is becoming more evident and the feeling is certainly mutual. By far my most hated NUFC manager of all time. It's not even a close run thing.

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he is more bothered by what the media think about him than what the fans do.

he has to be seen as a "good bloke" doesnt he? even moreso than being a good coach.


really has fucked it up for himself hasnt he? the man is so thick.


complete opposite of Rafa in very way.

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Unfortunately what the mass media will never highlight is that you can never control idiots. Even if social media put in place stricter measures over messaging, or harsher retrospective action - they'll always be a moron sat in a pub or p*ssed up at home that'll send some tripe - whether it be racists, sexist, homophobic, or just general knobhead's doing knobhead things. 


Not condoning any of it all, but it all seems too tied in from a media narrative for me. Ian Wright's case was the other week, then we saw daily reports of player's getting racists messages (Tuanzebe, lad from Southampton), then Mike Dean, now Bruce is talking about it with his son coming out about messages send in April/July last year. It's just bandwagonning from Alex Bruce today going on Jim White. Fair enough for him doing so, but if he really felt digusted about it and wanted to raise an issue over it he'd have surely been coming out in the summer.



All the hate stuff I see for Alex Bruce I'm undecided on tbh - can appreciate him giving out stick to fans on Tweets, as a collective fanbase if your giving stick you have to take it; but it's more showing that his Father's 'one of our own' 'booyhood fan' 'whole family are toon fans' bollocks has never taken, and there is a vitriolic consensus that will call out what a lot us on here would think directly to him via any means, i.e through Alex - Steve Bruce is full of s*** and playing up to being a Geordie, and everything he's ever said linking him to the club is just self-aggrandising.


From someone who's not a Geordie, not remotely from the area I see him as a plastic Geordie in terms of being 'black and white' - understanding the passion of the club, the fans - plenty of people can speak to the issue better than I, but I've never wanted Steve Bruce to represent my club, even though he may be a fan or from the area. Even him managing Sunderland previous isn't the biggest issue. It's himself, his persona, all Steve Bruce is interested in is Steve Bruce - not Newcastle United. Keegan, Robson, Rafa gave over their heart all sole for what was best for the club and supporters.

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