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Steve Brute


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Wait, so is he saying the second half was difficult, so they just packed it in and thought sod it we'll just sit back? :lol:


Did he instruct them to do this then? What is going on at this club man? :lol:

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Now he's cribbing our defence and our shape from Rafa what has Bruce actually offered to the team? If he's just about improving and working with players which players have actually improved? Matty Longstaff may be only thing he can claim and even that is dubious...

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At least McClaren was trying to impose a style on us, it didn't work at all but at least there was something, not sure we'd be any different if we just didn't have a manager and told our players to remember what Rafa told the team to do

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At least McClaren was trying to impose a style on us, it didn't work at all but at least there was something, not sure we'd be any different if we just didn't have a manager and told our players to remember what Rafa told the team to do


That's what we're doing effectively. When Bruce makes any input it's usually bizarre like the one man midfield we ended up finishing the game with.

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So fucking depressing that, in an era where we actually won the Championship, we expect Bruce - a man who left one of the biggest clubs in that division in 16th place - to take us forward in the Premier League. Just how, on God's green Earth, can any fan take us seriously? How can you support this?

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It's becoming clear that he's not so much a manager as a walking void where a manager should be. He does not improve players, he offers no tactical plans of his own, his inputs in game are indecisive and basically random. Of course he won't take responsibility for our performances, he has not done anything. He's such an absence of presence he can't even lose the dressing room, they probably don't even notice he's there, just some faint smell of boiled cabbage and white noise.

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Fat Lee probably loves the fact he hasn’t thought about transfers yet. Bet Rafa gave that lot no fucking peace


To be fair to Bruce I bet it's not just transfers, he's probably so behind on opposition prep he's about to start work on how to beat Man United

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Look how fucking steep things get from match game 22 onward under Rafa. He really beasts the latter end of the season. Bruce will probably stumble up to that point not far behind, but then get totally left behind for the rest of it.

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It'll be sort of a relief when the Bruce/Ashley fanboys can no longer roll out the fatuous line that "We're doing better than at this stage last season under Rafa."


You better believe them excuses will mutate into some other inane reason to big Bruce up/put Rafa down.


Why can't people not just look at what's actually happening right now without resorting to comparison's? Like, is this version of Newcastle really something they're happy with and are they really worthy of support?


Seems harsh on the players but something's got to give! We can't just keep burying our heads and accepting such mediocrity because you know, Leeds and Portsmouth blah blah Steve's a good lad from Wallsend.


It's fucking rotten to its core and I'm sick of having to shelve my support because of one man and his fuckwittery.

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Well he copies the Rafa formation but that’s as far as the likeness goes. We’ll get turned over away from home a fair bit. At home we seem defensively sound, was surprised when I heard the stat that we’ve got the best defensive home record in the division but unless he changes the way the front 3 play, he’s not going to get the goals to stay up. There’s going to be a lot of 0-0s, 1-1s and 1-0s to either side at home if he doesn’t.

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