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Steve Brute


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What the fuck does that even mean?


So only teams in the bottom half have bad runs?


Its generally teams with a shite manager in my opinion.


Yeah, he's justifying being shit by the actuality of being shit.


It's quite brilliant

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Blaming VAR....


Newcastle manager Steve Bruce to BBC Sport: "I've got no issues with the red card - we can't argue with that and you can't argue with how poor we are in the first half.


"But the penalty baffles me. The referee got it spot on in real time. It hit [Fernandez's] hand but it's not intentional. It could have been a foul on him as well.


"VAR is supposed to be for clear and obvious decisions. How someone 300 miles away on a TV screen can overturn it is beyond me.

"You know when the referee goes to the screen it will be a penalty - it's pathetic. It's beyond me.


"And then there's a horror challenge by Billy Sharp, that should be a straight red card. It's blatant. They didn't check it. It's laughable the whole VAR situation and I don't think anyone enjoys it.


"I'm struggling to cope with it. Week in week out, it's ruining the game."


Can someone explain to him a TV works

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