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1 hour ago, Wullie said:

Bring back the Anglo-Italian imo.

Loved playing that one in the old Champ Man.

In other news, looks like Laporta has managed to weasel us back in the good graces of UEFA by blaming it on Bartomeu, given Ceferin's last interview. 



Edited by Village Idiot

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1 hour ago, Wullie said:

Already edited my post to that effect, didn't want to exclude another of my favourite pieces of border related football trivia!

This sort of knowledge is what first dates are made for.



Edited by Fantail Breeze

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2 hours ago, Unlucky Luque said:

Aye, the Royal League. Only lasted a couple of years in the mid-2000's. No one was bothered to pay for the TV-rights IIRC

And no one wanted to go, and no one wanted to play in them because the games were played in the winter in fucking Scandinavia :lol:

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Shame on the PL ceo for meeting with big 6 reps the day before PL meetings.  It sets a terrible precedent and fostered this breakaway.  It also lends further credence to our takeover being scuttled because the big 6  knew all the details and had his ear to bend.  If I'm the 14 the very first thing I'm doing is asking Masters to resign then I'm changing policy so this can never happen again.  

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52 minutes ago, ponsaelius said:

It's pretty hilarious that on the one hand Perez is trying to claim that the Super League is the only way these clubs will be able to afford to sign big players, while the the Super League cartel was also trying to argue that its also the only way it will make football more financially stable. It's such an absurdist contradiction that reflects the conflicting motivations of the clubs involved.

The thing is if none of these clubs can afford to buy anybody then this is a good thing! You then either cut your cloth accordingly or you go into financial meltdown. It would result in a huge deflation of transfer fees and wages. Either way this levels the playing field and well-run clubs might have a chance to actually have a genuine go at winning the Premier League, Serie A or La Liga. This would be great for all fans and for football in general.

However it would obviously be bad for these clubs which have essentially built a massive ponzi scheme in order to keep up with the joneses. It's such a desperate and cynical power grab to save themselves and attempt to freeze football in time.

Totally agree, the only thing that has come out of this sorry episode is that the biggest clubs in Europe are ran by fuckin idiots who couldn't balance a cheque book never mind the finances of a football club, to get their clubs in that sort of debt is grounds for gross misconduct IMO and for them to try and sort out their financial issues by creating more debt is absolutely fuckin moronic. These super agents must come out of transfer and contract negotiations laughing their cocks off when dealing with these childish fuckin vanity obsessed charlatans.

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A couple of pointless observations around this whole clusterfuck;-

1) If Ashley had somehow managed to wangle us a seat at the table, I don't think he'd have pulled out/buckled like the others have.

2) If Sky were engaged by the ESL folks, this wouldn't have had anywhere near the reaction nor coverage it's had. That's probably the ESL's number one fuck up, not engaging the key media ahead of announcing. If they'd swung a deal in there for Sky to get it launched, they could've easily then shipped Sky out and brought in Amazon or whomever.

Make no mistake, as well as Neville/Carragher etc have spoken, they've been put out like performing monkeys by Sky to protect their overall interests.

The media self-interest killed this notion. Not the fans.

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2 minutes ago, ToonArmy1892 said:

Did Cardiff and Swansea start in the bottom tier when they joined the English leagues?

Swansea wiki reckons "They were admitted into the Football League in 1920 and won the Third Division South title in 1924–25. They again won the Third Division South title in 1948–49, having been relegated two years previously." When they were formed there was no Welsh league for them to join.

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12 minutes ago, Minhosa said:

A couple of pointless observations around this whole clusterfuck;-

1) If Ashley had somehow managed to wangle us a seat at the table, I don't think he'd have pulled out/buckled like the others have.

2) If Sky were engaged by the ESL folks, this wouldn't have had anywhere near the reaction nor coverage it's had. That's probably the ESL's number one fuck up, not engaging the key media ahead of announcing. If they'd swung a deal in there for Sky to get it launched, they could've easily then shipped Sky out and brought in Amazon or whomever.

Make no mistake, as well as Neville/Carragher etc have spoken, they've been put out like performing monkeys by Sky to protect their overall interests.

The media self-interest killed this notion. Not the fans.

:thup: said the next morning that, irrespective of how passionate (and correct) Neville was, he was performing the same function as Richard Keys did during our takeover

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34 minutes ago, ToonArmy1892 said:

Did Cardiff and Swansea start in the bottom tier when they joined the English leagues?

There wasn't a Welsh league when the clubs were founded so they joined the English league system. Goes for Wrexham and Newport County as well. Prob a couple more.

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4 hours ago, Yorkie said:

I think we should prepare ourselves for saying goodbye to the traditional 92 within the next ten years. Whether that involves some amalgamation with Scotland, who knows, but if it does let's pray that it's done fairly and somewhat equitably.

There must be the bones to an England-Scotland system that works for the majority, rather than works for two Scottish teams whilst massively penalising the rest. Dunno what it looks like though or how we'd get there. Introducing any Scottish teams at all to the fourth/fifth/sixth tiers of English football would certainly be a logistical nightmare with the distances/accessibility and would alienate a huge amount of traveling fans. You could say, make it regional (there's an argument to do that from the English third tier anyway, if football is going to contribute at all to tackling the climate crisis), but then the most obvious region would just be Scotland. :lol:

I largely agree.

I’ll admit I wouldn’t really have a problem with the English and Scottish leagues merging. Something needs to be done about the decline of quality of football in Scotland. Just taking Rangers and Celtic wouldn’t help, it would just take what money they have, out of it.

I’m not convinced Celtic or Rangers are Premier League quality, I think they would very much be a yo-yo club, at least initially.

If were to happen then it has to be a full merger, and if that happen we are likely going to have to split League 2 into a North and South setup, possibly League 1 as well (you can’t have Exeter vs Inverness and a lower league fixture), or introducing a league between them.

It would be worth looking at reducing the amount of teams in each EFL league, like they considered a few years ago.



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I suspect fans of other Scottish clubs would tell you to fuck off and leave their league alone rather than marching in with a St George flag and pronouncing that you're going to improve the quality of football here at Stenhousemuir.

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4 minutes ago, Wullie said:

I suspect fans of other Scottish clubs would tell you to fuck off and leave their league alone rather than marching in with a St George flag and pronouncing that you're going to improve the quality of football here at Stenhousemuir.

Quite possibly, a lot of politics will come into it, in saying that though I’d bet a large chunk of Celtic’s support politically support an independent Scotland, and a unified Ireland, but would jump at the chance of joining the Premier League.



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5 hours ago, Unlucky Luque said:

Aye, the Royal League. Only lasted a couple of years in the mid-2000's. No one was bothered to pay for the TV-rights IIRC

There was no carrot at the end of the stick for any of the teams to bother with it. They wanted to get EL qualification for the winner but couldn't get it, so if you qualified for the RL you just qualified for some meaningless extra games and that showed.

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36 minutes ago, Wullie said:

I suspect fans of other Scottish clubs would tell you to fuck off and leave their league alone rather than marching in with a St George flag and pronouncing that you're going to improve the quality of football here at Stenhousemuir.

Assuming Scottish football needs to retain its biggest revenue generators for the same reason English football needs to retain its - some reform there would surely be necessary if the Old Firm packed its bags? Where do Stenhousemuir get the bulk of their finances? Does Scotland have a trickle-down system like England (which would presumably take a massive hit in the event of Celtic and Rangers leaving?) Asking cos I don't know. Would be good to get a the likes of @TaylorJ_01's view on this stuff. 

Obviously the political issues would mean creating a 'British league' would be massively unpopular with a massive proportion of the fanbase, but you'd like to think it's something the authorities could discuss one day openly and constructively. Scotland has the most lucrative league in the world immediately next door, it's a pity for it that it might as well be just as distant as the Belarusian league. 

I dunno. I just feel like change is going to come eventually and the discourse needs to be shaped around equality and mutual gains, lest we end up with total shite like the Super League. 

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